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The question is basically to implement the 2 functions, selection sort and quicksort functions. As you can see in the source code below, the functions

The question is basically to implement the 2 functions, selection sort and quicksort functions. As you can see in the source code below, the functions are empty in the VectorSorting.cpp

I also included 2 other source code files and a input text file. They are separated by *****************

The VectorSorting.cpp program is partially completed - it contains empty methods representing the programming interface used to interact with the linked list. You will need to add logic to the methods to implement the necessary behavior. Here are the methods in VectorSorting.cpp that you have to complete:

void selectionSort(vector& bids)

void quickSort(vector& bids, int begin, int end) int partition(vector& bids, int begin, int end)

Task 1: Implement the selection sort algorithm: Code the selection sort logic using bid.title as the sort field. Invoke the selectionSort() method from the main() method including collecting and reporting timing results.

Task 2: Implement the quicksort algorithm: Code the quicksort logic using bid.title as the sort field. Invoke the quickSort() method from the main() method including collecting and reporting timing results.

********************************************* VectorSorting.cpp ****************************************

#include #include #include

#include "CSVparser.hpp"

using namespace std;

//============================================================================ // Global definitions visible to all methods and classes //============================================================================

// forward declarations double strToDouble(string str, char ch);

// define a structure to hold bid information struct Bid { string bidId; // unique identifier string title; string fund; double amount; Bid() { amount = 0.0; } };

//============================================================================ // Static methods used for testing //============================================================================

/** * Display the bid information to the console (std::out) * * @param bid struct containing the bid info */ void displayBid(Bid bid) { cout << bid.bidId << ": " << bid.title << " | " << bid.amount << " | " << << endl; return; }

/** * Prompt user for bid information using console (std::in) * * @return Bid struct containing the bid info */ Bid getBid() { Bid bid;

cout << "Enter Id: "; cin.ignore(); getline(cin, bid.bidId);

cout << "Enter title: "; getline(cin, bid.title);

cout << "Enter fund: "; cin >>;

cout << "Enter amount: "; cin.ignore(); string strAmount; getline(cin, strAmount); bid.amount = strToDouble(strAmount, '$');

return bid; }

/** * Load a CSV file containing bids into a container * * @param csvPath the path to the CSV file to load * @return a container holding all the bids read */ vector loadBids(string csvPath) { cout << "Loading CSV file " << csvPath << endl;

// Define a vector data structure to hold a collection of bids. vector bids;

// initialize the CSV Parser using the given path csv::Parser file = csv::Parser(csvPath);

try { // loop to read rows of a CSV file for (int i = 0; i < file.rowCount(); i++) {

// Create a data structure and add to the collection of bids Bid bid; bid.bidId = file[i][1]; bid.title = file[i][0]; = file[i][8]; bid.amount = strToDouble(file[i][4], '$');

//cout << "Item: " << bid.title << ", Fund: " << << ", Amount: " << bid.amount << endl;

// push this bid to the end bids.push_back(bid); } } catch (csv::Error &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } return bids; }

// FIXME (2a): Implement the quick sort logic over bid.title

/** * Partition the vector of bids into two parts, low and high * * @param bids Address of the vector instance to be partitioned * @param begin Beginning index to partition * @param end Ending index to partition */ int partition(vector& bids, int begin, int end) {


/** * Perform a quick sort on bid title * Average performance: O(n log(n)) * Worst case performance O(n^2)) * * @param bids address of the vector instance to be sorted * @param begin the beginning index to sort on * @param end the ending index to sort on */ void quickSort(vector& bids, int begin, int end) { }

// FIXME (1a): Implement the selection sort logic over bid.title

/** * Perform a selection sort on bid title * Average performance: O(n^2)) * Worst case performance O(n^2)) * * @param bid address of the vector * instance to be sorted */ void selectionSort(vector& bids) { }

/** * Simple C function to convert a string to a double * after stripping out unwanted char * * credit: * * @param ch The character to strip out */ double strToDouble(string str, char ch) { str.erase(remove(str.begin(), str.end(), ch), str.end()); return atof(str.c_str()); }

/** * The one and only main() method */ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

// process command line arguments string csvPath; switch (argc) { case 2: csvPath = argv[1]; break; default: csvPath = "eBid_Monthly_Sales_Dec_2016.csv"; }

// Define a vector to hold all the bids vector bids;

// Define a timer variable clock_t ticks;

int choice = 0; while (choice != 9) { cout << "Menu:" << endl; cout << " 1. Load Bids" << endl; cout << " 2. Display All Bids" << endl; cout << " 3. Selection Sort All Bids" << endl; cout << " 4. Quick Sort All Bids" << endl; cout << " 9. Exit" << endl; cout << "Enter choice: "; cin >> choice;

switch (choice) {

case 1: // Initialize a timer variable before loading bids ticks = clock();

