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Reading Merchandise Plans Objectives - Understand and recognize how to read a typical Merchandise Plan Be able to evaluate actual performance vs Plan and Vs Last Year - Interpret data on the merch plan to derive reasons why performance was better or worse than plan and last year Objectives (cont'd) - Identify if the classification is performing at planned levels of IMU and MMU - Identify if the plan indicates there is too much, not enough or the right amount of inventory for the class for the current period - Identify what action should be taken in the current month: - How much merchandise needs tobe received - Is the required merchandise already on order, or does it need to be ordered - Determine how much (if any) additional merchandise is needed to be ordered for the current and subsequent months Q1: How did the class perform last month compared to Plan and Last year Q1: How did the class perform last month compared to Plan and Last year Q2a: Did the buyer achieve the desired MMU and IMU for the last 12 months? Q2a: Did the buyer achieve the desired MMU and IMU for the last 12 months? Q2a: Did the buyer achieve the desired MMU and IMU for the last 12 months? Planned IMU needs to be calculated: Planned IMU = (Planned MMU * Planned MD\%) /(100% + Panned MD\%). we know Panned MMU=53.84% We can calculate Planned MD\%: $11,468/576,465=15% Then Planned IMU =(53.84%+15.00%=115.00%=59.86% Actual lMU LY was 59.86 so the buyer has been achieving the desired IMU for the past year Q2b: Did the buyer achieve the desired IMU for this past month? - The Retail receipts this past month were $407 - The Cost receipts this past month were $163 -IMU-IMU=(RetailCost)/Retail=(407163)/407=.5995or59.95% - This is higher than the planned IMU of 59.86%, so the buyer DID achieve the desired IMU this past month (in fact the exceeded it!) Q3: Is the buyer taking enough MD's? Are they taking too many? Show how the MD\% was calculated for: (a) This past month, (b) This past month last year, (c) All of last year Q3: Is the buyer taking enough MD's? Are they taking too many? Show how the MD\% was calculated for: (a) This past month, (b) This past month last year, (c) All of last year Forecasted MD's for the next 12 months are 511,468 Forecasted Sales for the next 12 months are $76,456 Therefor the forecasted MD% for the next 12 months =$11,468/$76,456=15% Last month they took \$1,976 MD's, and last month the sales were \$2.691, making last month's MD\% $1976/$2691=73.43%. This is significantly higher than the annual MD\% forecasted, so they must not continue to take MD's at this rate b) Jan last year, MD's were \$432, Jan last year, sales were 51,995. The MD'\% for Jan LY was 21.65\% Last year, the total MDs taken were \$8,172, Last year the total sales were \$70.061 So last year the Actual MD\% was $8,172/770,061=11.66%, Since 11.66%