The purpose of this two part project is to explore how you have formed your personal identity. where your habits come from, and how diversity impacts communities and individuals. To explore these questions, follow the Part 1 and Part 2 prompts below to write a two-paragraph response. Your entries are private, like the rest of your journals/projects, so remember only the instructor will be viewing them. Make sure to review the rubric for the project, this is what your grade will be based on. Part 1 of 2(350450 words ): Using Chapter 6 vocabulary and information, please answer the questions below in 350450 words, written in paragraph format: "Note: There is no grade penatty for going over the 450 -word count. 1. First, describe some of your scripts that you hwe for have had in the past). Please see chapter 6 in On Course for suggestions. 2. How do your scripts impact your success in school (positively or negativelyl? 3. Now, using the definition given in chapter 6 , describe some of the core beliefs that you have for have had in the past). 4. How do your core beliefs impact you (or how you see yourselfl? 5. Think of an influential person in your life: Describe specifically how they impacted your thought, emotional and/or behavioral patterns. Part 2 of 2(350450 words): Explore how you interact with others who are lor appear) different from yourself. Please answer the questions below in 350450 words, written in paragraph format: 'Note: There is no grade penalty for going over the 450 -word count. 1. How do your scripts or core beliefs ldefined in chapter 6 of On Coursel impact your view of others? 2. In what ways do we sometimes feel we are different from others? What are some categories of "difference" we might notice? How do you handle those differences? What do you appreciate or value about people who are different from you? Refer back to the "Respecting Cultural Difterences" section of Chapter 5 of On Course for ideas on these topics. 3. For these next equestions. first review the video in the Module 6 Learning Activities page titled "What is Globalization." Our communities are growing more diverse every day and our workplaces are too. Just in Indiana, there are more than 1.050 businesses based in 37 countries. Emplopers want to know that you have the skills to thrive in a diverse global comminity and marketplace. A Global Workforce. Skills Certificate from Ivy Tech sets your application apart from the crowd. THEN, answer the following questions: - How do you impact your community and your emvironment? Think locally about familly neighbors, classmates, co-workers, as well as more giobally about fellow citizens of the citystateination/world. For example, do you volunteer or do you recycle? How do these types of activities impact your local and global community? - What is the impact of practicing both self-awareness and social awareness in a global society? - How can awareness of global interconnectivity impact your own academic journey and current/future career in a global society