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The objectives of this homework assignment are: 1. Understand basic Graphical User Interface (GUI) objects 2. Write a GUI application a. Identify the GUI objects

The objectives of this homework assignment are: 1. Understand basic Graphical User Interface (GUI) objects 2. Write a GUI application a. Identify the GUI objects that are necessary for the application b. Organize the positions and functions of these GUI objects for the application c. Design the application such that the user interface is sensible and user-friendly d. Design the application such that the user interface is robust and can recover from errant response from the user 3. Make use of event-driven programming to replace while loops a. Learn how Javas delegation-based event model allows a GUI application to be always ready to receive the next user input 4. Familiarize with the javax.swing and java.AWT packages and layout management 5. Familiarize with a searching method 6. Master code documentation, compilation, and execution 7. Expose to Java syntax, programming styles, and a Java classes. The Graphical User Interface (GUI) is an important component in software. It provides a userfriendly communication medium between the users and an application. Users provide input to the application; the application processes the input, performs some computations and provides some feedback to the users. The role of the GUI is to provide the bridge between the user and the application. Java provides a variety of tools to help us build a GUI easily. The Swing library provides a rich set of graphical components. For example, JFrame, JPanel, and JDialog are some of the classes that can help you put graphical component into your interface. JButton, JTextfield, JRadioButton, and JCheckBox are graphical components you might use for your GUI. Layout Managers help you organize your interface components in a natural and user-friendly manner. Objectives Problem Description 2 Java also provides an event-handling mechanism that facilitates user centric programming. Any action performed by the user is captured and notification is send to the application. The application must respond to these actions accordingly. You can write action listeners to process different actions that you think are meaningful to your application. For this assignment, you will update your solutions from the previous Vending Machine Assignment to include a Graphical User Interface while still mimicking the operations of several vending machines. More specifically, the program simulates what happens when the user chooses one of the vending machines, inputs money, searches for and picks an item from the vending machine. Assume there are two vending machines: one for drinks and one for snacks. Each vending machine contains several items. The name, price, and quantity of each item are given in two text files; one named drinks.txt for the drinks vending machine and the other named snacks.txt for the snacks vending machine. The format of the input values is comma-separated. The items listed should be organized in the file with the following order: name, price, quantity. The actual reading and parsing of the input file is already handled in the example code supplied to you). You are given the variables as individual values. You will need to expand upon your solution from the previous homework where you completed three classes: Item, VendingMachine, and VendingMachineDriver. That functionality is the starting point and basis for this new assignment. Now you will create a GUI for the solution and expand the functionality slightly. We can now have many more items in each of our Vending Machines, so you will need to allow for the user to select items for purchase using a letter-number combination. Also, since there are many more items, the user should have the ability to search for the item they would like to purchase to find out the letter-number combination quickly and easily. First, when the program starts, the user is allowed to select the Vending Machine they wish to use from a drop down selection box. See figure below: Milk,2.00,1 3 Once a machine is selected, the user can then enter the amount of money they want to spend into an input dialog box. See figure below: Now the system will display the main screen for allowing the user to make their item selection. Again, since we have more items than before, we will allow the user to make their selection via two key pads; one with letters and the other with numbers. The user will enter the letter-number combination for the item they wish to purchase. If they do not have enough money for the item, the system will indicate such and allow them to either add more money or make a different selection. Here are the features for this screen: Machine Menu: This large area displays the list of items in the vending machine. Each item in the list will have its corresponding letter-number code, its cost, and its current quantity (in parentheses). Search: When the user enters some text to search, the system will search through the menu items to find the appropriate one and display it below the box with all its information. If the item is not found, it will indicate no item was found. Key Pads: Allows the user to enter the letter-number combination for the item they wish to purchase. The values entered