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- This are the Instructions on how to extract pertinent information from an OPORDER and annexes in order to successfully complete MDMP: Sustainment: o This

- This are the Instructions on how to extract pertinent information from an OPORDER and annexes in order to successfully complete MDMP:

Sustainment: o This paragraph is particularly critical for the S4 officer. It provides detailed instructions on logistics, including: Logistics: Information on supply points, resupply procedures, transportation plans, and maintenance support. Health Service Support: Details on medical evacuation, treatment facilities, and casualty evacuation plans. Personnel Services Support: Information on personnel replacements, mail, and other personnel services that impact soldier welfare. Annexes and Appendices: o Annex F (Sustainment): This annex contains detailed logistics information, expanding on Paragraph 4 of the OPORD. It includes specifics on supply, transportation, maintenance, health service support, and personnel services. o Other Relevant Annexes: Review other annexes that may impact logistics, such as Annex C (Operations), Annex K (Communications), and Annex Q (Medical Services). Steps to Extract Information: 1. Review the Entire OPORD: o Read through the entire OPORD to get a comprehensive understanding of the mission and overall plan. 2. Focus on Relevant Sections: o Pay special attention to Paragraphs 1 (Situation), 2 (Mission), 3 (Execution), 4 (Sustainment), and 5 (Command and Signal). 3. Detailed Study of Annex F: o Thoroughly review Annex F (Sustainment) for detailed logistical planning. 4. Collaborate with Other Staff Officers: o Work closely with other staff sections (e.g., S1, S2, S3, S6) to ensure all aspects of the logistics plan are integrated and coordinated.

ANNEX F (this document contains the sustainment plan for the OPORD, and all the sustainment info to be added to the power point slide will be extracted from this document)

1. (U) Situation.