// Complete the method call to load the bids bids = loadBids(csvPath);

cout << bids.size() << " bids read" << endl;

// Calculate elapsed time and display result ticks = clock() - ticks; // current clock ticks minus starting clock ticks cout << "time: " << ticks << " clock ticks" << endl; cout << "time: " << ticks * 1.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl;


case 2: // Loop and display the bids read for (int i = 0; i < bids.size(); ++i) { displayBid(bids[i]); } cout << endl;


// FIXME (1b): Invoke the selection sort and report timing results

// FIXME (2b): Invoke the quick sort and report timing results

} }

cout << "Good bye." << endl;

return 0; }

******************************************* CSVparser.hpp ********************************************

#ifndef _CSVPARSER_HPP_ # define _CSVPARSER_HPP_

# include # include # include # include # include

namespace csv { class Error : public std::runtime_error {

public: Error(const std::string &msg): std::runtime_error(std::string("CSVparser : ").append(msg)) { } };

class Row { public: Row(const std::vector &); ~Row(void);

public: unsigned int size(void) const; void push(const std::string &); bool set(const std::string &, const std::string &);

private: const std::vector _header; std::vector _values;


template const T getValue(unsigned int pos) const { if (pos < _values.size()) { T res; std::stringstream ss; ss << _values[pos]; ss >> res; return res; } throw Error("can't return this value (doesn't exist)"); } const std::string operator[](unsigned int) const; const std::string operator[](const std::string &valueName) const; friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Row &row); friend std::ofstream& operator<<(std::ofstream& os, const Row &row); };

enum DataType { eFILE = 0, ePURE = 1 };

class Parser {

public: Parser(const std::string &, const DataType &type = eFILE, char sep = ','); ~Parser(void);

public: Row &getRow(unsigned int row) const; unsigned int rowCount(void) const; unsigned int columnCount(void) const; std::vector getHeader(void) const; const std::string getHeaderElement(unsigned int pos) const; const std::string &getFileName(void) const;

public: bool deleteRow(unsigned int row); bool addRow(unsigned int pos, const std::vector &); void sync(void) const;

protected: void parseHeader(void); void parseContent(void);

private: std::string _file; const DataType _type; const char _sep; std::vector _originalFile; std::vector _header; std::vector _content;

public: Row &operator[](unsigned int row) const; }; }

#endif /*!_CSVPARSER_HPP_*/

*************************************************** CSVparser.cpp *******************************************

#include #include #include #include "CSVparser.hpp"

namespace csv {

Parser::Parser(const std::string &data, const DataType &type, char sep) : _type(type), _sep(sep) { std::string line; if (type == eFILE) { _file = data; std::ifstream ifile(_file.c_str()); if (ifile.is_open()) { while (ifile.good()) { getline(ifile, line); if (line != "") _originalFile.push_back(line); } ifile.close();

if (_originalFile.size() == 0) throw Error(std::string("No Data in ").append(_file)); parseHeader(); parseContent(); } else throw Error(std::string("Failed to open ").append(_file)); } else { std::istringstream stream(data); while (std::getline(stream, line)) if (line != "") _originalFile.push_back(line); if (_originalFile.size() == 0) throw Error(std::string("No Data in pure content"));

parseHeader(); parseContent(); } }

Parser::~Parser(void) { std::vector::iterator it;

for (it = _content.begin(); it != _content.end(); it++) delete *it; }

void Parser::parseHeader(void) { std::stringstream ss(_originalFile[0]); std::string item;

while (std::getline(ss, item, _sep)) _header.push_back(item); }

void Parser::parseContent(void) { std::vector::iterator it; it = _originalFile.begin(); it++; // skip header

for (; it != _originalFile.end(); it++) { bool quoted = false; int tokenStart = 0; unsigned int i = 0;

Row *row = new Row(_header);

for (; i != it->length(); i++) { if (it->at(i) == '"') quoted = ((quoted) ? (false) : (true)); else if (it->at(i) == ',' && !quoted) { row->push(it->substr(tokenStart, i - tokenStart)); tokenStart = i + 1; } }

//end row->push(it->substr(tokenStart, it->length() - tokenStart));

// if value(s) missing if (row->size() != _header.size()) throw Error("corrupted data !"); _content.push_back(row); } }

Row &Parser::getRow(unsigned int rowPosition) const { if (rowPosition < _content.size()) return *(_content[rowPosition]); throw Error("can't return this row (doesn't exist)"); }

