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This lab requires you to develop a solution using Java object-oriented programming that simulates an order system for children's toys. The child will manage a

This lab requires you to develop a solution using Java object-oriented programming that simulates an order system for children's toys. The child will manage a collection/list of toys (each child owns his toys), and an order system will create an order containing up to 5 children (i.e., the maximum number of children in any given order is 5).
The system manages information about a single toy. The system stores the following information (for each attribute, choose any type that you think is appropriate--you must be able to justify the decisions you make):
• Toy ID: the toy id of the toy (a positive number)
• Toy name: the name of the toy
• Toy quantity: the quantity of this toy that the child owns. The quantity of any given toy is a positive integer value.
• Toy price: the price of this toy
The system manages information about a single child. The system stores the following information (for each attribute, choose any type that you think is appropriate--you must be able to justify the decisions you make):
• Child name: the name of a child
• Child age: a positive integer number represents the child's age in years.
• Child list of toys: the system allows a child to have as many toys as the child want.
There is no maximum number of toys that a child can own.
• Child number of toys: a positive number represents a child's number of toys at any given moment.

The system manages information about a single order. The system stores the following information (for each attribute, choose any type that you think is appropriate--you must be able to justify the decisions you make):
• List of children in this order: The maximum number of children in any given order is 5.
Thus, an order can contain any number of children between zero and 5.
• The number of children: the order object stores the number of children included in this order at any given moment.
Your task is to drive and create class(es) and method(s) from the given JUnit class and then add them to the package using the following facts:
• You can get and set any toy attributes.
• The child object can be constructed by receiving the child's name, age and list of toys.
• Each child owns their toys and does not share them with other children.
• A child can dispose of his toys.
• A child can denote his toys only to another child. In this case, the toys will be removed from the donor child, and the toys will be added to the list of toys of another child.
There is no need to check for duplicated toys when denoting child toys (e.g., two toys with the same information/names).
• The system allows you to add toys to the list of toys for any child, ensuring that the toys are not duplicated based on their names and using the existing ID if the toys have different IDs (i.e., ignore the new toy ID). Ensure you update the toy quantity and price by considering the maximum price for the first occurrence of duplicate toys.
• You can get and set the child's name.
• You can get and set the child's age.
• You can get and set the child's list of toys.
• You can add a child to the order as long as you do not reach the maximum number of children per order, which is 5.
• You can remove a child from the order. If the child exists in a given order, then you need
o update the number of children in this order. Otherwise, do nothing.
• You can retrieve the list of children in any given order.

I attached j-unit testsn and instruction at the bottom of the page, I need help to pass these tests, with a detailed explanation. 

I need three classes,



package lab7;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.*;

import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.Timeout;
import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters;

import org.junit.FixMethodOrder;
import o..;@FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.NAME_ASCENDING)


* Tests included in this class serve as documentation on how instances of a
* Toy, Child and Order work.
* Be sure to also read the Lab5 instructions PDF carefully
* Programming IDEs such as Eclipse are able to fix such compilation errors for
* you. However, you are advised to follow the guidance as specified in the
* written Lab instructions PDF to fix these compilation errors manually,
* because: 1) it helps you better understand how the intended classes and
* methods work together; and 2) you may be tested in a written test or exam
* without the assistance of IDEs.

public class JunitTest_ChildOrderToyTest {
public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.seconds(1);

 * Recommended exercises: Visualizing and tracing (on both debugger and paper)
 * on how objects are created and manipulated in each test would be extremely
 * valuable for reinforcing your understanding.
public void test_0_0() {
 Toy t1 = new Toy(1000121, "Red Bike", 1, 89.99);
 int toyID = t1.getToyID();
 String toyName = t1.getToyName();
 int toyQty = t1.getToyQuantity();
 double toyPrice = t1.getToyPrice();
 String toyInfo = t1.getToyInformation();

 int expToyID = 1000121;
 int expToyQty = 1;
 double expToyPrice = 89.99;
 String expToyName = "Red Bike";
 String expToyInfo = "Toy(1000121,Red Bike), quantity(1) with $( 89.99)/toy";

 String errorMsg1 = String.format(" Test getToyID failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)", toyID,
 assertEquals(errorMsg1, expToyID, toyID);

 String errorMsg2 = String.format(" Test getToyName failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", toyName,
 assertEquals(errorMsg2, expToyName, toyName);

 String errorMsg3 = String.format(" Test getToyQuantity failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)",
   toyQty, expToyQty);
 assertEquals(errorMsg3, expToyQty, toyQty);