See Base OPORD. a. (U) Area of Interest. See Base OPORD. b. (U) Area of Operations. See Base OPORD. (1) (U) Terrain. See Base OPORD. (2) (U) Weather. See Base OPORD. c. (U) Enemy Forces. See Annex B (Intelligence). d. (U) Friendly Forces. See Base OPORD. e. (U) Civil Considerations. See Base OPORD. f. (U) Attachments and Detachments. 2x transportation platoons from 68 CSSB prepared to support GAC of 1-28 IN if AASLT is untenable. 1x Maintenance Surge Team PLT (MST PLT) is available throughout the operation. g. (U) Assumptions. None. 2. (U) Mission. 3/4 ID sustainers provide timely and effective logistics, health service, and personnel support operations throughout the 3/4 ID AO IOT enable the defeat of the 614th BTG and the establishment of blocking positions along AA5. 3. (U) Execution. a. (U) Scheme of Sustainment Support. (1) (U) Phase 1: Zone Reconnaissance. This phase is ongoing and ends with 4-10 CAV's establishment of a screen IVO PL PURPLE. 64 BSB establishes FLE with CLIIIB, CLV, field maintenance and MEDEVAC capability. BSB provides FLE security. When 1-68 AR departs ATK MARS the FLE departs AA DEMONS via RTE COBALT and MSR MAGNESIUM to FLB MERCURY. UNCLASSIFIED - TRAINING USE ONLY ANNEX F (SUSTAINMENT) TO OPERATION ORDER 2025-02 (IRON RAIN) (UNCLASSIFIED) 2 UNCLASSIFIED (a) (U) Priority of Supply: CLIIIB, CLV, CLIIIP, CLIX (b) (U) Priority of Support: 4-10 CAV, 1-38 IN, 1-68 AR, 3-29 FA, 1-28 IN (c) (U) Priority of Movement: 1. (U) Forward: Combat Vehicles, MEDEVAC, CASEVAC, Recovery 2. (U) Rearward: MEDEVAC, CASEVAC, Recovery, Combat Vehicles (2) (U) Phase 2: AASLT and Breach. This phase begins with the screen on PL PURPLE and ends with penetration onto OBJ DIAMOND. When 1-38 IN arrives at PL BIRCH: FLE establishes FLB MERCURY; BSA departs AA DEMONS along RTE COBALT to MSR POTASSIUM to establish BSA 2. (a) (U) Priority of Supply: CLIIIB, CLV, CLIIIP, CLIX (b) (U) Priority of Support: 1-68 AR, 1-28 IN, 3-29 FA, 4-10 CAV, 1-38 IN (c) (U) Priority of Movement: 1. (U) Forward: Combat Vehicles, MEDEVAC, CASEVAC, Recovery 2. (U) Rearward: MEDEVAC, CASEVAC, Recovery, Combat Vehicles (3) (U) Phase 3: Assault on OBJ BRADLEY. This phase begins with penetration onto OBJ DIAMOND and ends with the defeat of the BTG Reserve. FLE executes forward sustainment while maintaining CLIII(B) and CLV emergency resupply packages for request by maneuver units. BSA echelons to establish BSA 2. (a) (U) Priority of Supply: CLIIIB, CLV, CLIIIP, CLIX (b) (U) Priority of Support: 1-68 AR, 1-38 IN, 4-10 CAV, 1-28 IN, 3-29 FA (c) (U) Priority of Movement: 1. (U) Forward: Combat Vehicles, MEDEVAC, CASEVAC, Recovery 2. (U) Rearward: MEDEVAC, CASEVAC, Recovery, Combat Vehicles (4) (U) Phase 4: Hasty Defense. This phase begins with the BTG reserve defeated and ends with the ENY blocked along AA5. BSA 2 established: forward sustainment activities from FLB MERCURY cease and transition to BSA 2. FLE collapses to BSA 2. (a) (U) Priority of Supply: CLIV, CLV, CLIIIB, CLIX (b) (U) Priority of Support: 4-10 CAV, 1-68 AR, 3-29 FA, 1-38 IN, 1-28 IN UNCLASSIFIED - TRAINING USE ONLY ANNEX F (SUSTAINMENT) TO OPERATION ORDER 2025-02 (IRON RAIN) (UNCLASSIFIED) 3 UNCLASSIFIED (c) (U) Priority of Movement: 1. (U) Forward: Engineer Vehicles, MEDEVAC, CASEVAC, Recovery 2. (U) Rearward: MEDEVAC, CASEVAC, Recovery, Combat Vehicles b. (U) Tasks to Subordinate Units. None. c. (U) Coordinating Instructions. (1) (U) LOGSTATS: due at 0700 and 1900 daily IAW 3/4 ID TACSOP (2) (U) LOGPAC: BN FSCs draw from A/64 BSB at 0800 and 2000 daily (3) (U) FLE remains one PL behind 1-38 IN and 1-68 AR (Phase I) 4. (U) Sustainment. a. (U) Materiel and Services. (1) (U) Maintenance. 3/4ID scheme of maintenance and recovery is based on a FIXFORWARD/REPAIR-REAR concept; BDAR and expedient repairs will be conducted as far forward as possible by supporting FSCs (a) (U) Ground. Major assembly and repair and fabrication will be conducted at BDE MCPs or higher level MCPs. Minor assembly and fabrication repair will be conducted by local FSCs. (b) (U) Field Maintenance. Battalions will report locations of all planned MCPs. Any NMC vehicle anticipated to take more than 48hrs to repair at a battalion MCP will be evacuated to the 3/4 ID MCP for repair. 1x MST PLT will be located with the FLE with 2x Abrams sections, 1x Stryker Section, and 1x Bradley Section. The 3/4 ID MCP will remain with the BSA. (c) (U) Sustainment Maintenance. Sustainment level maintenance is available upon request. (2) (U) Transportation. MSR POTASSIUM is the primary supply route. 