Row &Parser::operator[](unsigned int rowPosition) const { return Parser::getRow(rowPosition); }

unsigned int Parser::rowCount(void) const { return _content.size(); }

unsigned int Parser::columnCount(void) const { return _header.size(); }

std::vector Parser::getHeader(void) const { return _header; }

const std::string Parser::getHeaderElement(unsigned int pos) const { if (pos >= _header.size()) throw Error("can't return this header (doesn't exist)"); return _header[pos]; }

bool Parser::deleteRow(unsigned int pos) { if (pos < _content.size()) { delete *(_content.begin() + pos); _content.erase(_content.begin() + pos); return true; } return false; }

bool Parser::addRow(unsigned int pos, const std::vector &r) { Row *row = new Row(_header);

for (auto it = r.begin(); it != r.end(); it++) row->push(*it); if (pos <= _content.size()) { _content.insert(_content.begin() + pos, row); return true; } return false; }

void Parser::sync(void) const { if (_type == DataType::eFILE) { std::ofstream f;, std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);

// header unsigned int i = 0; for (auto it = _header.begin(); it != _header.end(); it++) { f << *it; if (i < _header.size() - 1) f << ","; else f << std::endl; i++; } for (auto it = _content.begin(); it != _content.end(); it++) f << **it << std::endl; f.close(); } }

const std::string &Parser::getFileName(void) const { return _file; } /* ** ROW */

Row::Row(const std::vector &header) : _header(header) {}

Row::~Row(void) {}

unsigned int Row::size(void) const { return _values.size(); }

void Row::push(const std::string &value) { _values.push_back(value); }

bool Row::set(const std::string &key, const std::string &value) { std::vector::const_iterator it; int pos = 0;

for (it = _header.begin(); it != _header.end(); it++) { if (key == *it) { _values[pos] = value; return true; } pos++; } return false; }

const std::string Row::operator[](unsigned int valuePosition) const { if (valuePosition < _values.size()) return _values[valuePosition]; throw Error("can't return this value (doesn't exist)"); }

const std::string Row::operator[](const std::string &key) const { std::vector::const_iterator it; int pos = 0;

for (it = _header.begin(); it != _header.end(); it++) { if (key == *it) return _values[pos]; pos++; } throw Error("can't return this value (doesn't exist)"); }

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Row &row) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i != row._values.size(); i++) os << row._values[i] << " | ";

return os; }

std::ofstream &operator<<(std::ofstream &os, const Row &row) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i != row._values.size(); i++) { os << row._values[i]; if (i < row._values.size() - 1) os << ","; } return os; } }

