- this is my own work, I need help with filling out the 941 form
FWT SS Tax REGULAR Medicare Tax ADDITIONAL Monthly Hough Finnegan Jones Stewart Hough Finnegan Jones Stewart Hough Finnegan Jones Stewart Med Tax (Jones) Payments Oct. Wk. 1 $ 41.00 $ 41.00 $ 251.92 $ 147.75 S 34.72 S 51.34 $ 12.08 S 8.12 12.06 $ 73.06 $ 26.21 Oct. Wk. 2 46.00 $ 24.00 251.92 147.75 S 37.32 41.29 112.08 8.73 $ 9.66 $ 73.06 26.21 Oct. Wk. 3 39.00 $ 28.00 $ 251.92 S 147.75 S 32.98 $ 14.64 S 112.08 S 7.71 $ 10.44 $ 73.06 $ 26.21 Oct. Wk. 4 41.00 $ 48.00 $ 251.92 147.75 $ 34.72 $ 55.52 $ 112.08 $ 8.12 $ 12.98 $ 73.06 $ 26.21 $ 4,418.18 Nov. Wk. 1 50.00 34.00 $ 251.92 S 147.75 S 39.28 $ 17.99 112.08 $ 9.19 $ 11.22 $ 73.06 $ 26.21 $ 13.85 Box #16 Nov. Wk. 2 41.00 $ 44.00 $ 251.92 $ 147.75 $ 34.72 $ 53.01 $ 112.08 $ 8.12 $ 12.40 $ 73.06 $ 26.21 $ 45.35 Nov. Wk. 3 39.00 $ 30.00 $ 251.92 $ 147.75 $ 33.85 $ 44.64 $ 112.08 $ 12.40 $ 10.44 $ 73.06 $ 26.21 $ 45.35 Nov. Wk. 4 44.00 $ 20.00 $ 251.92 $ 147.75 36.02 38.50 $ 112.08 $ 7.92 $ 9.00 $ 73.06 $ 26.21 $ 45.35 $ 4,558.78 Nov. Wk 5 $ 30.00 S 251.92 147.75 44.64 IS 112.08 $ 8.42 S 10.44 $ 73.06 26.21 S 45.35 Box #16 Dec. Wk. 1 33.00 $ 251.92 $ 147.75 $ 46.31 S 112.08 $ 10.83 $ 73.06 $ 26.21 $ 45.35 Dec. Wk. 2 $ 39.00 $ 251.92 147.75 50.50 112.08 $ 11.81 $ 73.06 $ 26.21 45.35 Dec. Wk. 3 $ 36.00 $ 251.92 $ 147.75 48.83 S 12.08 $ 11.42 $ 73.06 $ 26.21 $ 45.35 Dec. Wk. 4 30.00 $ 251.92 $ 147.75 44.64 $ 112.08 $ 10.44 $ 73.06 $ 26.21 $ 45.35 $ 5,103.16 Box #16 Totals 341.00 $ 437.00 $ 3,274.96 $ 1,920.75 283.61 611.85 $ $ 1,457.04 78.73 $ 143.14 $ 949.78 $ 340.73 $ 376.65 $ 14,080.12 Box #16Taxable Taxable Earnings for FWT Taxable Earnings for SS Tax Taxable Earnings for Regular Medicare Tax Earnings for Additional Medicare Tax - Hough Finnegan Jones Stewart Hough Finnegan Jones Stewart Hough Finnegan Jones Stewart Jones Oct. Wk. 1 532.00 717.12 $ 5,038.87 S 1,771.55 S 560.00 $ 747.00 $ 5,038.87 $ 147.75 S 560.00 $ 747.00 $ 5,038.87 $ 1,807.70 Oct. Wk. 2 S 571.90 $ 539.36 $ 5,038.87 S 1,771.55 602.00 566.00 $ 5,038.87 $ 147.75 602.00 S 66.00 $ 5,038.87 1,807.70 Oct. Wk. 3 505.40 S 691.20 $ 5,038.87 1,771.55 S 532.00 720.00 $ 5,038.87 S 147.75 532.00 S 720.00 $ 5,038.87 $ 1,807.70 Oct. Wk. 4 532.00 859.68 5,038.87 $ 1,771.55 S 560.00 395.50 S 5,038.87 S 147.75 560.00 S 895.50 $ 5,038.87 1,807.70 lov. Wk. 1 S 630.32 S 743.04 $ 5,038.87 $ 1,771.55 S 663.50 774.00 $ 5,038.87 S 147.75 563.50 $ 774.00 $ 5,038.87 1,807.70 $ 13.85 lov. Wk. 2 S 532.00 820.80 5,038.87 1,771.55 S 560.00 855.00 $ 5,038.87 S 147.75 560.00 855.00 $ 5,038.87 $ 1,807.70 45.35 lov. Wk. 3 518.70 S 691.20 S 5,038.87 1,771.55 S 546.00 720.00 $ 5,038.87 S 147.75 546.00 720.00 $ 5,038.87 1,807.70 to 45.35 