 String errorMsg4 = String.format(" Test getToyPrice failed. Returned (%6.2f) " + "but correct is  (%6.2f)",
   toyPrice, expToyPrice);
 final double THRESHOLD = .01;
 assertTrue(errorMsg4, Math.abs(expToyPrice - toyPrice) < THRESHOLD);

 String errorMsg5 = String.format(" Test getToyInformation failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)",
   toyInfo, expToyInfo);
 assertEquals(errorMsg5, expToyInfo, toyInfo);


 * Recommended exercises: Visualizing and tracing (on both debugger and paper)
 * on how objects are created and manipulated in each test would be extremely
 * valuable for reinforcing your understanding.

public void test_0_1() {
 Toy t1 = new Toy(1000123, "Colouring Book", 3, 9.99);
 t1.setToyName("SpongeBob DVD");

 int toyID = t1.getToyID();
 String toyName = t1.getToyName();
 int toyQty = t1.getToyQuantity();
 double toyPrice = t1.getToyPrice();
 String toyInfo = t1.getToyInformation();

 int expToyID = 1000127;
 int expToyQty = 8;
 double expToyPrice = 29.98;
 String expToyName = "SpongeBob DVD";
 String expToyInfo = "Toy(1000127,SpongeBob DVD), quantity(8) with $( 29.98)/toy";

 String errorMsg1 = String.format(" Test setToyID failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)", toyID,
 assertEquals(errorMsg1, expToyID, toyID);

 String errorMsg2 = String.format(" Test setToyName failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", toyName,
 assertEquals(errorMsg2, expToyName, toyName);

 String errorMsg3 = String.format(" Test setToyQuantity failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)",
   toyQty, expToyQty);
 assertEquals(errorMsg3, expToyQty, toyQty);

 String errorMsg4 = String.format(" Test setToyPrice failed. Returned (%6.2f) " + "but correct is  (%6.2f)",
   toyPrice, expToyPrice);
 final double THRESHOLD = .01;
 assertTrue(errorMsg4, Math.abs(expToyPrice - toyPrice) < THRESHOLD);

 String errorMsg5 = String.format(" Test getToyInformation failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)",
   toyInfo, expToyInfo);
 assertEquals(errorMsg5, expToyInfo, toyInfo);


public void test_0_2() {
 Toy t1 = new Toy(1000123, "Colouring Book", 3, 9.99);
 t1.setToyName("Teddy Bear");

 int toyID = t1.getToyID();
 String toyName = t1.getToyName();
 int toyQty = t1.getToyQuantity();
 double toyPrice = t1.getToyPrice();
 String toyInfo = t1.getToyInformation();

 int expToyID = 1000854;
 int expToyQty = 4;
 double expToyPrice = 19.8;
 String expToyName = "Teddy Bear";
 String expToyInfo = "Toy(1000854,Teddy Bear), quantity(4) with $( 19.80)/toy";

 String errorMsg1 = String.format(" Test setToyID failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)", toyID,
 assertEquals(errorMsg1, expToyID, toyID);

 String errorMsg2 = String.format(" Test setToyName failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", toyName,
 assertEquals(errorMsg2, expToyName, toyName);

 String errorMsg3 = String.format(" Test setToyQuantity failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)",
   toyQty, expToyQty);
 assertEquals(errorMsg3, expToyQty, toyQty);

 String errorMsg4 = String.format(" Test setToyPrice failed. Returned (%6.2f) " + "but correct is  (%6.2f)",
   toyPrice, expToyPrice);
 final double THRESHOLD = .01;
 assertTrue(errorMsg4, Math.abs(expToyPrice - toyPrice) < THRESHOLD);

 String errorMsg5 = String.format(" Test getToyInformation failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)",
   toyInfo, expToyInfo);
 assertEquals(errorMsg5, expToyInfo, toyInfo);


 * Recommended exercises: Visualizing and tracing (on both debugger and paper)
 * on how objects are created and manipulated in each test would be extremely
 * valuable for reinforcing your understanding.

public void test_2_0() {
 Toy t1 = new Toy(1000121, "Red Bike", 3, 98.90);
 Toy t2 = new Toy(1000123, "Colouring Book", 4, 19.89);
 Toy t3 = new Toy(1000128, "Skateboard", 5, 149.99);
 Toy t4 = new Toy(1000127, "SpongeBob DVD", 3, 14.99);
 Toy t5 = new Toy(1000130, "Bike Helmet", 1, 18.99);
 Toy t6 = new Toy(1000125, "Toy car", 10, 3.99);
 Toy t7 = new Toy(1000129, "Ball", 2, 5.59);
 Toy t8 = new Toy(1000189, "Teddy Bear", 3, 10.79);

