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This assignment asks you to write bash shell scripts to compute matrix operations. The purpose is to get you familiar with the Unix shell, shell

This assignment asks you to write bash shell scripts to compute matrix operations. The purpose is to get you familiar with the Unix shell, shell programming, Unix utilities, standard input, output, and error, pipelines, process ids, exit values, and signals (at a basic level).

What you're going to submit is your script, called simply "matrix".


In this assignment, you will write a bash shell script that calculates basic matrix operations using input from either a file or stdin. The input will be whole number values separated by tabs into a rectangular matrix. Your script should be able to print the dimensions of a matrix, transpose a matrix, calculate the mean vector of a matrix, add two matrices, and multiply two matrices.

You will be using bash builtins and Unix utilities to complete the assignment. Some commands to read up on are while, cat, read, expr, cut, head, tail, wc, and sort.

Your script must be called simply "matrix". The general format of the matrix command is:


Refer to man(1) for an explanation of the conventional notation regarding command syntax, to understand the line above. Note that many terminals render italic font style as an underline:



Your program must perform the following operations: dims, transpose, mean, add, and multiply. Usage is as follows:

matrix dims [MATRIX] matrix transpose [MATRIX] matrix mean [MATRIX] matrix add MATRIX_LEFT MATRIX_RIGHT matrix multiply MATRIX_LEFT MATRIX_RIGHT 

The dims, transpose, and mean operations should either perform their respective operations on the file named MATRIX, or on a matrix provided via stdin. The add and multiply operations do not need to process input via stdin.

dims should print the dimensions of the matrix as the number of rows, followed by a space, then the number of columns.

transpose should reflect the elements of the matrix along the main diagonal. Thus, an MxN matrix will become an NxM matrix and the values along the main diagonal will remain unchanged.

mean should take an MxN matrix and return an 1xN row vector, where the first element is the mean of column one, the second element is the mean of column two, and so on.

add should take two MxN matrices and add them together element-wise to produce an MxN matrix. add should return an error if the matrices do not have the same dimensions.

multiply should take an MxN and NxP matrix and produce an MxP matrix. Note that, unlike addition, matrix multiplication is not commutative. That is A*B != B*A.

Here is a brief example of what the output should look like.

$ cat m1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 $ cat m2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 $ ./matrix dims m1 2 4 $ cat m2 | ./matrix dims 4 2 $ ./matrix add m1 m1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 $ ./matrix add m2 m2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 $ ./matrix mean m1 3 4 5 6 $ ./matrix transpose m1 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 $ ./matrix multiply m1 m2 50 60 114 140 

You must check for the right number and format of arguments to matrix. This means that, for example, you must check that a given input file is readable, before attempting to read it. You are not required to test if the input file itself is valid. In other words, the behavior of matrix is undefined when the matrix input is not a valid matrix. for the purposes of this assignment, a valid matrix is a tab-delimited table containing at least one element, where each element is a signed integer, every entry is defined, and the table is rectangular.

The following are examples of invalid matrices and will not be tested against your code, and may not be output by your program:

An empty matrix.

A matrix where the final entry on a row is followed by a tab character.

A matrix with empty lines.

A matrix with any element that is blank or not an integer.

Here is a valid matrix file, m1:

$ cat m1 8 5 6 3 2 2 1 6 7 5 0 7 2 2 4 $ cat -A m1  # The '-A' flag shows tabs as '^I' and newlines as '$'. This is a good way to check correctness. 8^I5^I6$ 3^I2^I2$ 1^I6^I7$ 5^I0^I7$ 2^I2^I4$ $ 

If the inputs are valid -- your program should output only to stdout, and nothing to stderr. The return value should be 0.

If the inputs are invalid -- your program should output only to stderr, and nothing to stdout. The return value should be any number except 0. The error message you print is up to you; you will receive points as long as you print something to stderr and return a non-zero value.

Your program will be tested with matrices up to dimension 100 x 100.

Though optional, I do recommend that you use temporary files; arrays are not recommended. For this assignment, anytemporary files you use should be put in the current working directory. (A more standard place for temporary files is in /tmp but don't do that for this assignment; it makes grading easier if they are in the current directory.) Be sure any temporary file you create uses the process id as part of its name, so that there will not be conflicts if the program is running more than once. Be sure you remove any temporary files when your program is done. You should also use the trap command to catch interrupt, hangup, and terminate signals to remove the temporary files if the program is terminated unexpectedly.

All values and results are and must be integers. You may use the expr command to do your calculations, or any other bash shell scripting method, such as ((expr)). Do not use any other languages other than bash shell scripting: this means that, among others, awk, sed, tcl, bc, perl, & the python languages and tools are off-limits for this assignment. Note that expr only works with whole numbers. When you calculate the average you must round to the nearest integer, where half values round away from 0 (i.e. 7.5 rounds up to 8, but -7.5 rounds down to -8). This is the most common form of rounding. When doing truncating integer division (as bash does), this formula works to divide two numbers and end up with the proper rounding:

(a + (b/2)*( (a>0)*2-1 )) / b 

You can learn more about rounding methods here:

Rounding Wikipedia (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Grading With a Script

To make it easy to see how you're doing, you can download the actual grading script here:

This script is very close to the one that will be used to assign your script a grade. To use the script, just place it in the same directory as your matrix script and run it like this:

$ ./p1gradingscript 

When we run your script for grading, we will do this to put your results into a file we can examine more easily:

$ ./p1gradingscript > grading_result.username 

The p1gradingscript itself is a good resource for seeing how some of the more complex shell scripting commands work, too.


Your script must support the following operations:

matrix dims [MATRIX]Prints error message to stderr, nothing to stdout and return value != 0 if:

Argument count is greater than 1 (e.g. `matrix dims m1 m2`).

Argument count is 1 but the file named by argument 1 is not readable (e.g. `matrix dims no_such_file`).

Otherwise, prints "ROWS COLS" (Space separated!) to stdout, nothing to stderr, and returns 0.

matrix transpose [MATRIX]Prints error message to stderr, nothing to stdout and return value != 0 if:

Argument count is greater than 1 (e.g. `matrix transpose m1 m2`).