Nov. Wk. 4 $ 551.95 S 551.95 S 5,038.87 1,771.55 581.00 621.00 $ 5,038.87 S 147.75 581.00 S 621.00 5,038.87 $ 1,807.70 45.35 Nov. Wk 5 781.92 S 5,038.87 1,771.55 720.00 $ 5,038.87 S 147.75 720.00 $ 5,038.87 $ 1,807.70 45.35 ec. Wk. 1 S 756.00 S 5,038.87 1,771.55 747.00 $ 5,038.87 147.75 S 747.00 $ 5,038.87 $ 1,807.70 45.35 ec. Wk. 2 781.92 S 5,038.87 1,771.55 S 814.50 $ 5,038.87 S 147.75 814.50 $ 5,038.87 $ 1,807.70 45.35 ec. Wk. 3 S 756.00 5,038.87 1,771.55 787.50 $ 5,038.87 S 147.75 S 787.50 $ 5,038.87 $ 1,807.70 S 45.35 ec. Wk. 4 $ 691.20 $ 5,038.87 1,771.55 720.00 $ 5,038.87 $ 147.75 720.00 $ 5,038.87 $ 1,807.70 $ 45.35 Totals $ 4,374.27 $ 9,481.39 $ 65,505.31 S 23,030.15 $ 4,604.50 $ 9,787.50 $ 65,505.31 $ 1,920.75 $ 4,604.50 $ 9,787.50 $ 65,505.31 $ 23,500.10 376.65 ox #2: $ 102,391.12 Sum of above four Taxable Earnings for FWT totals ox #3: $ 5,973.71 Sum of above four FWT totals ox #50, Column #1: 81,818.06 Sum of above four Taxable Earnings for SS Tax totals ox #5a, Column #2: $ 10,145.44 Taxable Earnings for SS Tax * 12.4% ox #5c, Column #1: $ 103,397.41 Sum of above four Taxable Earnings for Regular Medicare Tax totals ox #5c, Column #2: $ 2,998.52 Taxable Earnings for Medicare Tax * 2.9% ox #5d, Column #1: 376.65 Taxable earnings for Additional Medicare Tax for Stacey Jones ox #5d, Column #2: 376.65 Additional Medicare Tax for Stacey JonesForm 941 for 2018: Employer's QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return 950117 (Rev. January 2018) Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service OMB No. 1545-0029 Employer identification number (EIN)|4 4 4 4 Report for this Quarter of 2018 (Check one.) Name (not your trade name) Ampersand, Inc 1: January, February, March 2: April, May, June Trade name (if any) x 3: July, August, September Address 732 Appalachian Way 4: October, November, December Number Street Suite or room number Go to www.irs.gov/Form941 for Somerset VT 05363 instructions and the latest information. State ZIP code Foreign country name Foreign province/county Foreign postal code Read the separate instructions before you complete Form 941. Type or print within the boxes. Part 1: Answer these questions for this quarter. 1 Number of employees who received wages, tips, or other compensation for the pay period including: Mar. 12 (Quarter 1), June 12 (Quarter 2), Sept. 12 (Quarter 3), or Dec. 12 (Quarter 4) 1 2 Wages, tips, and other compensation 103397 3 Federal income tax withheld from wages, tips, and other compensation 102391 . 12 4 If no wages, tips, and other compensation are subject to social security or Medicare tax Check and go to line 6. Column 1 Column 2 5a Taxable social security wages 0.124 = 5b Taxable social security tips .