are displayed below the number keypad. Since every item is just a single letter followed by a single number, the display below the key pads only displays up to two characters at a time and shows only the last two values entered. Money Remaining: Displays to the user the amount of money they have entered into the vending machine. Add Money: This button allows the user to go back and add more money into the machine. It would simply take them to the previous dialog box where they can add an additional amount to what already exists in the machine. Vend: This button will give the user the item selected (displayed in the Item Selection field by reducing its inventory and returning any change to the user. If the user does not have enough money for the item, it will display a message dialog asking the user to select a different item or add more money. Once done vending, the user will be taken back to the original Vending Machine Selection screen. Get Change: This button will allow the user to get their change without making a purchase. It will return them to the original Vending Machine Selection screen. / import*; import java.util.Scanner; /************************************************************************* * Simulates a real life vending machine with stock read from a file. * * CSCE 155A Fall 2017 * * @file * @author Jeremy Suing * @version 1.0 * @date November 3, 2017 *************************************************************************/ public class VendingMachine { // data members private Item[] stock; // Array of Item objects in machine private double money; // Amount of revenue earned by machine private double userMoney=-1; //to store the user input money /********************************************************************* * This is the constructor of the VendingMachine class that take a file name * for the items to be loaded into the vending machine. * * It creates objects of the Item class from the information in the file to * populate into the stock of the vending machine. It does this by looping * the file to determine the number of items and then reading the items and * populating the array of stock. * * @param filename * Name of the file containing the items to stock into this * instance of the vending machine. * @throws FileNotFoundException * If issues reading the file. *********************************************************************/ public VendingMachine(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException { // Open the file to read with the scanner File file = new File(filename); Scanner scan = new Scanner(file); // Determine the total number of items listed in the file int totalItem = 0; while (scan.hasNextLine()) { scan.nextLine(); totalItem++; } // End while another item in file // Create the array of stock with the appropriate number of items stock = new Item[totalItem]; scan.close(); // Open the file again with a new scanner to read the items scan = new Scanner(file); int itemQuantity = -1; double itemPrice = -1; String itemDesc = ""; int count = 0; String line = ""; // Read through the items in the file to get their information // Create the item objects and put them into the array of stock while (scan.hasNextLine()) { line = scan.nextLine(); String[] tokens = line.split(","); try { itemDesc = tokens[0]; itemPrice = Double.parseDouble(tokens[1]); itemQuantity = Integer.parseInt(tokens[2]); stock[count] = new Item(itemDesc, itemPrice, itemQuantity); count++; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { System.out.println("Bad item in file " + filename + " on row " + (count + 1) + "."); } } // End while another item in file scan.close(); // Initialize the money data variable. money = 0.0; } // End VendingMachine constructor // End VendingMachine class definition // setter and getter method // method to handle the vending transaction public void vend(Item[] userMachine, Scanner scnr) { if(userMoney==-1){ userMoney = getMoneyInput(scnr); } if (userMoney != -1) { System.out.printf("you have $%.2f to spend,Please make a selection (enter 0 to exit) ",userMoney); int choice=getUserChoice(scnr); if(choice==0){ /** * didnt buy anything from machine */ System.out.printf("%s. Your change is $%.2f ",outputMessage(5),userMoney); /** * resetting the user money */ userMoney=-1; }else{ if(choice<0 || choice>userMachine.length){ /** * Invalid selection of item, displays the error message and exits to the main menu */ System.out.println(outputMessage(3)); System.out.printf("Your change is $%.2f",userMoney); userMoney=-1; }else{ if(userMachine[choice-1].getQuantity()==0){ /** * Out of stock, prompt the user to enter a new selection */ System.out.println(outputMessage(4));/*out of stock*/ vend(userMachine, scnr); /*recalling the method to prompt the user again*/ }else { if(userMachine[choice-1].getPrice()>userMoney){ /** * Insufficient money */ System.out.println(outputMessage(1)); double additionalMoney=getMoneyInput(scnr); if(additionalMoney==-1){ /** * Didn't buy anything from machine */ System.out.printf("%s. Your change is $%.2f ",outputMessage(5),userMoney); userMoney=-1; }else{ /** * Additional money received */ userMoney+=additionalMoney; vend(userMachine, scnr); } }else{ /** * A vending transaction taking place */ String item=userMachine[choice-1].getItemDesc(); double price=userMachine[choice-1].getPrice(); double