the question references all 3 thank you
- Leon Marlin is single and has never been married. - Leon earned wages of $23,000 durcg the trat half of the yesri Leon lost his job in July and received a total of $9,000 in unemployment compensation. - Loon is a barber and took a dass at the communty barter college to inprove his barboring skils. He paid the cost of tartion and a course-related book - Leon does not have any dependents. - Leon is a U S. cirser with a valid Social Security rumber. 11. Leon must holuge his unemployment compensation on his 2002 tax rotum. - Leco Marth is single and has never been married. - Leon eamed wages of $23,000 during the frut hat of the yew, Leon lost his job in July and received a tolal of $9,000 in unemployment corepensation. - Leon is a barber and took a dass at the community barber colege to improve his bartering skills. He paid the cost of tution and o courserelated book. His qualfied educetion expenses were 52 , soo. - Leon also paid student loan interest for the courses he previously look bo earn his Bachelor's degree. For 2i22, he paid atudent loan interest of 5550 . - Leon does not have ary dependents. - Leon is a US, ctizen with a vald Social Socurly number. 12. Leon is bigble for the folowing crede: A. Eamed income Credit B. Lifetime Leaming Credt C. American Opportunily Credit D. None of the above - Leon Matin is single and has never been mamed. - Loon earned wages of $23,000 during the first hall of the year. Loon lost his job in duly and received a total of $9,000 in unemployment compensation. - Leon is a barter and look a class at the communily barter colloge to improve his barbering shils. He pald the cost of tution and a course-telated book. His qualfed edicaton expenses were $2.500. - Loon does not have apy dependents. - Leon is a U S. otizen with a vald Sociar Securty number. 13. Leon can claim the studeri ban intocest deduction as an adfustrent to income on his tax return