This cat be doae asing a stack as wefl alrilar to the halanced drimifern in equafins. Fer ecaryde the fallowing file in invalid (e o no clace tag fer eequatiens). the file will be dicpluyed an in Fig 2]. And as os. Fig zi: Lading fle2.242 While in Fig 2. af you didk the Rack bumen. it wal goes fork po the grovieus leaded ble feg in this cane file 1.242). And se on. If yeu reathed the 1 - loaded file the back butbon ihould be divablind. (Note this is iimilar to the hisory buttoas frund in all the web hrowaer. Yoe the fallowing wreenhet trine the chrume brewser? LRC. fir appliciale]. Thic is abe application of stack as welt. To make the project more interesting: we need you to implement the stack using a cursor array. Yahoooo! To this project, you will implement an equation file bnowner application using linked stack and eursor array implementatioes of a linked leat. The equation file browser interface will look like the following Equations \begin{tabular}{l} 5+3 ws 3+w>8 \\ 1+23 ms 123+m7 \\ 1+2+3 [imvalld equation] \\ (1+(23) [unbalanced] \\ 7 \\ Files \\ File2.242 \\ firi.2t2 \\ \hline \end{tabular} Fie 1- Main file beower cint The equation file is a special tent flle that has a 242 extension. The equations in this file are in infix format. A typical equation file looks like the fallowing The file has to start with the rae and ends with the tae 242>. Within the start and end tags there are 2 optional sections: - Files section: it starts with cfiless tagand endr with s/files tag - Equations section: it starts with ceguations tag and ends with s/equationso tag And so what inside the files and equations sectiens (eg. cefwatfons chiles). - At start, the user has to cick the Load buttos The load button will open a file cheoser to select an equation file. The sclected fille will be diaplyed in the label neat to the load button feg ciusersifile 1.242) and then the file coetents will be laaded (as shown in Fig 1) if the file is valid (en tagr are balanced) as follow: 0. In the equations section you need to load the infic equations -if any-t make sure they are valid and babanced (using stack). If valu, then coevert them to postfix rquatioss (using stackl and finally you need to maluate the postix equation and prist the results. (also usine stack). 2. In the fles section you need to load the files if aay. 0. If the file is in valid, show a meanin doul erroc mersage. Valid file: you need to check and indicate whether the flie trgs are bolanced or not. Meaning that each start tag has an end beg and thry are closed in ender. The bor are