 Toy[] listofToy = null; // list is pointing to nothing
 Toy[] listofToy1 = { t1, t2 };
 Toy[] listofToy2 = { t3, t4, t5, t6 };

  * Create child with empty list of toys

 Child c = new Child("Lucas", 2, listofToy);
 int expNumofToys = 0;
 int expChildAge = 2;
 String expChildName = "Lucas";

 int numofToys = c.getNumberofToys();
 int childAge = c.getChildAge();
 String childName = c.getChildName();
  * Length of the returned array from getChildToy corresponds to the number of
  * toys inside listofToy which is zero.
 Toy[] childToysList = c.getChildToy();

 String errorMsg1 = String.format(" Test getNumberofToys failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)",
   numofToys, expNumofToys);
 assertEquals(errorMsg1, expNumofToys, numofToys);

 String errorMsg2 = String.format(" Test getChildAge failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)",
   childAge, expChildAge);
 assertEquals(errorMsg2, expChildAge, childAge);

 String errorMsg3 = String.format(" Test getChildName failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)",
   childName, expChildName);
 assertEquals(errorMsg3, expChildName, childName);

 String errorMsg4 = String.format(" Test getChildToy failed. Returned nul but did not ");
 assertTrue(errorMsg4, childToysList == null);

 // String representation for the child object
 String childstr = c.toString();

 String expChildStr = "Child [Lucas] of age <2> has (0) toys";
 String errorMsg5 = String.format(" Test toString failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", childstr,
 assertEquals(errorMsg5, expChildStr, childstr);
 // add toy to the child
 String addStr = c.addToy(t8);
 expNumofToys = 1;
 numofToys = c.getNumberofToys();
 errorMsg1 = String.format(" Test getNumberofToys failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)",
   numofToys, expNumofToys);
 assertEquals(errorMsg1, expNumofToys, numofToys);
 String expAddToy = "Toy is added";
 // if adding toy is successfully completed
 String errorMsg6 = String.format(" Test addToy failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)",
   addStr, expAddToy);
 assertEquals(errorMsg6, expAddToy, addStr);
 // add toy to the child
 addStr = c.addToy(t7);
 expNumofToys = 2;
 numofToys = c.getNumberofToys();
 errorMsg1 = String.format(" Test getNumberofToys failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)",
   numofToys, expNumofToys);
 assertEquals(errorMsg1, expNumofToys, numofToys);
 expAddToy = "Toy is added";
 // if adding toy is successfully completed
 errorMsg6 = String.format(" Test addToy failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)",
   addStr, expAddToy);
 assertEquals(errorMsg6, expAddToy, addStr);  
 // now try to add same toy
 addStr = c.addToy(t7);
 expNumofToys = 2;
 numofToys = c.getNumberofToys();
 errorMsg1 = String.format(" Test getNumberofToys failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)",
   numofToys, expNumofToys);
 assertEquals(errorMsg1, expNumofToys, numofToys);
 expAddToy = "Toy with the same name already exists. Toy is updated";
 // if adding toy is successfully completed
 errorMsg6 = String.format(" Test addToy failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)",
   addStr, expAddToy);
 assertEquals(errorMsg6, expAddToy, addStr);

 Child c1 = new Child("Olivia", 1, listofToy1);
 expNumofToys = 2;
 expChildAge = 1;
 expChildName = "Olivia";

  * Number of toys this child has should be correspond to the number of toys
  * inside listofToy1.
 numofToys = c1.getNumberofToys();
 childAge = c1.getChildAge();
 childName = c1.getChildName();
  * Length of the returned array from getChildToy corresponds to the number of
  * toys inside listofToy1.
 childToysList = c1.getChildToy();

 errorMsg1 = String.format(" Test getNumberofToys failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)", numofToys,
 assertEquals(errorMsg1, expNumofToys, numofToys);

 errorMsg2 = String.format(" Test getChildAge failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)", childAge,
 assertEquals(errorMsg2, expChildAge, childAge);

 errorMsg3 = String.format(" Test getChildName failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", childName,
 assertEquals(errorMsg3, expChildName, childName);

 errorMsg4 = String.format(" Test getChildToy failed. Returned array of length (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)",
   childToysList.length, listofToy1.length);
 assertEquals(errorMsg4, listofToy1.length, childToysList.length);

 childstr = c1.toString();

 expChildStr = "Child [Olivia] of age <1> has (2) toys";
 errorMsg5 = String.format(" Test toString failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", childstr,
 assertEquals(errorMsg5, expChildStr, childstr);

