The San Bernardino County Fair hires about 190 people during fair time. Their wages range from $610 to $7.60. California has a state income tax of 9%. Sandy Denny earns $760 per hour; George Barney earns $619 per hour They both worked 36 hours this week. Both are married; however, andy claims 2 exemptions and George claims l exemption. Assume a rate of 6.2% on $18.500 for Social Security and 1.45% for Medicare. a. What is Sandy's net pay after FIT (use the Table 71 andTab' 7. Social Security tax, state income tax, and Medicare have been taken out? (Round your answer to the nearest cent.) Sandy's net pay after FIT b. What is George's net pay after the same deductions? (Round your answer to the nearest cent.) George's net pay after FIT c. How much more is Sandy's net pay versus George's net pay? (Round your answer to the nearest cent.) Difference in net pay Review Quiz 2 Xtable 7,2.3PG (709x770) ssential xtable 7.1JPG (626-338) edia/Connect Production/bne/business,math/slater 2e/table 7.1JPG Payroll Period One Withholding Allowance Weekly Biweekly $ 76.90 53.80 166.70 333.30 1,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 Monthly Quarterly . . . Semiannually Annually Daily or miscellaneous (each day of the payroll period) 15.40 Percentage Method Tables for Income Tax Withholding TABLE 1-WEEKLY Payroll Perlod b) MARRIED person- If the amount of wages (a) SINGLE person (Iincluding head of household) withhdlding allowances) is: to withhold Is: Over The amount of income tax The amount of income tax withholding allowances) is: to withhold is s0 of excess over-OverBut not over- But not over -$222 -$764 S000 plus 10% $17.80 plus 15% -$222| S520-$1.606 $3550 plus 15% $3.685-$7.958 $7.958-$7.990 S88623 pus 33% S229632 plus 35% -57,958| $8.079-$0.105 S2.140 93 plus 35% TABLE 2-BIWEEKLY Payroll Period (a) SINGLE person (including head of household- If the amount of wages f the amount of wages The amount of income tax The amount of income tax so $000plus 10% withholding allowances) is: to withhold is: of excess over- OverBut not over- -H43 $1,040-83,212 $7090 plus 15% $1.529-4.579 $3,579 --$7,369 $7.309 --$15.915 $15.915 --$15.981 $1984 plus 25% S710 90 plus 28% $1772. 10plus 33% $459228 plus 35% $9,194 $16, 158 --$16,158 --$18.210 $1,963 64 plus 5% $4.261 76 plus 35% $4.999 90 pha, 396% -$15.915| -413210 TABLE 3-SEMIMONTHLY Payroll Period (a) SINGLE person (including head of household If the amount of wages The amount of income tax The amount of income tax withholding allowances) is to withhold is of excess over- OverBut not over- $1,686 --$3.877 $3.877-$7.983 $7.963-$17.242 $17242-|17,313 $214.80 plus 25% ST7005 plus 28% $1919 73 p us 33% S497520plus 36% $5000 05 plus 30.6% -$1.666| -4.877| -57,963| -$17.242| $1,127-63,479 $3.479-86.668 $6.668 ,-8.960 $9.900-417,504 $17,504 19,727 $76 90 plus 15% $429, 70 pus 25% S1,224 45 pus 28% S2, 149 01 plus 39% $4.638 53 plus 35% TABLE 4-MONTHLY Payroll Period (a) SINGLE person (including head of household (b) MARRIED person amount of wages withholding aliowances) s The mount of income tax The to withhoid s S0 s0 OverBut not over- of excess over-OverBut not over- 0900 $900-43.3 13 $0.00 plus 10% $75 80 plus 15% $2.254-$6.968 $15370 plus 15% $7,754 --$15.967 $15.967-434.463 34,483 "-84,625 $1540 00 pus 28% $3.839 64 pus 33% $9949 92 plus 35% $9999 62 plus 396% '-$7,754| $15,967| -534,483| $13,317 --$19,921 $19,921 -435,008 $35,008-$39,454 $2,440 05 plus 2m $4,298 17 plus 33% $9,276 88 pus 35% $10832 98 plus 396%