Argument count is 1 but the file named by argument 1 is not readable (e.g. `matrix transpose no_such_file`).

Otherwise, prints the transpose of the input, in a valid matrix format to stdout, nothing to stderr, and returns 0.

matrix mean [MATRIX]Prints error message to stderr, nothing to stdout and return value != 0 if:

Argument count is greater than 1 (e.g. `matrix mean m1 m2`).

Argument count is 1 but the file named by argument 1 is not readable (e.g. `matrix mean no_such_file`).

Otherwise, prints a row vector mean of the input matrix, in a valid matrix format to stdout, nothing to stderr, and returns 0. All values must round to the nearest integer, with ***.5 values rounded away from zero.

matrix add MATRIX_LEFT MATRIX_RIGHTPrints error message to stderr, nothing to stdout and return value != 0 if:

Argument count does not equal 2 (e.g. `matrix add m1 m2 m3` or `matrix add m1`).

Argument count is 2 but the file named by either argument is not readable (e.g. `matrix add m1 no_such_file`).

The dimensions of the input matrices do not allow them to be added together following the rules of matrix addition.

Otherwise, prints the sum of both matricies, in a valid matrix format to stdout, nothing to stderr, and returns 0.

matrix multiply MATRIX_LEFT MATRIX_RIGHTPrints error message to stderr, nothing to stdout and return value != 0 if:

Argument count does not equal 2 (e.g. `matrix multiply m1 m2 m3` or `matrix multiply m1`).

Argument count is 2 but the file named by either argument is not readable (e.g. `matrix multiply m1 no_such_file`).

The dimensions of the input matrices do not allow them to be multiplied together following the rules of matrix multiplication.

Otherwise, prints the product of both matricies, with the first argument as the left matrix and the second argumentas the right matrix, in a valid matrix format to stdout, nothing to stderr, and returns 0. (`matrix multiply A B` should return A*B, not B*A)

An invalid command must result in an error message to stderr, nothing to stdout, and a return value != 0.


Try writing each part as a separate function. You can use $1 "${@:2}" to call the function named by argument 1, with the remaining arguments passed to it. For example, matrix multiply m1 m2 will expand $1 "${@:2}" to multiply m1 m2 inside your script, which will call the function named "multiply".

You'll need to use the read command extensively to read in data from a file. Note that it reads in one line at a time from the stdin buffer and stores the line in a variable called REPLY, unless specified. Generally, read is used in a while loop, where a file is redirected to stdin of the while loop. Calling read < myfile multiple times will repeatedly read the first line of myfile.

The expr command and the shell can have conflicts over special characters. If you try expr 5 * ( 4 + 2 ), the shell will think * is a filename wild card and the parentheses mean command grouping. You have to use backslashes, like this:

expr 5 \* \( 4 + 2 \) 

I highly recommend that you develop this program directly on the class server (os1). Doing so will prevent you from having problems transferring the program back and forth, which can cause compatibility issues. Keep in mind that students caught developing on flip risk losing points on the assignment.

If you are using Windows as your operating system, windows may replace newlines in files with newline-carriage returns. These will be displayed as ^M characters in vim. To remove them, use the utility dos2unix.

% dos2unix bustedFile 

What to Turn in and When

Simply submit your "matrix" script file. Your script must be entirely contained in this one file. Do not split this assignment into multiple files or programs.

Grading script


exec > >(tee -a ./p1grading_result) 2>&1 # Copy all output to ./p1grading_result

# Parse any args nocolor=1 while [ $# -gt 0 ] do if [[ $1 == "-nocolor" ]] then nocolor=0 fi shift done

############################################################################### # Begin helper functions # generate() - Generates a matrix # perror() - prints error messages # failed() - prints failed test message # passed() - prints passed test message # result() - if $? == 0, calls passed(), otherwise calls failed() # comment() - prints comment to output # unit() - prints unit test headers ###############################################################################

function generate(){ # NAME # generate - generate a matrix of a specified size # SYNOPSIS # generate ROWS COLS RANGE # DESCRIPTION # Outputs a matrix with ROWS and COLS as dimensions. If RANGE is an integer, the entries # of the matrix will be random integers in (-RANGE,+RANGE). If RANGE is a string starting # with 'Z' or 'z', the matrix will be populated with zeroes. If RANGE is a string starting # with 'O' or 'o', the matrix will be populated with ones. If RANGE is a string starting # with 'D' or 'd', the matrix will be a diagonal matrix with ones along the diagonal entries. # AUTHOR # Written by Ryan Gambord (

[ $# -ne 3 ] && echo "invalid number of arguments">& 2 # This is equivalent to using an if statement. # The right side of the && operator will not # be evaluated unless the left side is true. for arg in $1 $2 do [[ $arg =~ [^0-9]+ ]] && echo "argument '$arg' is not an integer" >&2 done

y=0 while [ $y -lt $1 ] do x=0 ((y++)) while [ $x -lt $2 ] do ((x++)) case $3 in [oO]*) echo -n 1;; [zZ]*) echo -n 0;; [dD]*) [ $x -eq $y ]&& echo -n 1 || echo -n 0;; *) if [[ "$3" =~ [^0-9]+ ]] then echo "invalid RANGE" >&2 exit 1 else echo -n $(( (RANDOM-32767/2) % $3 )) fi;; esac if [ $x -ne $2 ] then echo -ne "\t" else echo fi done done


function perror(){ # NAME # perror - print a stack trace and error message # SYNOPSIS # perror [STRING] # DESCRIPTION # Echoes the STRING(s) to standard error with a stack trace for debugging. # The value of the status flag $? is not changed by perror. # AUTHOR # Written by Ryan Gambord (

status=$? # Capture status of previous command echo -e "\e[36mTraceback (most recent call last):\e[0m">& 2 i=${#BASH_LINENO[@]} # Get number of items in stack trace