 Child c2 = new Child("Emma", 3, listofToy2);
 expNumofToys = 4;
 expChildAge = 3;
 expChildName = "Emma";

 numofToys = c2.getNumberofToys();
 childAge = c2.getChildAge();
 childName = c2.getChildName();
 childToysList = c2.getChildToy();

 errorMsg1 = String.format(" Test getNumberofToys failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)", numofToys,
 assertEquals(errorMsg1, expNumofToys, numofToys);

 errorMsg2 = String.format(" Test getChildAge failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)", childAge,
 assertEquals(errorMsg2, expChildAge, childAge);

 errorMsg3 = String.format(" Test getChildName failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", childName,
 assertEquals(errorMsg3, expChildName, childName);

 errorMsg4 = String.format(" Test getChildToy failed. Returned array of length (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)",
   childToysList.length, listofToy2.length);
 assertEquals(errorMsg4, listofToy2.length, childToysList.length);

 childstr = c2.toString();

 expChildStr = "Child [Emma] of age <3> has (4) toys";
 errorMsg5 = String.format(" Test toString failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", childstr,
 assertEquals(errorMsg5, expChildStr, childstr);

 * Recommended exercises: Visualizing and tracing (on both debugger and paper)
 * on how objects are created and manipulated in each test would be extremely
 * valuable for reinforcing your understanding.

public void test_2_1() {
 Toy t1 = new Toy(1000121, "Red Bike", 3, 98.90);
 Toy t2 = new Toy(1000123, "Colouring Book", 4, 19.89);
 Toy t3 = new Toy(1000128, "Skateboard", 5, 149.99);
 Toy t4 = new Toy(1000127, "SpongeBob DVD", 3, 14.99);
 Toy t5 = new Toy(1000130, "Bike Helmet", 1, 18.99);
 Toy t6 = new Toy(1000125, "Toy car", 10, 3.99);
 Toy t7 = new Toy(1000129, "Ball", 2, 5.59);
 Toy t8 = new Toy(1000189, "Teddy Bear", 3, 10.79);

 Toy[] listofToy1 = { t1, t2 };

 Child c1 = new Child("James", 1, listofToy1);

 // verify the toys list for c1
 // It is important to note that each child owns their toys
 // So the child is not sharing his toys with another child
 assertTrue(c1.getChildToy().length == 2 && c1.getChildToy()[0] != t1 && c1.getChildToy()[1] != t2);
 assertTrue(c1.getChildToy().length == 2 && c1.getChildToy()[0].getToyName().equals("Red Bike")
   && c1.getChildToy()[1].getToyName().equals("Colouring Book"));

 assertTrue(c1.getChildToy().length == 2 && c1.getChildToy()[0].getToyQuantity() == 3
   && c1.getChildToy()[1].getToyQuantity() == 4);

 // test the copy constructor
 // remember that each child owns their toys
 // So the child is not sharing his toys with another child

 Child c2 = new Child(c1);

 // After creating copy child sets the new name and set the age

 int expNumofToys = 2;
 int expChildAge = 5;
 String expChildName = "Jack";

 int numofToys = c2.getNumberofToys();
 int childAge = c2.getChildAge();
 String childName = c2.getChildName();

 String errorMsg1 = String.format(" Test getNumberofToys failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)",
   numofToys, expNumofToys);
 assertEquals(errorMsg1, expNumofToys, numofToys);

 String errorMsg2 = String.format(" Test getChildAge failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)",
   childAge, expChildAge);
 assertEquals(errorMsg2, expChildAge, childAge);

 String errorMsg3 = String.format(" Test getChildName failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)",
   childName, expChildName);
 assertEquals(errorMsg3, expChildName, childName);

 // String representation for the child object
 String childstr = c1.toString();

 String expChildStr = "Child [James] of age <1> has (2) toys";
 String errorMsg5 = String.format(" Test toString failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", childstr,
 assertEquals(errorMsg5, expChildStr, childstr);

 childstr = c2.toString();

 expChildStr = "Child [Jack] of age <5> has (2) toys";
 errorMsg5 = String.format(" Test toString failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", childstr,
 assertEquals(errorMsg5, expChildStr, childstr);

