The owher of Showtame Movie Thesters, Incy would like to predict weekly gross revenue as a function of advertisng expenditures. Ristoneal data for a sample of naht veeks are entered into the Microsoft Excel Online fle below. Use the XUMiner Analyeit Toolpak to perform your regression analyeis in the deagnated areas of the spreadshect. Due to a recent change by Microsolt you will need to open the XiMiner Analysis Tootpak add-in manually from the hoone nbbon- Sorecnshot of Yoolakk. Open spreadsheet a. Develop an estimnted regression equabon with the amount of televition advertieng as the indeperident variable (to 2 . Secimals). Revenue = TVAdy b. Develop an ettimated regression equabon with both television advertising and newspaper advertising as the independent variabies (to 2 deomale). Revenue = TVAdv + Hewsady c. ts the etimated regression equation cofficient for televioon advertising expendiures the same in pait (o) and in part fo)? d. Predict weekly gross revenue for a week when 15.1 thousand is spent en television advertising and a a a thoosand it toent on newsowier advertieng fte 2 decimals)? in thoursands The owher of Showtame Movie Thesters, Incy would like to predict weekly gross revenue as a function of advertisng expenditures. Ristoneal data for a sample of naht veeks are entered into the Microsoft Excel Online fle below. Use the XUMiner Analyeit Toolpak to perform your regression analyeis in the deagnated areas of the spreadshect. Due to a recent change by Microsolt you will need to open the XiMiner Analysis Tootpak add-in manually from the hoone nbbon- Sorecnshot of Yoolakk. Open spreadsheet a. Develop an estimnted regression equabon with the amount of televition advertieng as the indeperident variable (to 2 . Secimals). Revenue = TVAdy b. Develop an ettimated regression equabon with both television advertising and newspaper advertising as the independent variabies (to 2 deomale). Revenue = TVAdv + Hewsady c. ts the etimated regression equation cofficient for televioon advertising expendiures the same in pait (o) and in part fo)? d. Predict weekly gross revenue for a week when 15.1 thousand is spent en television advertising and a a a thoosand it toent on newsowier advertieng fte 2 decimals)? in thoursands