68 CSSB provides ground transport for 1-28 IN from FLB MERCURY to OBJ RUBY if AASLT is untenable. (3) (U) Supply. (a) (U) Class I Rations. CL I breakpoint is established at BSA. CL I flow for all phases of the operation will be from the BSA to the FSCs to maneuver units based off LOGSTAT requests. BNs will SP with 3 DOS CL I. 64 BSB will receive rations from DSA on a 2-2-2 cycle. Ration Cycle will be M-M-M. UGR and UGR-As are utilized when UNCLASSIFIED - TRAINING USE ONLY ANNEX F (SUSTAINMENT) TO OPERATION ORDER 2025-02 (IRON RAIN) (UNCLASSIFIED) 4 UNCLASSIFIED tactical situation permits. Units LD with full water capacity. Water resupply available through LOGSTAT reporting and published distro cycle. (b) (U) Class II Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment and Maps. Units will SP with 14x DOS CL II. Resupply available through GCSS-A ordering or LOGSTAT reporting. Each Soldier will have 2x sets of JSLIST readily available with a replacement set carried by their FSC. 64 BSB carries a fourth set maintained at the BSA. (c) (U) Class III Bulk Fuel; Class III Package Petroleum, Oils, and Lubricants. CL III(B) resupply provided to units via LOGSTAT reports. Units will LD with 100% fuel, and SP from ATK POS with 100% fuel. FLE will maintain a capacity of 40,000 Gallons JP8. Units LD with 7x DOS CL III(P). Resupply available through GSCC-A ordering and LOGSTAT reporting. (d) (U) Class IV Construction and Fortification Material. Preconfigured loads (PCL) will be available via LOGSTAT Reporting. PCLs consist of Individual Fighting Positions, Hasty Checkpoints, and Triple Standard Wire Obstacles. Units LD with force protection requirements. (e) (U) Class V Munitions. All units will LD with full operational load of CL V. BN FSCs maintain 1x sustainment load for the BN. Additional CL V may be requested via LOGSTAT. Expended CL V must be reported via LOGSTAT in order to facilitate BDE CL V predictions. CSR is in effect for specific munitions, see Annex G (Engineer) for VOLCANO CSR and Annex D (Fires) for 155mm CSR. (f) (U) Class VI Personal Demand Items. Limited Availability. AAFES Exchanges available in the Division Support Area at C+84. (g) (U) Class VII Major End Items. Limited availability at CSA. Release authority is III Corps. (h) (U) Class VIII Medical Supply. Units will deploy with CL VIII stocks IAW Paragraph 3, Health Service Support of the Annex. CL VIII resupply PACE will be conducted through regular LOGPAC movements, ambulance backhaul, emergency (ground), emergency (air) methods from the Role 2 BMSO. Requests for throughput from MLC Forward Distribution Teams must be coordinated between the BDE and DIV Surgeon Cells. Operational readiness floats of medical set items are not available for this operation. Coordination for replacement of patient movement items is between BDE and DIV Surgeon Cells in coordination with 30th MEDBDE medical regulating officer. (i) (U) Class IX Repair Parts. Units LD with BOH containers. 64 BSB maintains ASL. Additional CL IX available through GCSS-A ordering. Critical shortages exist for M109A6 gun tubes and M1/M2 engines and transmissions. These items are command controlled at the BDE level. Controlled exchange is authorized and approval authority delegated to the BN commander level. UNCLASSIFIED - TRAINING USE ONLY ANNEX F (SUSTAINMENT) TO OPERATION ORDER 2025-02 (IRON RAIN) (UNCLASSIFIED) 5 UNCLASSIFIED (j) (U) FLE Supply Composition. 1. (U) 8x M978 Fuelers with MRF-TRM (capacity of 40,000 gallons) one for one exchange will be conducted in the form of fuelers to and from the BSA for CL III (B). 2. (U) 6x M1120 LHS with trailer with 11x CROPs carrying 2x pallets CL I, 6x pallets CL III (P), 60x pallets CL V, and 20x pallets CL IX. FLE will maintain 25% of 1 UBL of CL V for all DODICs. 