change=userMoney-userMachine[choice-1].getPrice(); /** * Adding money to the vending machine (business) */ money+=price; /** * updating the quantity */ userMachine[choice-1].setQuantity(userMachine[choice-1].getQuantity()-1);//updating the quantity System.out.printf("You bought %s for $%.2f, your change is $%.2f",item,price,change); /** * resetting the user money */ userMoney=-1; } } } } } } // returns the proper message if vend has an issue public String outputMessage(Integer message) { if (message == 1) { return "You do not have enough money. Please add more money or exit."; } else if (message == 2) { return "Invalid input... try again!"; }else if(message==3){ return "Invalid choice"; }else if(message==4){ return "Sorry the machine is currently out of that item."; }else if(message==5){ return "You did not buy anything from this machine"; } return null; } /** * A helper method designed to get valid money input from the user */ public double getMoneyInput(Scanner scnr) { double money = -1; System.out .println("Please enter some money into the machine.(Enter -1 to exit.)"); try { money = Double.parseDouble(scnr.nextLine()); if(money!=-1 && money<=0){ /** * if the user tries to enter money less than 0 */ throw new Exception(); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Invalid input... try again!"); return getMoneyInput(scnr); } return money; } /** * helper method to get a valid choice from user */ public int getUserChoice(Scanner scnr) { int choice = -1; try { choice = Integer.parseInt(scnr.nextLine()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(outputMessage(2)); return getUserChoice(scnr); } return choice; } // Creates and prints the menu of the vending machine public void printMenu(Item[] machineChoice, Scanner scnr) { System.out.println("Item#\tItem\tPrice\tQty"); for (int i = 0; i < machineChoice.length; i++) { System.out .printf("%d\t%s\t%.2f\t%d ", (i + 1), machineChoice[i].getItemDesc(), machineChoice[i].getPrice(), machineChoice[i].getQuantity()); } /** * Scanning a blank line to clear the buffer. */ scnr.nextLine(); /** * Calling the vend() method */ vend(machineChoice, scnr); } public Item[] getStock() { return stock; } public double getMoney() { return money; } } // import; import java.util.Scanner; public class VendingMachineDriver { public static void main(String[] args) { boolean exit = false; Scanner scnr = new Scanner(; VendingMachine drinks = null;// creates a VendingMachine object for the // drink machine VendingMachine snacks = null;// creates a VendingMachine object for the // snacks machine // reads in the correct file and sends it to VendingMachine constructor // to create a stock[] // of each file try { drinks = new VendingMachine("drinks.txt"); snacks = new VendingMachine("snacks.txt"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Welcome to Matt's Super Vending Machines!"); System.out.println(" I sense that you are hungry or thirsty..."); // allows user to chose their machine or exit the program while (!exit) { System.out.println(" Please select a vending machine:"); System.out.print("A-Drinks, B-Snacks, X-Exit: "); String machineChoice =; if (machineChoice.equalsIgnoreCase("a")) { // pass scanner as parameter, since the Zybook can only // indentify one scanner drinks.printMenu(drinks.getStock(), scnr); } else if (machineChoice.equalsIgnoreCase("b")) { // pass scanner as parameter, since the Zybook can only // indentify one scanner snacks.printMenu(snacks.getStock(), scnr); } else if (machineChoice.equalsIgnoreCase("x")) { exit = true; break; } else { System.out.println("Invalid selection try again."); } } // gets the money earned from snack machine and drink machine and // displays it for the total earnings System.out .printf(" The vending machine has made $%.02f. Thank you for your business!", (snacks.getMoney() + drinks.getMoney())); scnr.close(); } } // public class Item { protected String itemDesc; protected double price; protected int quantity; /** * @return the itemDesc */ public String getItemDesc() { return itemDesc; } /** * @param itemDesc * the itemDesc to set */ public void setItemDesc(String itemDesc) { this.itemDesc = itemDesc; } /** * @return the price */ public double getPrice() { return price; } /** * @param price * the price to set */ public void setPrice(double price) { this.price = price; } /** * @return the quantity */ public int getQuantity() { return quantity; } /** * @param quantity * the quantity to set */ public void setQuantity(int quantity) { this.quantity = quantity; } public Item(String itemDesc, double price, int quantity) { this.itemDesc = itemDesc; this.price = price; this.quantity = quantity; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode() */ @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((itemDesc == null) ? 0 : itemDesc.hashCode()); result = (int) (prime * result + price); result = prime * result + quantity; return result; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; Item other = (Item) obj; if (itemDesc == null) { if (other.itemDesc != null) return false; } else if (!itemDesc.equals(other.itemDesc)) return false; if (price != other.price) return false; if (quantity != other.quantity) return false; return true; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { return "Item [itemDesc=" + itemDesc + ", price=" + price + ", quantity=" + quantity + "]"; } }

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