# This section prints a stack trace of the current execution stack while [ $i -gt 0 ] # Iterate to the top of the stack do until # Loop until we get to the bottom of caller stack (this is safer than offsetting $i) ((i--)) info=($(caller $i)) # Get caller info do :; done # Do nothing

echo " File \"${info[2]}\", line ${info[0]}, in ${info[1]}()" >&2 # Print caller info if [ $i -ne 0 ] # Check if we're at the top of the stack (perror call is at top) then echo " "$(head "${info[2]}" -n ${info[0]} | tail -n 1) >&2 # Print trace if not at top else echo -en "\e[31mERROR\e[0m: ">& 2 # Print error message if at top [ $# -gt 0 ] && echo "$*">& 2 || echo "(no error message specified)">& 2 fi done exit 1 }

function failed(){ [ $nocolor -eq 0 ] || echo -ne "\033[31m" echo -e "\tFailed: $@" [ $nocolor -eq 0 ] || echo -ne "\033[0m" }

function passed(){ [ $nocolor -eq 0 ] || echo -ne "\033[32m" echo -e "\tPassed: $@" [ $nocolor -eq 0 ] || echo -ne "\033[0m" }

function result(){ val=$? pts=$2 if [ $# -lt 2 ] then pts=1 fi if [ $val -eq 0 ] then passed "$1" "($pts/$pts)" ((score += pts)) ((total += pts)) else failed "$1" "(0/$pts)" ((total += pts)) fi }

function comment(){ [ $nocolor -eq 0 ] || echo -ne "\033[0;96m" echo -e "# $@" [ $nocolor -eq 0 ] || echo -ne "\033[0m" } unit_count=0 function unit(){ ((unit_count++)) [ $nocolor -eq 0 ] || echo -ne "\033[4m" echo -e "Unit test $unit_count: $@" [ $nocolor -eq 0 ] || echo -ne "\033[0m" comment "(running score = $score/$total)" }

############################################################################### # End helper functions # # Begin script # ###############################################################################

# Print banner

if [ $nocolor -eq 0 ] then echo -e " " else echo -e "[0;1;35;95m[0m [0;1;31;91m[0;1;33;93m[0;1;32;92m[0;1;36;96m[0;1;34;94m[0;1;35;95m[0;1;31;91m[0;1;33;93m[0;1;32;92m[0;1;36;96m[0;1;34;94m[0m [0;1;31;91m[0;1;33;93m[0;1;32;92m[0;1;36;96m[0;1;34;94m[0;1;35;95m[0;1;31;91m[0m [0;1;33;93m[0m [0;1;36;96m[0;1;34;94m[0;1;35;95m[0;1;31;91m[0;1;33;93m[0;1;32;92m[0;1;36;96m[0m [0;1;31;91m[0;1;33;93m[0;1;32;92m[0m [0;1;36;96m[0;1;34;94m[0;1;35;95m[0;1;31;91m[0;1;33;93m[0;1;32;92m[0;1;36;96m[0;1;34;94m[0;1;35;95m[0m [0;1;33;93m[0;1;32;92m[0;1;36;96m[0m [0;1;34;94m[0m [0;1;35;95m[0;1;31;91m[0;1;33;93m[0;1;32;92m[0m [0;1;35;95m[0m [0;1;31;91m[0m [0;1;33;93m[0;1;32;92m[0m [0;1;36;96m[0m [0;1;33;93m[0;1;32;92m[0;1;36;96m[0;1;34;94m[0;1;35;95m[0;1;31;91m[0m [0;1;33;93m[0m [0;1;32;92m[0;1;36;96m[0m [0;1;34;94m[0;1;35;95m[0;1;31;91m[0m [0;1;32;92m[0m [0;1;36;96m[0m [0;1;34;94m[0m [0;1;35;95m[0m [0;1;31;91m[0;1;33;93m[0;1;32;92m[0m [0;1;36;96m[0m [0;1;31;91m[0m [0;1;33;93m[0;1;32;92m[0;1;36;96m[0m [0;1;34;94m[0m " fi

# Initialize score and total variables score=0 total=0

# Check for existence/executability of matrix file if [ ! -r matrix ] || [ ! -x matrix ] then perror "matrix: permission error" exit 0 fi

tmp1="$(mktemp --tmpdir p1grading_XXXXX)" tmp2="$(mktemp --tmpdir p1grading_XXXXX)" tmp3="$(mktemp --tmpdir p1grading_XXXXX)" tmp4="$(mktemp --tmpdir p1grading_XXXXX)"

############################################################################### # Begin unit tests # ###############################################################################

unit "error messages"

$(./matrix dims "$tmp1" "$tmp1" 1>"$tmp2" 2>"$tmp3") [ $? -ne 0 ] && [ -s "$tmp3" ] && [ ! -s "$tmp2" ] result "too many args to matrix dims" 1

$(./matrix add 1>"$tmp2" 2>"$tmp3") [ $? -ne 0 ] && [ -s "$tmp3" ] && [ ! -s "$tmp2" ] result "no args to matrix add" 1

generate 5 6 10 > "$tmp1"

$(./matrix multiply "$tmp1" "$tmp1" 1>"$tmp2" 2>"$tmp3") [ $? -ne 0 ] && [ -s "$tmp3" ] && [ ! -s "$tmp2" ] result "multiplying incompatible matrices" 5

generate 6 5 10 > "$tmp2" $(./matrix add "$tmp1" "$tmp2" 1>"$tmp2" 2>"$tmp3") [ $? -ne 0 ] && [ -s "$tmp3" ] && [ ! -s "$tmp2" ] result "adding incompatible matrices" 4

chmod -r "$tmp1" $(./matrix transpose "$tmp1" 1>"$tmp2" 2>"$tmp3") [ $? -ne 0 ] && [ -s "$tmp3" ] && [ ! -s "$tmp2" ] result "tranpose unreadable file" 2 chmod +r "$tmp1"

$(./matrix dims $(mktemp -u) 1>"$tmp2" 2>"$tmp3") [ $? -ne 0 ] && [ -s "$tmp3" ] && [ ! -s "$tmp2" ] result "get dims of nonexistent file" 1

