This is for Java Follow instructions on practice excersise
Points: 100 points in total (50 points for Revenue) and (50 points for Paycheck) .(5 points) To create a Java project with multiple classes. . (5 points) To display the same exact messages been given in the demo. o Implement In, It, "$ sign, and % sign. . (5 points) To use introductory and closing messages (20 points) To use numerical calculations and Mathematical operations "+, -, *, i, %" to solve a real-life challenges. (15 points) To use any variations of if, and if-else statements. No any other Java techniques allowed induding switch cases. Instructions: . Like we did for lab2, create a project called Lab3 with two separate Java files. . Use each Java file to implement one of the following projects. .Be sure to document your code (add comments on top of your java file). In the comments add your name, date, course, homework number, and statement of problem. .Once you are done, upload two java files Paycheck and Revenue through Canvas. . We assume users know how to run the program by entering valid data. No need to worry about invalid inputs from users, (for example, entering doubles or strings instead of integers). Once we cover Exception Handling, we should be able to handle invalid inputs. Project 1: Revenue Write a Java program called Revenue to calculate the revenue from a sale based on the unit price and quantity of a product input by the user. The discount rate is: 0% for the quantity purchased between 1 and 49 units. 10% for the quantity purchased between 50 and 99 units. 15% for the quantity purchased between 100 and 149 units. 25% for the quantity purchased greater than 150 units. o o Melcome to "Temple" store Enter item price: 10 Enter quantityties): 200 The item price: $10.0 The order: 200 item. (s) The ccst: $2000.0 The discount: 25.03 The discount amount: $500.0 The tctal: $1500.0 Thank You for using "Temple" store