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this is federal incom taxes and please what answer 1 to 5 1. Bob bought stock for $5,000 and sold it to his mother Annie
this is federal incom taxes and please what answer 1 to 5
1. Bob bought stock for $5,000 and sold it to his mother Annie for $2,000. How much of a loss can he report on his tax return on the sale. a. None. b. $2,000 c. $3,000 d. $4,000 2. Alice bought stock for $8,000 and sold it to her daughter Gina for $3,000. Several year later, Gina sold it for $9,000. How much gain will Gina report on her sale of the stock? a. Zero. b. $1,000 c. $3,000 d. $6,000 3. Edwin bought 100 shares of XYZ Inc. stock for $12,000 and sold all of it for $4,000 on March 10. He bought 40 shares of XYZ Inc, stock on March March 23 for $1,500. How much loss can he report from the sale on his tax return? a. Zero b. $3,200. c. $4,800. d. $8,000 4. Don bought 100 shares of XYZ Inc. stock for $10,000 and sold it for $6,000 on March 10. He bought another 100 shares of XYZ Inc. stock on March 23 for $6,100. What will his basis be in the 100 shares he bought on March 23? a. $6,000 b. S6,100. c. $10,000. d. 10.100 5. Ralph owns a house in the Hamptons, a wealthy beach resort. He and his family and friends enjoy it for most of the year themselves, but he rents it out to a tenant for ten days in August for $3,500. His expenses related to the rental come to $1,000. Those are the only days during the year that he rents it out. How much income will Ralph include in his gross income from the rental activity? a. Zero, b. $2,500 c. $3.500 d. $4,500 1 
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