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This is written and solved ONLY using rStudio. But if you have an easier way to do it, that works: Information: The Long Term Resource

This is written and solved ONLY using rStudio. But if you have an easier way to do it, that works:


The Long Term Resource Monitoring (LTRM) project has been conducting research and monitoring on the Upper Mississippi River System since 1986.

Here is a bit about the LTRM from their website: "Fishes of the Upper Mississippi River System have recreational and commercial value, conservation potential, and can be used to assess the ecological integrity of the aquatic ecosystem.

The objective of the standardized monitoring is to quantify the status and trends of fish populations and communities and identify relations with various other ecological attributes. The findings can be used to address fisheries management concerns.

The Long Term Resource Monitoring element uses a multigear and multihabitat sampling design to collect fish data in six study pools/reaches."

The file fish_data.rda is available at the bottom of the page, It contains length and weight measurements for a sample of 50 fish of four difference species of interest:

BHMW = Bullhead minnow,

BKCP = Black crappie,

BLGL = Bluegill,

BWFN = Bowfin.

Additionally, the file includes the date that the fish was observed.

Load packages

library(tidyverse) library(broom) library(car)

Question 1 (2 pts)

It is standard practice to plot and model the relationship between fish weight and length using a logarithm transformation on both variables. To see the reason for the use of these transformations, we are going to start by fitting a model without any transformation.

Fit a model for predicting weight based on length and species. Include the length by species interaction term. Create and inspect the 4-pack of model diagnostic plots.

What conditions fail based on the 4-pack of plots? Select all that apply.

Group of answer choices

L = Linear

I = Independent errors

N = Normally distributed errors

E = Equal variance of errors

Question 2 (2 pts)

Refit the model from question 1 with a log-transformation applied to both weight and length. Include the log(length) by species interaction term. Again, inspect the diagnostic plots. Call this model fit MOD_interact as we will refer to it later.

Have model conditions improved in comparison to the model based on non-transformed data?

a. Yes, all plots look ideal

b. Yes, there is improvement but there are still some concerns with normality and outliers

c. No, the model conditions look to be violated to the same degree as without the transformations

d. No, the model conditions look to be much worse with the transformations applied

Question 3 (2 pts)

Extract the residuals from your fit model using the residuals() function. Create a scatter plot of your model residuals (y) over time (x=fdate) to assess the assumed independence of model errors. Distinct patterns in the residuals over time (e.g.residuals trending upward over time) suggest a violation of the assumption of independent errors in linear regression.

Do you see any clear patterns in your plot of the residuals over time?

Yes / No

Question 4 (2 pts)

Make a plot that visualizes the interaction - weight on the y-axis (log-scale), length on the x-axis (log-scale), and fishcode showing the categorical predictor variable with a separate line fit for each category. You can do this with geom_abline or with geom_smooth with color/group set in the aes.

What best describes the nature of this interaction?

Group of answer choices

a. The four species seem to have the same slopes (no interaction)

b. The slopes are notably steeper for BLGL and BWFN than for BHMW and BKCP (interaction present)

c. The slope for BWFN is slightly shallower than for the other 3 species (interaction present)

Question 5 (2 pts)

Fit the model with no interaction term. Call this model MOD_additive.

Based on AIC values, which model is better?

Group of answer choices

a. MOD_interact

b. MOD_additive

c. Essentially no difference between the two models (AIC is identical to 3 decimal places)

Question 6 (2 pts)

Based on adjusted R2 values, which model is better?

Group of answer choices

a. MOD_interact

b. MOD_additive

c. Essentially no difference between the two models (adjusted R2 is identical to 3 decimal places)

Question 7 (2 pts)

Carry out a comparative ANOVA test H0: MOD_additive versus H1: MOD_interact. What is the associated p-value? (Fill in the blank, 4 decimal places)

p-value =

Question 8 (2 pts)

Using the interaction model, what is the predicted weight of a blue gill (BLGL) with a length of 100? Be mindful of the log transformation that the model has applied to length and weight. (Fill in the blank, 4 decimal places)

Predicted weight =

Here is the fish_data used in this exercise:

