This is a case study for SPSS
I have the data in exel sheet, but I dont know what to do in SPSS ?
Case study (1): Data are from 121 subjects (first five rows shown here). Data are mea- sured from children in two consecutive years, and the children were living close to a lead smelter. LEAD is blood lead level group [1 = low lead level (blood lead levels 40 micrograms/100 mL in exactly one of two years), 3 = high lead level (blood lead level 2 40 micrograms/100 mL in both years)]. AGE is age in years, SEX is sex of subject (1 = male; 2 = female). YEAR1 is blood lead level in first year, and YEAR2 is blood lead level in second year. IQ VERB is measured verbal IQ score. IQ PERF is mea- sured performance IQ score. IQ FULL is measured full IQ score. Data are from "Neuropsychological Dysfunction in Children with Chronic Low-Level Lead Absorption, by P. J. Landrigan, R. H. Whitworth, R. W. Baloh, N. W. Staehling, W. F Barthel, and B. F. Rosenblum, Lancet, Vol. 1, No. 7909. TI-83/84 list names (IQLEAD): LEAD, IQAGE, IQSEX, YEAR1, YEAR2, IQV, IQP, IQF TI-83/84 list names LEAD, IQAGE, IQSEX, YEAR1, (IQLEAD): YEAR2, IQV, IQP, IQF 1- Sumarise the data in a table using the best representive frequancy and measurements, then write a descriptoin of the data. 2- Compare three lead levels using IQF by graphs and what are the findings? 3- Compare the three lead levels using IQF by a suitable measrument and what is your remarks in the results? 4- Choose the right graph to represent Sex, Age, and Lead, what is your note these graphs? 5- Comapare IQF for Sex using both chart and measuments, is there IQ difference between male and female? Explain. Case study (1): Data are from 121 subjects (first five rows shown here). Data are mea- sured from children in two consecutive years, and the children were living close to a lead smelter. LEAD is blood lead level group [1 = low lead level (blood lead levels 40 micrograms/100 mL in exactly one of two years), 3 = high lead level (blood lead level 2 40 micrograms/100 mL in both years)]. AGE is age in years, SEX is sex of subject (1 = male; 2 = female). YEAR1 is blood lead level in first year, and YEAR2 is blood lead level in second year. IQ VERB is measured verbal IQ score. IQ PERF is mea- sured performance IQ score. IQ FULL is measured full IQ score. Data are from "Neuropsychological Dysfunction in Children with Chronic Low-Level Lead Absorption, by P. J. Landrigan, R. H. Whitworth, R. W. Baloh, N. W. Staehling, W. F Barthel, and B. F. Rosenblum, Lancet, Vol. 1, No. 7909. TI-83/84 list names (IQLEAD): LEAD, IQAGE, IQSEX, YEAR1, YEAR2, IQV, IQP, IQF TI-83/84 list names LEAD, IQAGE, IQSEX, YEAR1, (IQLEAD): YEAR2, IQV, IQP, IQF 1- Sumarise the data in a table using the best representive frequancy and measurements, then write a descriptoin of the data. 2- Compare three lead levels using IQF by graphs and what are the findings? 3- Compare the three lead levels using IQF by a suitable measrument and what is your remarks in the results? 4- Choose the right graph to represent Sex, Age, and Lead, what is your note these graphs? 5- Comapare IQF for Sex using both chart and measuments, is there IQ difference between male and female? Explain