$(./matrix badcommand 1>"$tmp2" 2>"$tmp3") [ $? -ne 0 ] && [ -s "$tmp3" ] && [ ! -s "$tmp2" ] result "matrix badcommand" 1


unit "matrix dims tests"

for a in {0..2} do (( rows = RANDOM % 50 + 51 )) (( cols = RANDOM % 50 + 51 )) dims="$(generate $rows $cols 100 | ./matrix dims)" [[ "$dims" == "$rows $cols" ]] result "Stdin: (\"$dims\" == \"$rows $cols\")" 3 done

for a in {3..5} do (( rows = RANDOM % 50 + 51 )) (( cols = RANDOM % 50 + 51 ))

generate $rows $cols 100 > "$tmp1" dims="$(./matrix dims $tmp1)" [[ "$dims" == "$rows $cols" ]] result "File input: (\"$dims\" == \"$rows $cols\")" 3 done


unit "matrix transpose hardcoded test"

m1="-93 -92 29 -45 -55 -87 -36 39 -88 71 7 -69 52 45 -22 50 -27 85 11 -76 -3 23 68 58 -5 34 7 -29 -49 41 -61 2 -44 -62 47 -77 33 6 -7 55 -45 99 2 20 89 52 -97 57 -39 -76 62 24 69 -74 89 -76 1 -46 -27 -9 55 77 42 10 -98 -22 15 -48 26 33 -7 29 -34 78 -19 23 25 -40 16 -63 -12 42 45 -22 20 44 -23 78 -50 17 -67 14 -9 -58 38 -78 2 99 -87 -92 -34 -29 -7 -31 11 65 -32 27 91 -46 -13 -71 37 24 -5 34 -92 6 15 -15 -49 23 -52 -9 59 -57 -78 -10 17 -27 44 -34 -62 22 -94 -45 -45 88 -12 -64 1 -60 -35 11 1 -10 52 5 52 -17 -91 61 90 22 82 -9 82 85 10 56 18 4 -18 -92 -46 31 98 47 -12 -60 20 54 -8 92 24 -71 -23 24 91 37 -12 98 -13 66 72 -14 88 51 75 5 40 -91 91 -94 26 0 60 -41 6 28 -54 97 56 40 -17 94 -92 -23 -3 -91 10 -26 78 -22 -55 73 -82 -49 -26 -63 -80 8 97 87 -27 80 17 90 22 6 45 23 91 16 -93 -38 -64 -75 35 61 21 -24 -38 92 -43 98 -14 35 39 -65 -20 65 65 19 -81 79 -32 62 -93 89 19 -83 -47 45 20 93 49 43 73 80 24 81 19 -15 48 -46 -23 -63 65 2 75 -16 1 -98 14 -40 -68 -89 -10 90 29 3 -15 58 86 -85 36 -55 31 -79"

m2="-93 50 -61 52 55 23 -67 65 -49 -45 -91 31 -12 0 10 80 21 79 24 -40 -92 -27 2 -97 77 25 14 -32 23 -45 61 98 98 60 -26 17 -24 -32 81 -68 29 85 -44 57 42 -40 -9 27 -52 88 90 47 -13 -41 78 90 -38 62 19 -89 -45 11 -62 -39 10 16 -58 91 -9 -12 22 -12 66 6 -22 22 92 -93 -15 -10 -55 -76 47 -76 -98 -63 38 -46 59 -64 82 -60 72 28 -55 6 -43 89 48 90 -87 -3 -77 62 -22 -12 -78 -13 -57 1 -9 20 -14 -54 73 45 98 19 -46 29 -36 23 33 24 15 42 2 -71 -78 -60 82 54 88 97 -82 23 -14 -83 -23 3 39 68 6 69 -48 45 99 37 -10 -35 85 -8 51 56 -49 91 35 -47 -63 -15 -88 58 -7 -74 26 -22 -87 24 17 11 10 92 75 40 -26 16 39 45 65 58 71 -5 55 89 33 20 -92 -5 -27 1 56 24 5 -17 -63 -93 -65 20 2 86 7 34 -45 -76 -7 44 -34 34 44 -10 18 -71 40 94 -80 -38 -20 93 75 -85 -69 7 99 1 29 -23 -29 -92 -34 52 4 -23 -91 -92 8 -64 65 49 -16 36 52 -29 2 -46 -34 78 -7 6 -62 5 -18 24 91 -23 97 -75 65 43 1 -55 45 -49 20 -27 78 -50 -31 15 22 52 -92 91 -94 -3 87 35 19 73 -98 31 -22 41 89 -9 -19 17 11 -15 -94 -17 -46 37 26 -91 -27 61 -81 80 14 -79"

echo "$m1" > "$tmp1" echo "$m2" > "$tmp2"

[[ "$m1" == "$(./matrix transpose $tmp2)" ]] && [[ "$m2" == "$(./matrix transpose $tmp1)" ]] result "m1 == T(m2) and T(m1) == m2" 10


unit "matrix transpose involution test"

for a in {1..3} do (( rows = RANDOM % 50 + 51 )) (( cols = RANDOM % 50 + 51 ))

m1="$(generate $rows $cols 100)" echo "$m1" > "$tmp1"

[[ "$m1" == "$(./matrix transpose $tmp1 | ./matrix transpose)" ]] result "m$a == T(T(m$a))" 5 done


unit "matrix mean test"

m1="-28 91 29 -5 12 83 -94 -16 41 -28 6 86 -44 83 -9 64 92 -70 41 22 66 29 55 49 6 52 4 17 -29 52 -8 -33 96 -73 -76 92 -32 94 45 4 43 -97 -57 36 86 90 35 75 46 8 4 -83 -94 -52 0 -6 -90 48 70 11 -33 -41 -76 68 30 -19 70 96 -85 -1 -9 -62 58 63 -4 22 -69 -25 -75 -65 -78 76 39 10 -99 -69 63 53 35 67 73 51 55 -26 -14 9 -90 -19 -19 -63 -96 23 -62 89 93 98 48 -21 -56 -86 24 45 -79 -65 -79 -60 87 -74 44 20 -38 50 -50 -38 -36 30 -69 -66 -23 42 55 -5 -62 98 47 -86 23 -85 -2 -55 -79 -41 -12 -31 -84 -10 46 16 -56 -26 70 -16 -17 99 24 -41 80 47 -59 -55 80 96 -54 43 24 -82 1 -46 25 -1 92 16 44 -21 62 58 79 -97 -21 -62 -46 -23 -68 59 -72 -6 -78 59 11 52 -96 -77 5 77 64 -29 -98 69 -68 69 74 32 -71 91 38 -75 25 -61 -29 73 40 25 29 93 93 -27 -1 -16 -14 48 99 -36 81 6 35 -90 4 -57 80 84 63 -10 80 -99 96 -5 -81 11 37 -46"