3. (U) 1x Camel (capacity 2,000 gallons). (4) (U) Field Services. (a) (U) Construction. None. (b) (U) Light Textile Repair and Showers, Laundry, and Clothing Repair. Available in DSA. (c) (U) Food Preparation. Grey water pits are authorized as able. (d) (U) Water Purification. All surface waters are considered non-potable without treatment. Use of iodine tablets for water purification is authorized. Preventive Medicine, C/64 BSB is responsible for all water services analysis of water sources. (e) (U) Aerial Delivery. Aerial emergency resupply available. Units must pre-package and mark speedballs for delivery by either 2-4 GSAB or 3-4 AHB. (5) (U) Mortuary Affairs. Units will be prepared to execute mortuary affairs operations to recover deceased personnel and belongings NLT 24 hours from point of loss. No temporary internments or hasty burials are authorized. Units are responsible for transporting remains from the battlefield to the nearest casualty collection point or AXP. Remains will then be transported to the MACP for processing. (6) (U) Priority of Repair. Radar, M1, M2, Stryker, Engineer (Breaching and Bridging), M109A6, Fuelers, Ambulances. (7) (U) Recovery. (a) (U) Ground. Self-recovery, like-vehicle Recovery, organic assets, request assistance from BSB. (b) (U) Air. Downed Aircraft Recovery Team (DART) will be coordinated through 4 CAB upon completion of operation. (8) (U) Human Resources Support. HR priorities are personnel accountability and strength reporting, casualty reporting, replacement operations. Onward movement of individual replacements will not occur unless a unit's personnel combat strength is UNCLASSIFIED - TRAINING USE ONLY ANNEX F (SUSTAINMENT) TO OPERATION ORDER 2025-02 (IRON RAIN) (UNCLASSIFIED) 6 UNCLASSIFIED degraded below 80%. Casualties are reported to 3/4 ID IAW 3/4 ID TACSOP during phases I-III and to the 3/4 ID S1 through DCIPS entry during Phase IV. Submit PERSTAT daily at 0700 IAW 3/4 ID TACSOP. OPCON and TACON units will be reported by parent units. (9) (U) Financial Management. TBP. (10) (U) Legal Support. TBP. (11) (U) Religious Support. TBP. (12) (U) Health Service Support. 3/4 ID provides echeloned health service support and evacuation augmented with EAB medical assets in general support-reinforcing to 3/4 ID offensive operations. The restrictive and difficult terrain, combined with a multifaceted ENY set presents many challenges to the scheme of maneuver. These challenges require ongoing movement of battalion trains and the BSA to enable 3/4 ID operational reach, maintain combat power and enable freedom of maneuver. To accomplish this, Role 1 ambulances will be forward positioned to company/troop trains, Role 2 FWD ambulances will position to BN/SQDN trains. Priority of ambulance support is 4-10 CAV, 1-68 AR, 1-38 IN. The Role 2 will utilize AXPs manned by area support squads for rapid return of FWD assets and direct support from 690th MC(GA) for Role 2 to Role 3 evacuation. Role 1 Aid Stations will operate out of BN/SQDN trains and the Role 2 will operate from AA DEMONS and echelon forward to BSA 2. The FLE/FLB will be augmented with area support squads to support Role 2 FWD/Area ambulance exchange. (a) (U) Medical Evacuation. Primary means of medical evacuation of wounded personnel will be conducted via ground. Units will maximize forward positioning of evacuation assets to reduce transport times. 3/4 ID receives 1x evacuation SQD (6x M977) from 690th MC(GA) in direct support for role 2 to Role 3 evacuation. Primary evacuation routes are MSR POTASSIUM, MSR MAGNESIUM, ASR LITHIUM and ASR CALCIUM. Subordinate units designate and report secondary routes as required to the BDE Surgeon Cell. Aerial medical evacuation assets, C/2-4 GSAB (15x HH-60), are in direct support to 4 ID with no direct allocation to 3/4 ID. Aerial medical evacuation is limited south of PL BLACK until Phase IV when the air LOA shifts to PL BLUE. Aerial MEDEVAC is coordinated through 3/4 ID Surgeon Cell to 4 ID Surgeon Cell for resource allocation and deconfliction. CDR, 4 ID retains mission authority and CDR, 4 CAB retains launch authority for all aerial evacuation requests. (b) (U) Ambulance Exchange Points. The BDE will utilize 200-299 series for labeling AXPs within the 3/4 ID AO. 300-399 series AXPs will be used to label 4 ID directed 3/4 ID rear boundary AXPs. 1. (U) AXP 200: Established IVO Crossing Point 1 at the trigger of maneuver elements passing PL BLACK, manned by 1x Area Evac squad (C/64BSB) to provide Role 2 FWD/Area evacuation exchange. AXP closes at end of Phase 2 when rear boundary shifts to PL BLACK. UNCLASSIFIED - TRAINING USE ONLY ANNEX F (SUSTAINMENT) TO OPERATION ORDER 2025-02 (IRON RAIN) (UNCLASSIFIED) 7 UNCLASSIFIED 2. (U) AXP 201: Establishes IVO FLB MERCURY during Phase 2, manned by 1x Area EVAC SQD (C/64BSB) to provide Role 2 FWD/Area evacuation exchange. Remains open through end of Phase 4. 