length weight fishcode fdate
74 4 BHMW 2020-07-23
66 3 BHMW 2020-10-06
63 2 BHMW 2020-09-29
42 0.67 BHMW 2020-07-14
66 3 BHMW 2019-08-28
42 0.67 BHMW 2020-07-14
64 2 BHMW 2019-10-25
39 0.53 BHMW 2020-07-14
73 5 BHMW 2019-07-24
69 3 BHMW 2020-08-25
53 1 BHMW 2020-08-25
55 2 BHMW 2020-06-26
48 1.07 BHMW 2020-07-14
48 1 BHMW 2020-07-23
67 3 BHMW 2019-09-10
37 0.43 BHMW 2020-07-14
51 1 BHMW 2018-08-14
43 0.67 BHMW 2020-07-14
55 2 BHMW 2019-08-28
55 1 BHMW 2018-08-14
41 0.59 BHMW 2020-07-14
43 0.68 BHMW 2020-07-14
55 2 BHMW 2019-07-24
38 0.5 BHMW 2020-07-14
58 2 BHMW 2020-08-25
53 1 BHMW 2020-08-25
66 3 BHMW 2020-08-25
52 1 BHMW 2020-08-25
54 2 BHMW 2019-07-24
70 3 BHMW 2020-08-25
55 2 BHMW 2020-08-25
76 5 BHMW 2020-08-25
58 2 BHMW 2018-09-06
49 1 BHMW 2018-08-14
59 1 BHMW 2018-09-06
60 2 BHMW 2020-09-22
54 1 BHMW 2018-07-24
42 0.67 BHMW 2020-07-14
34 0.3 BHMW 2020-08-25
67 3 BHMW 2018-09-06
261 296 BKCP 2011-10-17
187 105 BKCP 1999-09-28
218 144 BKCP 2007-10-04
77 6 BKCP 2010-10-15
232 210 BKCP 1997-09-18
69 3 BKCP 1999-09-23
165 70 BKCP 1999-09-22
270 330 BKCP 1992-10-21
254 263 BKCP 2006-09-22
139 36 BKCP 2009-09-23
144 36 BKCP 2007-10-09
245 275 BKCP 1994-09-29
128 26 BKCP 2016-09-30
302 436 BKCP 1993-09-24
149 48 BKCP 1999-09-21
302 479 BKCP 2020-09-29
270 344 BKCP 1997-10-08
92 11 BKCP 1997-09-19
69 5 BKCP 2013-09-26
123 35 BKCP 1993-09-30
256 249 BKCP 2012-09-21
223 173 BKCP 1996-09-25
285 391 BKCP 2009-09-17
159 55 BKCP 1999-10-20
66 3 BKCP 2007-10-04
166 67 BKCP 2001-09-19
140 39 BKCP 2016-09-30
97 12 BKCP 2007-09-17
209 135 BKCP 2000-09-21
84 7 BKCP 2009-09-24
154 59 BKCP 1995-09-19
103 14 BKCP 2001-10-23
176 78 BKCP 2011-09-22
243 232 BKCP 2004-10-07
298 449 BKCP 2019-10-08
89 9 BKCP 2018-09-25
253 294 BKCP 2001-10-29
281 440 BKCP 2008-09-17
177 82 BKCP 1996-10-08
117 20 BKCP 2014-10-08
52 2 BLGL 2019-09-06
125 41 BLGL 2012-09-25
157 102 BLGL 2016-09-30
50 2 BLGL 2011-10-11
230 263 BLGL 2013-10-16
65 5 BLGL 2010-10-19
130 50 BLGL 2008-10-30
138 47 BLGL 2001-09-18
90 8 BLGL 2009-09-24
191 160 BLGL 2012-09-21
88 12 BLGL 2016-10-24
94 16 BLGL 2020-10-06
53 4 BLGL 2014-10-15
136 47 BLGL 2015-10-20
173 120 BLGL 2001-09-20
49 2 BLGL 2013-09-20
50 2 BLGL 2019-10-08
192 173 BLGL 2016-09-30
115 29 BLGL 2006-10-25
112 30 BLGL 2011-09-22
175 123 BLGL 2009-09-17
81 10 BLGL 1995-10-03
115 47 BLGL 2012-09-25
129 45 BLGL 2019-09-24
93 14 BLGL 2015-10-22
52 2 BLGL 2011-10-03
130 45 BLGL 2018-10-02
175 130 BLGL 2019-09-05
116 38 BLGL 2005-10-12
95 15 BLGL 2006-09-26
93 15 BLGL 2007-09-17
201 210 BLGL 2018-08-28
153 80 BLGL 2003-09-18
96 17 BLGL 2007-10-04
182 134 BLGL 2008-10-01
66 2 BLGL 2005-10-12
68 5 BLGL 2009-10-22
131 48 BLGL 2001-09-18
145 62 BLGL 2012-09-20
233 331 BLGL 2019-09-24
636 2428 BWFN 2020-09-02
204 84 BWFN 2019-08-22
474 1108 BWFN 2020-08-25
562 1449 BWFN 2019-07-09
568 2588 BWFN 2020-06-23
516 1298 BWFN 2020-08-18
608 1965 BWFN 2020-08-19
504 1246 BWFN 2019-08-22
500 1083 BWFN 2020-08-25
547 1404 BWFN 2020-10-02
633 2110 BWFN 2020-07-14
617 1760 BWFN 2020-09-29
632 2138 BWFN 2019-07-03
598 2042 BWFN 2020-07-07
554 1529 BWFN 2020-08-25
583 1766 BWFN 2019-09-24
585 1887 BWFN 2020-07-22
541 1602 BWFN 2019-08-22
545 1412 BWFN 2020-10-02
582 1697 BWFN 2020-10-02
629 2152 BWFN 2019-07-03
501 1048 BWFN 2020-10-02
572 1572 BWFN 2020-10-02
523 1117 BWFN 2020-09-29
603 1924 BWFN 2019-07-03
512 1202 BWFN 2020-08-25
558 1552 BWFN 2020-10-06
592 1908 BWFN 2020-10-02
222 119 BWFN 2019-08-22
637 2563 BWFN 2020-09-22
656 2496 BWFN 2020-07-07
559 1516 BWFN 2020-07-07
518 1225 BWFN 2020-10-02
712 3260 BWFN 2020-10-02
628 2438 BWFN 2020-07-23
531 1418 BWFN 2020-07-07
625 1946 BWFN 2020-08-25
582 1623 BWFN 2019-08-22
577 1729 BWFN 2020-10-02
517 1330 BWFN 2019-07-03

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