m2="-10 16 13 4 2 -4"

generate 5 10 z > "$tmp1" [[ "$(generate 1 10 z)" == "$(./matrix mean < $tmp1)" ]] result "zero matrix" 2

generate 5 10 o > "$tmp1" [[ "$(generate 1 10 o)" == "$(./matrix mean $tmp1)" ]] result "ones matrix" 5

generate 5 10 d > "$tmp1" [[ "$(generate 1 10 z)" == "$(./matrix mean $tmp1)" ]] result "identity matrix" 5

echo "$m1" > "$tmp1" [[ "$m2" == "$(./matrix mean $tmp1)" ]] result "hardcoded matrix" 15


unit "matrix add test"

bigz="$(generate 30 20 z)" echo "$bigz" > "$tmp1" [[ "$bigz" == "$(./matrix add $tmp1 $tmp1)" ]] result "0 + 0 == 0" 2

bigr="$(generate 30 20 100)" echo "$bigr" > "$tmp2" [[ "$bigr" == "$(./matrix add $tmp2 $tmp1)" ]] result "X + 0 == X" 5

[[ "$bigr" == "$(./matrix add $tmp1 $tmp2)" ]] result "0 + X == X" 5

m1="$(generate 10 10 100)" m2="$(generate 10 10 100)" echo "$m1" > "$tmp1" echo "$m2" > "$tmp2" [[ "$(./matrix add $tmp1 $tmp2)" == "$(./matrix add $tmp2 $tmp1)" ]] result "A + B == B + A"

m1="68 86 -22 95 -97 44 68 -98 70 -65 69 94 -5 -84 3 83 71 31 -10 0 -82 74 -87 94 56 27 -45 -45 12 -75 -76 0 42 -76 75 14 21 -30 87 -8 -58 62 78 70 57 -93 2 -82 -2 -55 46 68 98 -91 40 73 -87 -45 58 78 45 45 42 93 47 -66 62 -70 84 92 82 -18 51 -55 -5 19 -16 58 -29 56 -95 -24 -72 23 40 67 -8 58 41 -5 54 -11 -22 68 73 90 92 20 89 39 74 -7 59 27 39 -97 -97 75 40 21 13 36 -83 -85 -84 -92 44 -7 83 -88 -33 -59 -91 -33 -23 -55 -77 -50 14 39 91 -39 58 -29 -75 -25 28 -84 -91 35 94 -78 97 24 94 -74 10 81 67 42 -67 -72 -66 -48 71 11 77 0 56 92 56 -36 70 -8 50 53 92 -81 99 45 96 -37 38 60 -37 61 -62 99 23 79 93 47 -87 -56 -60 -43 -7 75 82 -13 -81 -66 38 -23 30 -46 7 -30 -25 89 -8 73 1 -25 -53 -82 -82 23 0 -5 26 -13 -13 -4 -57 -52 26 96 -40 47 66 -83 84 -51 6 -5 62 -51 -54 -50 31 -6 88 55 -73 35 32 -91 -23 2 73 37 89 90 -45 89 -56 -12 3 79 -26 -18 81 93 -92 3 -17 23 -64 -4 -45 -57 59 -72 -84 44 38 70 47 -91 -10 -86 18 -40 -21 98 42 79 7 -80 -33 -93 78 -16 91 -62 55 82 -93 1 72 -31 -52 -8 -55 -89 66 -99 10 -25 64 -66 -56 19 19 80 -32 -16 73 10 25 -20 -57 30 29 81 30 -90 33 -54 68 -7 53 52 -55 -44 -94 -20 -76 29 88 33 -26 30 -45 90 -56 85 60 38 -28 17 90 -42 -35 87 -2 -47 94 -35 78 -33 59 -22 8 -5 0 -36 33 -27 -92 75 91 -97 19 76 33 20 -10 -80 -20 3 98 -35 75 -28 -48 -73 -68 72 17 45 43 -90 -12 4 86 -49 88 -92 39 -18 5 -10 -69 -5 -56 3 -21 10"

m2="24 52 55 -34 -9 74 -79 -78 5 -42 48 -53 -77 47 -53 97 -72 20 77 -28 -66 -54 72 -46 -25 53 -95 -3 -75 -62 92 -43 -57 0 78 -63 -90 12 -60 -77 65 43 -17 65 25 -77 57 27 71 98 83 53 28 -87 -56 -20 67 -3 -16 -61 -99 19 30 34 -10 -73 1 -18 7 99 -76 71 -72 -78 20 56 66 20 10 34 -54 -37 54 18 -11 56 -81 -97 64 -56 68 -36 25 -26 -56 91 -60 12 -9 17 -41 -78 -54 -19 -38 -76 17 -90 91 -5 82 -31 -92 93 -57 43 -56 14 29 -45 78 22 -94 12 -76 44 -63 -11 -11 -89 -81 53 56 6 27 30 -26 -79 -12 -50 52 15 -44 63 8 40 91 10 -26 -35 -61 21 -55 82 -97 -90 -25 10 -60 2 -33 -48 -46 -64 -41 -61 84 54 0 26 -56 75 -81 -53 -68 -2 -93 -46 29 85 53 -93 -31 51 78 75 69 10 -20 -68 -67 -67 -54 23 76 32 -11 -86 -55 -14 5 93 35 41 -26 41 77 88 43 44 -89 91 66 -11 90 -44 -61 -10 -66 -51 82 83 -44 55 69 80 1 -29 8 -87 -93 -91 -53 44 3 -3 24 13 86 33 92 5 -75 58 -4 -52 -2 -3 78 9 83 59 82 -4 -57 76 25 -49 -44 15 75 64 44 -23 43 56 60 0 46 26 39 53 -85 53 14 81 77 -11 -32 33 75 0 68 -5 -78 -13 90 -51 -15 -40 77 -95 -37 59 -20 30 38 -32 4 -76 -63 -28 58 -62 -42 93 15 79 32 -42 4 -98 85 -85 -31 -38 28 -31 -17 17 -65 -66 -8 26 -7 79 18 33 21 66 41 -22 20 66 -9 -64 -71 -67 -16 68 19 12 55 6 -90 -60 1 26 64 -29 62 96 89 11 -77 -26 76 -62 -48 -36 -76 -21 -93 85 -5 -99 41 -74 47 1 -44 47 16 83 30 -38 33 -53 80 -11 94 20 -76 -25 17 -5 3 -78 92 -33 -13 14 85 -52 -55 5 75 -89 9 -16"