3. (U) AXP 300: Established IVO BSA in AA Demons at start of Phase 1, manned by 1x SQD/690th MC(GA) to provide Role 2 to Role 3 exchange. AXP closes at end of Phase 2 when BDE rear boundary shifts to PL BLACK. 4. (U) AXP 301: Established at the closing of AXP 300. Replaces AXP 201 IVO, manned by 1x SQD/690th MC(GA) who relieve 1x Area EVAC SQD (C/64BSB) for onward movement to BSA 2. 5. (U) AXP 302: Established IVO Crossing Point 2 at end of Phase 2 when rear boundary shifts to PL BLACK to provide Role 2 to Role 3 exchange. This AXP is unmanned and remains open through the end of Phase 4. (c) (U) Medical Treatment. Priority of medical treatment is self/buddy aid, CLS/First Responder, EMT/68W, ATM/Role 1, ATM/Role 2, and Hospitalization/Role 3. Treatment of casualties from point of injury (POI) through Role 1 will prioritize return to duty and rapid stabilization for evacuation at the lowest possible echelon of care. Units will not by-pass roles of care without coordination between evacuating and receiving unit senior medical personnel. Role 2 patient hold is limited to 72-hour return to duty after establishment of BSA 2 in Phase 4. Prior to Phase 4, Role 2 will prioritize evacuation of all casualties to rapidly clear patients and enable required maneuver. Units will report movement and establishment location of Role 1 treatment teams (FAS/MAS) and Role 2 treatment teams to BDE Surgeon Cell. Damage Control Resuscitation (DCR)/Damage Control Surgery (DCS) is available vicinity DSA ROUGHRIDERS A until H-6 from 2x FRSD in general support. FRSDs will not forward deploy to BDE AO. 1. (U) Local Nationals. Health Service Support to local nationals is limited to saving life, limb or eyesight. Local nationals should be directed to host-nation medical facilities for all other/additional care. 2. (U) Enemy Prisoners of War/Detainees. 3/4 ID will provide health service support to EPWs/detainees IAW all treaties and conventions based on triage categories and evacuated to established holding areas within the DIV plan. The use of captured enemy medical materials, equipment and personnel to provide medical care for EPWs and detainees is required when available. 3. (U) Hospitalization. Role 3 hospitalization (148 Bed + Head & Neck) is provided by the 10th FH in general support to 3/4 ID, vicinity CSA LYNX. Theater evacuation policy is 7-day return to duty at Role 3. (d) (U) Force Health Protection. Priority of force health protection is CBRN response, disease non-battle injury (DNBI) and BPT conduct force health protection in BDE consolidation area for displaced civilians after Phase 4. Reinforcing capabilities UNCLASSIFIED - TRAINING USE ONLY ANNEX F (SUSTAINMENT) TO OPERATION ORDER 2025-02 (IRON RAIN) (UNCLASSIFIED) 8 UNCLASSIFIED (COSC, Vet, PM, Dental) are available from CSA LYNX and TIGER with coordination through BDE Surgeon's cell. BNs will plan operational decontamination for CRBN casualties with organic medical sets and CRBN evacuation routes within the BDE AO. The Role 2 will BPT establish BDE CBRN treatment site vicinity FLB MERCURY if two or more BNs receive CBRN casualties. Evacuation and Medical Treatment platforms are priority for operational decontamination at OP DECON sites 1 & 2. (e) (U) Medical Logistics. BN Role 1's and Role 2 will deploy with 72hr CL VIII and full complements of formularies. BSB SPO MEDLOG will monitor CL VIII stockages and requests with Role 2 Brigade Medical Supply Office (BMSO) and coordinate emergency CL VIII resupply through BDE Surgeon Cell. 3/4 ID receives direct support CL VIII and blood resupply through forward distribution from 418 MC (MLC)/56MMB vicinity CSA LYNX. The Role 2 will establish walking blood bank for whole blood resupply as a contingency.

- From the information in the annex F above, I need to extract the pertinent information to brief the sustainment plan to the Company.

- Please do it in a format easy to paste into a power point presentation (only have 2 slides available). Make it short, concise and only relative information to brief in 1 or 2 slides in 2 minutes.


- "We" are the 1-68 armor battalion

- I need pertinent information for day C+76.

- Provide 3rd Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, coordinating and special staff estimates to the Brigade Commander at IRON RAIN C+76.

- Do not recreate an IRON RAIN mission briefing. Brief ONLY what the company needs to know for the sustainment plan.

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