********************************************* eBid_Monthly_Sales_Dec_2016.csv ***************************************

ArticleTitle,ArticleID,Department ,CloseDate ,WinningBid ,InventoryID,VehicleID,ReceiptNumber ,Fund Hoover Steam Vac,97991,POLICE PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE UNCLAIMED,12/1/16,$27.00 ,PPEU-031C-149,,3689905552,Enterprise Table,97990,GENERAL SERVICES,12/1/16,$6.00 ,109886,,3689973013,General Fund Table,97989,GENERAL SERVICES,12/1/16,$6.00 ,109885,,3689912834,General Fund Table,97988,GENERAL SERVICES,12/1/16,$1.00 ,109887,,Cashiers Check,General Fund Swann Security System,97987,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/1/16,$218.00 ,PSDF-028-008,,Money Order,Enterprise Sony Laptop,97986,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/1/16,$283.00 ,PSDF-028-014,,3689705726,Enterprise XBox 360,97985,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/1/16,$33.00 ,PSDF-028-017,,3689703535,Enterprise Apple iPad,97983,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/1/16,$103.00 ,PSDF-028-010,,3689705721,Enterprise Canon EOS 7D Digital Camera,97982,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/1/16,$570.00 ,PSDF-028-015,,3689716165,Enterprise 2 Lorex Digital Wireless Cameras,97981,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/1/16,$62.00 ,PSDF-028-007,,3689905550,Enterprise 2 Cobra Walkie Talkies,97980,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/1/16,$47.00 ,PSDF-028-006,,3690146153,Enterprise Flips Audio Head Phones,97979,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/1/16,$42.00 ,PSDF-028-005,,3689988791,Enterprise Beats by Dr. Dre Head Phones,97978,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/1/16,$111.00 ,PSDF-028-004,,3690573953,Enterprise Kent Bicycle,98021,POLICE VEHICLE IMPOUND,12/5/16,$42.00 ,IM-1066412,,Money Order,General Fund Kent Bicycle,98020,POLICE VEHICLE IMPOUND,12/5/16,$47.00 ,IM-185301,,Money Order,General Fund Diamond Back Bicycle,98019,POLICE VEHICLE IMPOUND,12/5/16,$39.00 ,IM-1067043,,Money Order,General Fund Nishiki 21-Speed Bicycle,98017,POLICE VEHICLE IMPOUND,12/5/16,$53.00 ,IM-167532,,3690374823,General Fund Pacific 21-Speed Bicycle,98016,POLICE VEHICLE IMPOUND,12/5/16,$25.00 ,IM-164977,,3690527641,General Fund Next 14-Speed Bicycle,98015,POLICE VEHICLE IMPOUND,12/5/16,$21.00 ,IM-1074187,,3690141071,General Fund Breezer 24-Speed Bicycle,98014,POLICE VEHICLE IMPOUND,12/5/16,$209.00 ,IM-148995,,3690056324,General Fund GMC 21-Speed Bicycle,98013,POLICE VEHICLE IMPOUND,12/5/16,$57.00 ,IM-172876,,Money Order,General Fund Magna 15-Speed Bicycle,98012,POLICE VEHICLE IMPOUND,12/5/16,$27.00 ,IM-149000,,3690095346,General Fund Dell Laptop,98011,ITS,12/5/16,$118.50 ,110140,,3689973470,General Fund Dell Laptop,98010,ITS,12/5/16,$88.05 ,110538,,3690146276,General Fund Dell Laptop,98009,ITS,12/5/16,$84.00 ,110532,,3690050066,General Fund Office Supplies,98008,REGISTER OF DEEDS,12/5/16,$21.00 ,"108082, 108079, 108081, 108070, 108080, 108076, 108072",,3690258278,General Fund Printer,98006,REGISTER OF DEEDS,12/5/16,$52.00 ,108063,,3690258275,General Fund Printer,98005,REGISTER OF DEEDS,12/5/16,$50.00 ,108064,,3690072277,General Fund Printer,98004,REGISTER OF DEEDS,12/5/16,$45.00 ,108062,,3690072273,General Fund Printer,98003,REGISTER OF DEEDS,12/5/16,$42.00 ,108061,,3689967871,General Fund Microwave,98002,REGISTER OF DEEDS,12/5/16,$22.89 ,108078,,3691033939,General Fund Microwave,98001,REGISTER OF DEEDS,12/5/16,$20.01 ,108077,,3690930820,General Fund Printer,98000,REGISTER OF DEEDS,12/5/16,$40.50 ,108060,,3690267190,General Fund Lamp,97999,GENERAL SERVICES,12/5/16,$11.00 ,109827,,Cashiers Check,General Fund 3 Chairs,97998,GENERAL SERVICES,12/5/16,$2.00 ,"109973, 109977, 109978",,3690961483,General Fund Binders,97995,POLICE DEPARTMENT,12/5/16,$4.00 ,108948A,,3689963867,General Fund 3 Chairs,97994,POLICE DEPARTMENT,12/5/16,$4.00 ,"110872, 110873, 110874",,3690550867,General Fund Popcorn Popper w/Stand,97993,ECD