m3="92 138 33 61 -106 118 -11 -176 75 -107 117 41 -82 -37 -50 180 -1 51 67 -28 -148 20 -15 48 31 80 -140 -48 -63 -137 16 -43 -15 -76 153 -49 -69 -18 27 -85 7 105 61 135 82 -170 59 -55 69 43 129 121 126 -178 -16 53 -20 -48 42 17 -54 64 72 127 37 -139 63 -88 91 191 6 53 -21 -133 15 75 50 78 -19 90 -149 -61 -18 41 29 123 -89 -39 105 -61 122 -47 3 42 17 181 32 32 80 56 33 -85 5 8 1 -173 -80 -15 131 16 95 5 -175 8 -141 -49 -12 7 112 -133 45 -37 -185 -21 -99 -11 -140 -61 3 -50 10 14 114 -23 -48 5 2 -163 -103 -15 146 -63 53 87 102 -34 101 91 41 7 -128 -51 -121 34 -26 -79 52 10 -4 94 23 -84 24 -72 9 -8 176 -27 99 71 40 38 -43 7 -105 59 -155 53 52 164 146 -46 -118 -5 18 32 62 85 62 -81 -148 -133 -16 0 106 -14 -4 -116 -80 75 -3 166 36 16 -79 -41 -5 111 43 39 -63 78 53 -15 33 -96 -35 86 -106 -4 148 0 40 4 75 75 63 -80 -46 -137 -62 -97 35 99 -70 32 56 -78 63 35 165 42 14 148 -49 37 -58 -15 81 88 57 41 163 89 -149 79 8 -26 -108 11 30 7 103 -95 -41 100 98 70 93 -65 29 -33 -67 13 -7 179 119 68 -25 -47 42 -93 146 -21 13 -75 145 31 -108 -39 149 -126 -89 51 -75 -59 104 -131 14 -101 1 -94 2 -43 -23 173 -17 63 105 -32 29 -118 28 -55 -2 43 58 -121 16 -37 3 -73 45 78 -62 35 -76 13 -55 95 129 11 -6 96 -54 26 -127 18 44 106 -9 29 145 -36 -125 27 -1 -21 158 -64 140 63 148 -11 -69 -31 76 -98 -15 -63 -168 54 -2 -12 14 -23 74 -54 37 -79 -64 50 114 48 105 -66 -15 -126 12 61 111 65 -33 -115 5 -1 89 -127 180 -125 26 -4 90 -62 -124 0 19 -86 -12 -6"

echo "$m1" > "$tmp1" echo "$m2" > "$tmp2"

[[ "$m3" == "$(./matrix add $tmp1 $tmp2)" ]] result "m1 + m2 == m3 (hardcoded matrix)" 15


unit "matrix multiply test"

m1="$(generate 10 10 d)" m2="$(generate 10 15 100)"

echo "$m1" > "$tmp1" echo "$m2" > "$tmp2"

[[ "$m2" == "$(./matrix multiply $tmp1 $tmp2)" ]] result "I * M == M" 5

m2="$(generate 15 10 100)" echo "$m2" > "$tmp2" [[ "$m2" == "$(./matrix multiply $tmp2 $tmp1)" ]] result "M * I == M" 5

m1="$(generate 30 14 z)" m2="$(generate 14 12 60)" m3="$(generate 30 12 z)"

echo "$m1" > "$tmp1" echo "$m2" > "$tmp2"

