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DISCUSSION INSTRUCTIONS AND ASSESSMENT RUBRIC Discussions - Participate in each of the 8 bi-weekly discussions according to the Discussion Rubric on the Participation page. discussions for weeks 1-16 are required and are worth 25 points each. Weekly Discussions - Weekly discussions may require you to visit a web site, read an article from a journal or read a case study, and then answer the discussion questions. You will also be required to refer to your textbook and other outside resources and cite your sources. Wikipedia is not an acceptable resource for your discussion source Back to the Future Lets uncover the roots of your favorite music. Where does the influence of what we hear today come from? We have learned that music does not happen in a vacuum and that there are many predecessors. So let's have a great time in thinking about your favorite composition, whether it is classical, pop, country western, raga, rock, folk, gospel, etc. Take your music and uncover its original roots. You can make a family tree if you like and attach it to your posting. We should be able to go back at least to the 16 century. Let's give a prize to the classmate who can go the furthest distance back to the future. You must post your first response to a weekly discussion topic by midnight Wednesday. Your comment on another students response must be posted by 11:55 pm Sunday as per the calendar. Online discussions will be graded according to the following rubric. Note that additional points will be subtracted for late submission or failure to complete peer replies. Discussion is clear, relevant and insightful. Interactions go beyond a basic response to the question to provide a critical examination of the issue and/or stimulate critical thinking. Posts show a strong mastery of the 20-25 pts content and promote ongoing dialogue 15-20 pts Discussion is clear and relevant. Interactions convey the basic information and show strong content knowledge. Postings would benefit from incorporation of critical analysis and insight; need to expand on the reasoning and logic. 10-15 pts Discussion addressed the main points but lacks explanation or elaboration. Interactions provide minimal information; need to include justification, support and additional content. Writing needs significant improvement to adhere to professional guidelines 0-10 points Discussion is vague, irrelevant or off-topic. Interactions are missing or fail to encourage continued dialogue