COMMUNICATIONS,12/5/16,$130.00 ,ECD-110883,,Cashiers Check,Enterprise Electric Impact Wrench,98045,POLICE PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE UNCLAIMED,12/6/16,$42.00 ,PPEU-034-031,,3690241644,Enterprise DeWalt VSR Versa-Clutch Screwdriver,98044,POLICE PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE UNCLAIMED,12/6/16,$20.00 ,PPEU-034-023,,3690241982,Enterprise "Black & Decker 1/2"" Electric Impact Wrench",98043,POLICE PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE UNCLAIMED,12/6/16,$29.02 ,PPEU-034-033,,3690067279,Enterprise Hilti Angle Grinder,98042,POLICE PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE UNCLAIMED,12/6/16,$21.00 ,PPEU-034-027,,3690137617,Enterprise AmBico Bag w/Camera Accessories,98041,POLICE PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE UNCLAIMED,12/6/16,$32.60 ,PPEU-034-036,,3690060900,Enterprise Innova Car Scan,98040,POLICE PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE UNCLAIMED,12/6/16,$201.00 ,PPEU-034-032,,3690551269,Enterprise Tool Box w/Tools,98039,POLICE PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE UNCLAIMED,12/6/16,$54.26 ,PPEU-034-042,,3690389639,Enterprise Copier,98029,SCHOOL BOARD WAREHOUSE,12/6/16,$113.00 ,SBS-7963,,3690094896,Enterprise Mixer,98027,SCHOOL BOARD FOOD SERVICE,12/6/16,$870.00 ,FSBS-0312,,3690053834,Enterprise Ice Maker,98025,SCHOOL BOARD FOOD SERVICE,12/6/16,$640.00 ,FSBS-0315,,Cashiers Check,Enterprise Ice Cream Box,98024,SCHOOL BOARD FOOD SERVICE,12/6/16,$2.00 ,FSBS-0313,,3690791030,Enterprise Refrigerator,98023,SCHOOL BOARD FOOD SERVICE,12/6/16,$106.01 ,FSBS-0316,,3690542151,Enterprise Freezer,98022,SCHOOL BOARD FOOD SERVICE,12/6/16,$135.99 ,FSBS-0314,,3690791023,Enterprise 2009 Chevolet Impala,98086,OFM-POLICE,12/7/16,$164.00 ,,1884 JI,Money Order,Enterprise 2008 Ford F-550,98085,OFM-WATER SERVICES,12/7/16,"$6,350.00 ",,1577 JG,Cashiers Check,Enterprise 2005 CM Dakota 2 Stall Horse Trailer,98084,POLICE DEPARTMENT,12/7/16,"$2,425.00 ",,07S 4686,Cashiers Check,General Fund 2005 CM Dakota 2 Stall Horse Trailer,98083,POLICE DEPARTMENT,12/7/16,"$2,425.00 ",,07S 4687,Cashiers Check,General Fund Compaq Laptop,98077,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/7/16,$48.00 ,PSDF-027C-183,,3690163275,Enterprise 2 PS3 Controllers,98076,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/7/16,$6.99 ,PSDF-027C-181,,3690594168,Enterprise "Dynex 60"" Tripod",98075,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/7/16,$22.01 ,PSDF-027C-198,,3690163339,Enterprise RCA Blu-ray Player,98072,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/7/16,$10.50 ,PSDF-027C-202,,Money Order,Enterprise Sony Blu-ray Player,98071,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/7/16,$28.44 ,PSDF-027C-173,,Money Order,Enterprise Apex DVD Player,98070,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/7/16,$13.00 ,PSDF-027C-203,,Money Order,Enterprise Onkyo Receiver,98068,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/7/16,$97.99 ,PSDF-027C-194,,3690389647,Enterprise Hoshizaki Ice Machine,98062,SCHOOL BOARD FOOD SERVICE,12/7/16,$311.00 ,FSBS-0337,,3690245129,Enterprise Hoshizaki Ice Machine,98061,SCHOOL BOARD FOOD SERVICE,12/7/16,$311.00 ,FSBS-0336,,3690245126,Enterprise 3 Televisions,97961,DRUG TASK FORCE,12/8/16,$15.01 ,"TF-336-016, TF-336-018, TF-336-021",,3690771293,Enterprise "Marantz 50"" Plasma Monitor",97960,DRUG TASK FORCE,12/8/16,$10.11 ,TF-336-017,,3691175249,Enterprise "Sanyo 55"" LCD TV",97959,DRUG TASK FORCE,12/8/16,$362.44 ,TF-336-039,,Money Order,Enterprise "Samsung 43"" Plasma TV",97958,DRUG TASK FORCE,12/8/16,$93.00 ,TF-336-025,,3690624968,Enterprise "Samsung 43"" Plasma TV",97957,DRUG TASK FORCE,12/8/16,$57.00 ,TF-336-026,,Money Order,Enterprise "Samsung 43"" Plasma TV",97956,DRUG TASK FORCE,12/8/16,$96.00 ,TF-336-027,,3690556422,Enterprise Dell Monitor,97955,DRUG TASK FORCE,12/8/16,$13.00 ,TF-332-106,,3690528491,Enterprise Gateway Laptop,97954,DRUG TASK FORCE,12/8/16,$25.00 ,TF-332-030,,3690255090,Enterprise Weight Bench,97953,DRUG TASK FORCE,12/8/16,$103.00 ,TF-332-108,,3690389635,Enterprise Horizon Elliptical Machine,97952,DRUG TASK FORCE,12/8/16,$25.00 ,TF-332-115,,3690791017,Enterprise Weider Club Work Out Gym Set,97951,DRUG TASK FORCE,12/8/16,$190.00 ,"TF-332-107, TF-332-034",,3690389633,Enterprise Weight Bar w/Assorted Weights,97950,DRUG TASK FORCE,12/8/16,$195.00 ,TF-332-111,,3690977738,Enterprise 2 Weight Stands w/Weights,97949,DRUG TASK FORCE,12/8/16,$94.00 ,"TF-332-109, TF-332-110",,3690389631,Enterprise "Samsung 40"" LED TV",97947,DRUG TASK FORCE,12/8/16,$130.00 ,TF-332-119,,Money Order,Enterprise "Hisense 40"" LED TV",97946,DRUG TASK FORCE,12/8/16,$157.00 ,TF-332-040,,3690249163,Enterprise "Chicago 7"" Tile Saw",98199,POLICE PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE UNCLAIMED,12/12/16,$43.00 ,PPEU-034-012,,Money Order,Enterprise Whirlpool Washer & Dryer,98109,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/12/16,$225.46 ,"PSDF-027E-263, PSDF-027E-264",,3690663876,Enterprise Toshiba Laptop,98107,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/12/16,$91.00 ,PSDF-027E-261,,3690631508,Enterprise 2 PS4 Games,98105,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/12/16,$11.00 ,PSDF-027B-108B,,3690624521,Enterprise 3 Ticket Booths,98104,TENNESSEE STATE FAIR,12/12/16,$395.01 ,"SF-111291, SF-111292, SF-111293",,3691012440,Enterprise Battery Cart,98102,SCHOOL BOARD WAREHOUSE,12/12/16,$42.00 ,SBS-7875D,,3690965201,Enterprise Credenza,98094,GENERAL SERVICES,12/12/16,$57.00 ,111117,,3690729974,General Fund Printer,98129,WATER SERVICES,12/13/16,$52.00 ,WS-110943,,3690662011,Enterprise Copier,98128,ASSESSOR OF PROPERTY,12/13/16,$83.00 ,111052,,3690662143,General Fund 2 Chairs,98127,HEALTH,12/13/16,$4.00 ,"110866, 110867",,Money Order,General Fund Dell Laptop,98126,ITS,12/13/16,$68.00 ,110954,,3690637101,General Fund Dell Laptop,98124,ITS,12/13/16,$68.00 ,110952,,3690637096,General Fund Dell Laptop,98123,ITS,12/13/16,$64.00 ,110959,,3690697845,General Fund Dell Laptop,98121,ITS,12/13/16,$74.04 ,110950,,3690697840,General Fund Dell Laptop,98119,ITS,12/13/16,$68.00 ,110956,,3690767551,General Fund Dell Laptop,98118,ITS,12/13/16,$106.00 ,110967,,3690697839,General Fund Dell Computer,98113,ITS,12/13/16,$81.01 ,110981,,3690696620,General Fund Dell Computer,98112,ITS,12/13/16,$79.88 ,110978,,3691147309,General Fund Dell Computer,98111,ITS,12/13/16,$84.00 ,110982,,3690696615,General Fund Dell Computer,98110,ITS,12/13/16,$90.88 ,110985,,3690697835,General Fund 2004 Thomas School Bus,98260,SCHOOL BOARD,12/14/16,"$1,680.00 ",,26-Apr,Cashiers Check,Enterprise 2004 Thomas School Bus,98259,SCHOOL BOARD,12/14/16,"$1,701.01 ",,Apr-73,Cashiers Check,Enterprise 2004 Thomas School Bus,98258,SCHOOL BOARD,12/14/16,"$2,351.10 ",,Apr-69,Cashiers Check,Enterprise 2001 Honda CBR 929RR,98256,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/14/16,"$1,745.99 ",,1014297,Cashiers Check,Enterprise 2005 Mercury Montego,98255,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/14/16,$945.00 ,,1066554,Money Order,Enterprise 2004 Chevrolet Tahoe,98250,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/14/16,"$4,025.00 ",,170547,Cashiers Check,Enterprise 2006 Infiniti M45,98245,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/14/16,"$3,125.60 ",,908862,Cashiers Check,Enterprise 2005 Honda Civic,98242,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/14/16,"$1,375.00 ",,167387,3690705447,Enterprise Main Stays Bath Set,98149,POLICE PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE UNCLAIMED,12/14/16,$24.00 ,PPEU-033-005,,3690705498,Enterprise 2 Bongo Head Wraps,98143,POLICE PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE UNCLAIMED,12/14/16,$12.00 ,PPEU-033-040,,3691102200,Enterprise Husky Tool Bag w/Tools,98133,POLICE PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE UNCLAIMED,12/14/16,$35.00 ,PPEU-033-035A,,3690890767,Enterprise Black & Decker Electric Weed