This is part 2 of the previous question of writing a c code from the output.
Number Operations Menu 1. Check if the number is prine 2. Reverse the number 3. Sun of its digits 4. Check if the number is a palindrome 5. Print its binary equivalent 6. Back to Main Menu 7. Print nunber 3. Enter Another number Enter your chole: 1 123 is not prine. Number Operations Menu 1. Check If the number is prine 2. Reverse the number 3. Sun of its digits 4. Check if the number 15 a palindrome 5. Print its binary equivalent 3. Back to Main Menu 7. Print nueber 3. Enter Another number Enter your cholice: Ta Cluseri302tiscurcelveposNProject NDebuglProject7,ere 3. Enter Another number Enter youn cholce: 1 123 is not prine. Number Operations Menu 1. Check if the number is prime 2. Revense the number 3. Sum of 1ts digits 4. Check if the number is a palindrome 5. Print its binary equivalent 9. Back to Main Menu 7. Print number 3. Enter Another number Enter your cholce: 3 Sun of its digits: 6 Number Operations Menu 1. Check if the number is prime 2. Reverse the number 3. Sun of its digits 4. Check if the number is a palindrone 5. Print its binary equivalent 6. back to Main Menu 7. Print number 3. Enter Another number Enter your cholce: 4 123 is not a palindrone. Numbir Operations menu 1. Check if the number is petime 2. Reverse the nuaber 3. Sun of its digits 4. Check 1f the number is a palindrome 5. Print its binary equivalent 5. Back to Main Menu 7. Print number 3. Enter Another number Enter your cholce: C No latwerteund 3. Enter Another number Enter your choice: 4 123 is not a palindrome. Nunber Operations Menu 1. Check if the number is prine 2. Reverse the number 3. Sun of its digits 4. Check if the number is a palindrome 5. Print its binary equivalent 6. Back to Main Menu 7. Print number 8. Enter Another number Enter your cholce: 5 Binary equivalent: 1111011 Number Operations Menu 1. Check if the number is prime 2. Reverse the number 3. Sun of its digits 4. Check if the number is a palindrone 5. Print its binary equivalent 5. Back to Main Menu 7. Print number 3. Enter Another number Enter your choice: 8 Enter a number: 1221 Nunber Operations Menu 1. Check if the number is prime 2. Reverse the number 3. Sun of its digits 4. Check if the number is a palindrone 5. Print its binary equivalent 6. Back to Main Menu 7. Print number 8. Enter Another number inter your cholice: 70N 6 Nolsturs tound Muaber operations menu 1. Check If the number is peline 2. Reverse the number 3. Sin of Its diefits 4. Check if the number is a polindrone 5. Print its binary equivolent 6. Back to Main Mate 7. Print number 3. Enter Another number Enter your cholce: 4 t221 is a palindrone. Wuber Operations wenu 1. Check If the number is pedine 2. Reverse the nunber 3. Sun of its diglts 4. Check If the number is a palindrome 5. Print its binary equivalent 3. Besk to Main Menu . Print number 8. Cnter Another number inter your choice: 6 Main many 1. One DImenstenal Array 2. Nubber operation 3. Exit the progran inter your cholce: 3 Munder operations manu 1. Check If the number is prine 2. Reverse the number 3. Sun of 1ts digits 4. Check if the number is a palindrome 5. Peint its binary equivalent 6. Back to Main Menu 7. Print nuaber. 3. Enker Another number Enter your cholce: Tunber operations Menu 1. Check if the number is prine 2. Reverse the number 3. Sun of its difits. 4. Check if the number is a pallindrome 5. Print its binary equivalent 6. Back to Main Henu 7. Print number 8. Enter Another number. Enter your cholce: 6 main Menu 1. Ore oimensfional Array 2. Number Operation 3. Exit the progran Enter your cholce: 3 Nunber operations Menu 1. Check if the number is prine 2. Reverse the number 3. Sum of 1 ts difits 4. Cheek if the number is a palindrone 5. Print its binary equivalent 5. Back to Main Menu 7. Print number 3. Enter Another number: Enter your choice: 6 Maln Menu 1. One Dimenstonal Array 2. Nunber Operation 3. Exit the progran Enter your cholce: 3 Exiting the progran. Goodbyel to autonatically close the console when debugesing stops, enable Tools ->0ptions ->De le when debugging stops. press any key to close this uindow