[[ "$m3" == "$(./matrix multiply $tmp1 $tmp2)" ]] result "0 * M == 0" 5

m1="-80 85 -94 93 28 88 47 37 9 8 51 -39 -63 56 -72 -39 80 -77 -22 70 44 -47 57 62 -77 -66 22 -30 10 -16 -26 16 -93 2 -87 32 -26 -52 99 -59 8 4 62 -66 -73 -46 -7 -88 -14 94 -41 82 45 -37 -18 -66 0 99 -28 42 -13 -22 67 52 30 87 95 -14 -7 -68 2 -12 -98 -49 79 -33 40 -76 80 97 18 -63 39 -74 99 60 -64 31 -88 32 74 97 -66 21 11 45 -5 -21 -4 -12 -78 8 5 -13 -79 -67 -23 -40 -80 13 -73 -62 -38 -13 -77 40 -61 88 81 -6 72 -71 -40 53 -26 -85 2 46 -79 -95 15 -86 35 -57 12 -94 -1 -9 -42 52 0 38 65 1 41 -52 -1 -92 -28 57 60 71 -22 -90 -3 -53 -16 -90 98 -88 53 -81 -67 -51 -24 -74 90 36 99 -57 59 -14 10 -90 -53 -23 -84 -29 2 -19 96 4 -6 -54 -73 38 -6 99 -57 63 40 -83 19 -15 80 -90 34 68 -22 -78 2 -74 -18 -45 -16 12 -99 8 98 59 72 20 -51 37 -28 56 11 79 0 94 -48 10 69 60 -22 68 -48 12 -14 51 -11 10 -97 -88 -87 9 -77 -99 79 -38 75 -48 -78 38 -51 -3 -47 66 -5 -52 -87 -93 1 93 13 77 31 79 -97 -73 -69 7 97 -24 -14 -7 -40 53 58 -14 -78 33 26 51 -48 17 -18 -90 -27 86 9 -97 51 27 -26 -81 -44 -34 -28 71 -56 -17 -88 3 89 14 59 -7 -45 -47 -5 96 -80 30 -1 43 31 -21 70 94 2 16 49 46 -67 69 0 64 -53 32 -94 96 -76 87 21 -1 72 35 67 -23 15 51 -3 -75 4 65 -44 -1 -43 66 -21 -88 -59 -29 -25 30 -57 21 -81 -76 -36 94 59 -2 86 25 -10 53 63 -24 67 49 -37 -39 -39 -14 67 -77 -76 74 46 -34 -3 85 -54 -26 -48 -34 -24 -75 67 33 6 43 -82 -25 58 82 -13 47 66 18 -39 57 -29 -8 85 15 -98 -83 -21 9 -7 86 4 72 17 -73 -64 71 -48 65 -38 -51 -2 -10 7 -69 -21 -33 -96 -26 37 25 -23 -52 -72 23 -46 7 70 12 11 -36 -38 28 71 -22 46 -40 -86 70 81 81 -34 76 -32 -90 92 77 35 -13 -63 42 63 97 -52 94 49 69 -66 25 21 42 98 93 15 -35 -13 90 -4 65 -35 34 -10 -15 -36 -49 -2 -42 -64 43 78 -31 -56 -89 -9 37 -8 -55 -4 17 74 79 55 17 46 6 85 34 49 -53 81 36 -10 -82 -48 -4 -50 11 -11 62 46 -64 74 -18 13 -76 0 87 92 -65 -37 58 50 -68 -6 62 8 93 58 80 35 55 45 21 41 0 88 -13 -47 36 45 43 -25 -40 -25 -81 -8 -40 -85 -30 -4 -17 73 -30 15 97 -64 63 81 86 3 -40 -36 7 83 43 -91 42 0 77 96 -77 10 56 46 -10 12 0 -21 2 -6 7 72 65 14 -67 2 0 53 -36 92 -52 -30 59 -86 -13 -61 -94 -74 -78 50 -78 36 81 -19 11 81 19 78 -55 -69 66 41 4 92 74 -58 -43 24 25 -74 -58 95"

m2="-46 19 8 23 22 -11 34 10 -36 -90 58 -23 -73 -73 -92 40 78 -43 -59 34 0 -83 72 0 -23 89 -13 42 -49 52 15 37 68 -90 85 -29 37 53 67 92 -61 -69 16 -91 81 -96 -48 30 63 -4 60 70 92 -43 91 -21 85 -38 -13 16 73 50 55 -21 79 56 -39 -15 94 -32 -57 -3 -19 0 97 87 86 -58 -11 -47 -50 -36 -67 -47 -83 -79 -44 -63 75 -80 -67 -27 22 4 -50 30 -69 39 -12 6 51 -94 26 3 -36 -50 -65 -66 36 -11 62 -39 5 4 65 85 -9 -42 82 41 -19 -43 -86 -71 16 86 -30 -46 59 56 81 -95 -97 -42 71 28 52 -15 -36 3 -81 -33 -5 -75 -73 -3 -17 -83 70 -71 -37 66 4 50 61 -92 86 -20 85 -74 -1 -41 39 73 -49 34 -41 29 -65 47 44 -48 -4 98 66 -73 -34 32 17 3 80 -45 -20 65 59 -14 -15 -60 62 5 -56 -51 70 -98 5 55 67 -67 -95 -51 13 54 15 -72 -67 48 98 45 17 48 45 37 99 87 -96 -75 36 -82 65 -72 88 83 -29 -14 -62 -43 -18 -77 73 -59 -42 4 -45 68 -15 15 71 -20 7 -80 21 -32 63 -11 73 34 3 63 68 60 -75 65 88 90 -28 -68 -14 57 -11 12 -97 3 83 76 -53 -42 -35 24 -35 -89 -96 58 -3 70 52 -71 18 -37 12 -72 14 93 32 63 47 64 -14 15 62 55 69 -75 -83 1 39 85 80 25 -98 -19 -9 -71 -87 35 -47 -11 -48 -8 -80 -68 -53 59 -38 -64 6 5 14 60 -70 -18 28 44 -2 1 -71 3 89 0 17 -16 -24 30 58 -67 -29 8 -5 30 -75 31 -62 7 -81 89 66 92 71 -34 20 41 -34 -11 -70 0 73 80 43 29 -67 -9 6 -94 -19 -46 44 -45 69 51 -78 -66 71 48 60 -51 -27 21 -90 -37 -35 21 -25 29 96 26 -90 -46 45 89 69 -20 99 98 -91 -40 -54 45 -42 51 -39 -71 -32 3 10 40 63 42 -3 -55 -53 -8 -98 -48 -43 -50 34 95 -98 95 83 55 -75 -61 -91 28 43 -88 66 9 -83 84 4 -47 -48 42 -11 -9 -85 0 -68 -45 -69 -52 68 94 34 4 94 -42 73 -50 26 -56 75 -14 -4 -92 72 -8 75 -79 49 47 -55 79 57 -53 8 98 85 12 -47 -54 -61 -24 55 72 31 18 -57 -85 -76 -65 46 14 -64 -61 81 92 89 -76 -96 29 -57 98 -21 -75 -66 14 19 -7 39 -24 -64 -85 80 -75 -48 57 -5 -52 -60 -73 27 -56 -90 -43 41 -55 -26 -47 -31 96 20 76 -4 17 -20 -98 28 87 70 54 -45 -61 90 2 48 0 97 53 -48 67 86 16 50 97 69 -8 48 -11 70 -26 -63 55 62 -70 -41 -28 -46 -93 -54 -69 90 -52 11 98 28 64 -31 76 -59 -67 44 -77 -85 -65 54 57 90 0 6 -70 77 -90 31 -3 87 -24 28 -84 23 0 36 71 -76 -84 12 95 49 -95 77 32 -46 -1 -28 81 15 -58 30 92 -36 -29 7 57 58 -70 60 11 11 63 -72 -3 -29 23 76"