Eater,98132,POLICE PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE UNCLAIMED,12/14/16,$13.26 ,PPEU-033-048,,3690969478,Enterprise 5 Extron Control Systems,98269,PUBLIC LIBRARY,12/15/16,$25.00 ,"105168, 105169, 105170, 105171, 105172",,3691172347,General Fund Dayton Pallet Jack,98268,SURPLUS WAREHOUSE,12/15/16,$78.85 ,111091,,3690890770,Enterprise White Industries Battery Charger,98262,SURPLUS WAREHOUSE,12/15/16,$73.00 ,111090,,3690967304,Enterprise 5 Dollies,98261,SURPLUS WAREHOUSE,12/15/16,$132.00 ,"111097, 111098, 111099, 111100, 111101",,3691172343,Enterprise XBox 360,98172,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/15/16,$36.35 ,PSDF-027C-204,,3691622675,Enterprise 5 Yamaha Surround Sound Speakers,98171,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/15/16,$34.00 ,PSDF-027C-191,,3691035750,Enterprise Lenovo Laptop,98168,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/15/16,$117.00 ,PSDF-027C-195,,3690781738,Enterprise Acer Laptop,98167,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/15/16,$32.00 ,PSDF-027C-182,,3690781524,Enterprise Samsung Speaker,98166,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/15/16,$27.00 ,PSDF-027C-177,,Money Order,Enterprise Sink,98164,SCHOOL BOARD FOOD SERVICE,12/15/16,$132.50 ,FSBS-0334,,Cashiers Check,Enterprise Cashier,98163,SCHOOL BOARD FOOD SERVICE,12/15/16,$103.00 ,FSBS-0328,,Money Order,Enterprise 2 Rolling Carts,98162,SCHOOL BOARD FOOD SERVICE,12/15/16,$150.00 ,FSBS-0325B,,Cashiers Check,Enterprise 2 Rolling Carts,98161,SCHOOL BOARD FOOD SERVICE,12/15/16,$240.00 ,FSBS-0325A,,Cashiers Check,Enterprise CVap,98159,SCHOOL BOARD FOOD SERVICE,12/15/16,$106.00 ,FSBS-0332,,Cashiers Check,Enterprise CVap,98158,SCHOOL BOARD FOOD SERVICE,12/15/16,$431.00 ,FSBS-0330,,3691158852,Enterprise CVap,98157,SCHOOL BOARD FOOD SERVICE,12/15/16,$411.00 ,FSBS-0331,,3691158848,Enterprise File Cabinet,98156,GENERAL SERVICES,12/15/16,$21.00 ,108712,,3690796952,General Fund File Cabinet,98155,GENERAL SERVICES,12/15/16,$20.30 ,108710,,3690796832,General Fund File Cabinet,98154,GENERAL SERVICES,12/15/16,$16.00 ,108711,,3690796638,General Fund Cabinet,98153,GENERAL SERVICES,12/15/16,$33.02 ,110469,,3690985841,General Fund Nike Tennis Shoes Size: 11,98279,DRUG TASK FORCE,12/19/16,$51.57 ,TF-337-014CCC,,3690970094,Enterprise Nike Tennis Shoes Size: 11.5,98276,DRUG TASK FORCE,12/19/16,$83.99 ,TF-337-014EEE,,3691117022,Enterprise Nike Tennis Shoes Size: 11.5,98273,DRUG TASK FORCE,12/19/16,$84.00 ,TF-337-014YY,,3690969188,Enterprise "Work Foce 24"" Bolt Cutters",98203,POLICE PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE UNCLAIMED,12/19/16,$27.00 ,PPEU-034-025,,3691100393,Enterprise Canon Digital Camera,98202,POLICE PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE UNCLAIMED,12/19/16,$169.01 ,PPEU-034-040,,3691046336,Enterprise Bose Bluetooth Mobile Speaker,98201,POLICE PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE UNCLAIMED,12/19/16,$128.00 ,PPEU-034-041,,Cashiers Check,Enterprise Auto Craft 2.25-Ton Floor Jack,98198,POLICE PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE UNCLAIMED,12/19/16,$51.00 ,PPEU-034-006B,,3691063804,Enterprise Michael Kors Purse & Wallet,98195,POLICE PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE UNCLAIMED,12/19/16,$73.00 ,PPEU-034-001F,,3691154993,Enterprise Michael Kors Wallet,98194,POLICE PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE UNCLAIMED,12/19/16,$86.00 ,PPEU-034-001E,,3691102202,Enterprise Office Electronics,98190,HEALTH,12/19/16,$26.50 ,"110912, 110911, 110901, 11091-, 110909, 110908, 110886, 110913, 110904, 110907, 110898, 110888, 110887, 110899",,3691046335,General Fund Slide,98188,SCHOOL BOARD FOOD SERVICE,12/19/16,$240.00 ,FSBS-0342,,3691117927,Enterprise Ice Maker,98187,SCHOOL BOARD FOOD SERVICE,12/19/16,$411.00 ,FSBS-0343,,3690975374,Enterprise Freezer,98186,SCHOOL BOARD FOOD SERVICE,12/19/16,$382.00 ,FSBS-0344,,Cashiers Check,Enterprise Double Oven,98185,SCHOOL BOARD FOOD