m3="22965 9925 9346 19084 -9241 -22200 -36903 4840 -17439 -3760 -35169 5378 12600 18991 -22989 -14725 -32343 1170 -2937 -4396 -26805 -23470 -8985 20005 -7504 880 30761 12175 -10504 -1443 14140 9769 4237 -4832 26530 -6612 -12224 9775 -1188 14763 -14504 -5753 -19864 21746 7281 500 13720 -14866 23709 21727 -9033 -13102 -124 -6371 9272 23489 19677 6070 1264 16454 -13560 922 -8722 1698 32792 4132 -10006 12433 -15426 17814 6717 12988 -14819 593 22482 11783 -40738 -14880 15690 -7899 -8331 -36285 -9546 -6428 -12619 -35913 2784 -17376 12908 -4454 9870 -4642 26274 -21466 -8609 -24396 -25865 -780 -25 448 -1276 -1038 16703 -27882 7215 -26322 -10871 16460 17761 -17116 -2243 7755 -5261 -9371 -10386 -5338 -1291 2751 22528 -2512 -21509 -412 11762 17965 5066 -5136 -7103 -255 -20259 8776 42398 77 -9822 7926 34747 5216 10583 -14472 -8855 31169 -17432 -7493 16197 10568 2730 -1897 13094 -12927 -1666 5970 360 -1799 34125 -26362 25516 -10741 23804 8095 -691 -2552 2953 -21933 8654 -14659 5222 -1985 -2520 6886 16187 6950 -31028 -7076 -21627 15455 15922 848 -17111 -17574 14713 -545 -685 -26151 -6875 -9975 -19816 -7325 8565 5982 -3161 -2395 -3037 16148 9460 -24889 -29229 12651 -5344 4650 -15432 -36871 -16765 11515 8292 3744 -19397 -1659 -11255 14721 5488 -1125 -4057 18644 28033 8904 -30314 -5209 8153 -9628 39049 -12067 -1570 15887 3261 -5141 -24360 17593 -6852 20227 6133 12954 -34998 750 13276 -5882 -38695 11443 -10186 7710 -23947 6911 37162 24979 -29165 7330 -600 -14134 -39266 8709 -10992 10773 -369 -11620 -10411 15335 4309 2728 -30188 -33425 964 -11467 844 3646 -31615 149 13207 -1787 -12522 34973 -975 -11384 17085 -3307 -17114 -19353 -25133 17332 -33041 -13076 -11537 -13530 19009 -18179 -2934 -5603 8477 11143 -190 -12810 304 6621 -16515 24148 -7021 -2448 -2873 14418 -5757 -7791 -30304 -16958 -6475 10715 -13824 12207 -19061 15461 70 6461 -11482 23484 -6500 39111 7910 35755 -18773 -21063 -6039 546 4878 10977 19056 7629 7790 34095 -18612 13667 -1085 515 1508 12389 -21233 -1840 2936 -6831 -16663 -8074 -12920 3468 -4394 -27 -4065 -5894 1869 -50965 -14144 -6933 -15192 18645 4134 11128 10327 4857 28804 1641 -7760 -3323 -13194 17760 -12322 22858 -8966 16024 26871 25153 -5110 9878 -28011 -20824 7434 -18171 -32353 -3025 -4412 -830 -7018 -1661 -23976 -25870 -1377 13205 13390 23373 1051 -1759 -9005 2316 1772 1038 4759 15361 1770 12214 3348 -26808 -13522 44371 13043 -12637 -17474 -22149 13006 -2049 -14014 26626 -10428 -172 -2331 -22127 -3373 575 8922 7956 -13718 3907 8380 27389 -17717 5587 -11905 7024 -389 -36078 16064 -7341 2178 -21234 19490 21361 5777 7470 6996 -9582 -12574 14386 23977 7143 -6457 -19467 -10249 7108 -16446 -28066 9779 39085 -5292 -18801 30944 -34163 22496 17968 7388 -22586 -32992 4524 -13345 25762 -15259 939 -9852 1620 1859 17200 -8712 15878 -12332 -18121 20442 -9515 -8709 -12004 37161 4037 1846 -17026 -33204 -11895 58 681 -7467 4107 -3420 -9721 -302 10751 -10808 -9672 2001 -16882 12518 -7593 -11014 3469 25696 20308 12852 -2101 2624 -5053 190 -14209 -164 2607 -1822 -6818 -15689 -11559 -2459 13706 -3064 -18735 -5615 26 -10923 -3822 -11462 11007 12019 -10753 6484 -20223 -21451 -4704 27280 -15647 10788 -10770 15639 21011 5213 -6157 -4369 12354 -17687 19721 11972 21356 5276 -897 7982 11080 -8174 -37729 817 28742 3704 18163 16758 -37289 8967 22292 -13448 -11410 -18040 16558 2038 -2575 -16333 -23440 20123 9673 -26702 -18295 17314 13159 13797 25471 -26248 21741 -3577 28368 130 13603 -17888 -12320 5062 -20432 7774 7523 -15477 5045 -21824 847 17301 15529 -18691 -616 -18991 12855 -13920 -29755 5548 -10819 -21413 -15771 -3257 5292 8643 15855 10524 -697 -7616 14863 3840 -4490 17884 34495 2052 -19149 9604 39327 -1303 -14717 15286 -11968 8785 -20204 -4881 -3407 26948 -9991 7408 39516 -44128 22859 22855"

echo "$m1" > "$tmp1" echo "$m2" > "$tmp2"

[[ "$m3" == "$(./matrix multiply $tmp1 $tmp2)" ]] result "m3 == m1 * m2 (hardcoded matrix)" 20

comment "Final grade: $score/$total"

# Remove temp files for f in $tmp{1..4} do rm "$f" done

exit $score echo echo

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