SERVICE,12/19/16,"$1,301.00 ",FSBS-0341,,3690975369,Enterprise 4 Chairs,98181,GENERAL SERVICES,12/19/16,$37.00 ,"109703, 109705, 109704, 109700",,Cashiers Check,General Fund Copier,98177,WATER SERVICES,12/19/16,$173.00 ,WS-110939,,3690998234,Enterprise "10"" Kicker Subwoofers w/Kenwood Amplifier",98336,POLICE PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE UNCLAIMED,12/20/16,$115.00 ,PPEU-035-019,,Cashiers Check,Enterprise Laser Labs Tint Meter,98335,POLICE PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE UNCLAIMED,12/20/16,$21.00 ,PPEU-035-027,,3691127254,Enterprise Ridgid Collated Screwdriver,98333,POLICE PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE UNCLAIMED,12/20/16,$42.00 ,PPEU-035-003,,3691105153,Enterprise Glacier Bay Bathroom Faucet,98332,POLICE STATE FELONY FORFEITURE,12/20/16,$35.00 ,PSFF-035B-191,,3691144464,Enterprise Sony DVD Home Theater System,98323,POLICE STATE FELONY FORFEITURE,12/20/16,$68.01 ,PSFF-035B-177,,3691035757,Enterprise JVC Stereo Receiver,98322,POLICE STATE FELONY FORFEITURE,12/20/16,$75.44 ,PSFF-035B-178,,3691115894,Enterprise "Hero 24"" Rims",98319,POLICE STATE FELONY FORFEITURE,12/20/16,$530.00 ,PSFF-035B-133,,3691172236,Enterprise Serving Line,98293,SCHOOL BOARD FOOD SERVICE,12/20/16,$239.00 ,"FSBS-0327, FSBS-0329",,Money Order,Enterprise Jordan Tennis Shoes Size: 11,98289,DRUG TASK FORCE,12/20/16,$70.01 ,TF-337-014PPP,,3691167684,Enterprise Jordan Tennis Shoes Size: 11,98288,DRUG TASK FORCE,12/20/16,$75.99 ,TF-337-014OOO,,3691593466,Enterprise Jordan Tennis Shoes Size: 11,98287,DRUG TASK FORCE,12/20/16,$132.00 ,TF-337-014NNN,,3691091478,Enterprise Jordan Tennis Shoes Size: 11,98284,DRUG TASK FORCE,12/20/16,$89.01 ,TF-337-014JJJ,,3691270016,Enterprise Jordan Tennis Shoes Size: 11,98283,DRUG TASK FORCE,12/20/16,$160.00 ,TF0337-014III,,3691143712,Enterprise Perforated Paper,98218,ITS,12/20/16,$185.99 ,110620,,Money Order,General Fund Television,98217,GENERAL SERVICES,12/20/16,$38.00 ,109634,,3691078188,General Fund File Cabinet,98208,GENERAL SERVICES,12/20/16,$70.00 ,109606,,3691190858,General Fund File Cabinet,98207,GENERAL SERVICES,12/20/16,$83.00 ,109608,,3691190715,General Fund 2 Camcorders,98205,POLICE DEPARTMENT,12/20/16,$156.00 ,"110401, 110402",,Cashiers Check,General Fund File Cabinet,98204,POLICE DEPARTMENT,12/20/16,$37.13 ,109609,,3691032793,General Fund Federal Signal Siren Amps (Emergency Provider Only),98385,SURPLUS WAREHOUSE,12/21/16,$25.00 ,111049,,3691103103,Enterprise 2006 Honda Ridgeline,98384,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/21/16,"$3,333.01 ",,1066401,Cashiers Check,Enterprise 1999 Honda Civic,98383,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/21/16,"$1,728.59 ",,191553,Cashiers Check,Enterprise 2001 Dodge Durango,98382,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/21/16,"$1,205.00 ",,1054086,3691132411,Enterprise 1998 Chevrolet Astro,98376,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/21/16,"$1,325.00 ",,166581,Cashiers Check,Enterprise "Samsung 46"" LED TV",98375,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/21/16,$150.00 ,PSDF-028-002,,3691130877,Enterprise "Samsung 51"" Plasma Smart TV",98372,POLICE STATE DRUG FUND,12/21/16,$202.18 ,PSDF-028-009,,3691121338,Enterprise "Ryobi 7-1/4"" Miter Saw",98346,POLICE PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE UNCLAIMED,12/21/16,$43.00 ,PPEU-035-021,,3691097124,Enterprise Husqvarna Back Pack Blower,98344,POLICE PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE UNCLAIMED,12/21/16,$160.01 ,PPEU-035-033,,Money Order,Enterprise Table,98235,GENERAL SERVICES,12/21/16,$22.01 ,110048,,3691153763,General Fund 5 Chairs,98233,GENERAL SERVICES,12/21/16,$19.00 ,"109697, 109715, 109699, 109698, 110053",,Cashiers Check,General Fund 2 Chairs,98225,GENERAL SERVICES,12/21/16,$20.00 ,"109716, 109967",,3691257436,General Fund Chair,98223,GENERAL SERVICES,12/21/16,$71.88 ,109303,,3691190923,General Fund

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