 // verify the toys list for c1
 // It is important to note that each child owns their toys
 // So the child is not sharing his toys with another child

 assertTrue(c1.getChildToy().length == 2 && c1.getChildToy()[0] != t1 && c1.getChildToy()[1] != t2);
 assertTrue(c1.getChildToy().length == 2 && c1.getChildToy()[0].getToyName().equals("Red Bike")
   && c1.getChildToy()[1].getToyName().equals("Colouring Book"));

 assertTrue(c1.getChildToy().length == 2 && c1.getChildToy()[0].getToyQuantity() == 3
   && c1.getChildToy()[1].getToyQuantity() == 4);

 // verify the toys list for c2, c2 will have similar toys as c1
 // It is important to note that each child owns their toys
 // So the child is not sharing his toys with another child

 assertTrue(c2.getChildToy().length == 2 && c2.getChildToy()[0] != t1 && c2.getChildToy()[1] != t2);
 assertTrue(c2.getChildToy().length == 2 && c2.getChildToy()[0].getToyName().equals("Red Bike")
   && c2.getChildToy()[1].getToyName().equals("Colouring Book"));

 assertTrue(c2.getChildToy().length == 2 && c2.getChildToy()[0].getToyQuantity() == 3
   && c2.getChildToy()[1].getToyQuantity() == 4);

 // Verify that the toys owned by c1 are different from the toys owned by c2
 assertTrue(c2.getChildToy()[0] != c1.getChildToy()[0] && c1.getChildToy()[1] != c2.getChildToy()[1]);


public void test_2_3() {
 Toy t1 = new Toy(1000121, "Red Bike", 3, 98.90);
 Toy t2 = new Toy(1000123, "Colouring Book", 4, 19.89);
 Toy t3 = new Toy(1000128, "Skateboard", 5, 149.99);
 Toy t4 = new Toy(1000127, "SpongeBob DVD", 3, 14.99);
 Toy t5 = new Toy(1000130, "Bike Helmet", 1, 18.99);
 Toy t6 = new Toy(1000125, "Toy car", 10, 3.99);
 Toy t7 = new Toy(1000129, "Ball", 2, 5.59);
 Toy t8 = new Toy(1000189, "Teddy Bear", 3, 10.79);

 Toy[] listofToy1 = { t1, t2 };
 Toy[] listofToy2 = { t3, t4, t5, t6 };
 Toy[] listofToy3 = { t7, t8 };

  * Create child with empty list of toys

 Child c = new Child("Mark", 4, listofToy3);
 int expNumofToys = 2;
 int expChildAge = 4;
 String expChildName = "Mark";

 int numofToys = c.getNumberofToys();
 int childAge = c.getChildAge();
 String childName = c.getChildName();

 Toy[] childToysList = c.getChildToy();

 String errorMsg1 = String.format(" Test getNumberofToys failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)",
   numofToys, expNumofToys);
 assertEquals(errorMsg1, expNumofToys, numofToys);

 String errorMsg2 = String.format(" Test getChildAge failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)",
   childAge, expChildAge);
 assertEquals(errorMsg2, expChildAge, childAge);

 String errorMsg3 = String.format(" Test getChildName failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)",
   childName, expChildName);
 assertEquals(errorMsg3, expChildName, childName);

 String errorMsg4 = String.format(" Test getChildToy failed. Returned array of length (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)",
   childToysList.length, listofToy3.length);
 assertEquals(errorMsg4, listofToy3.length, childToysList.length);

 // String representation for the child object
 String childstr = c.toString();

 String expChildStr = "Child [Mark] of age <4> has (2) toys";
 String errorMsg5 = String.format(" Test toString failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", childstr,
 assertEquals(errorMsg5, expChildStr, childstr);

 Child c1 = new Child("Max", 3, listofToy2);
 expNumofToys = 4;
 expChildAge = 3;
 expChildName = "Max";

  * Number of toys this child has should be correspond to the number of toys
  * inside listofToy1.
 numofToys = c1.getNumberofToys();
 childAge = c1.getChildAge();
 childName = c1.getChildName();
  * Length of the returned array from getChildToy corresponds to the number of
  * toys inside listofToy1.
 childToysList = c1.getChildToy();

 errorMsg1 = String.format(" Test getNumberofToys failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)", numofToys,
 assertEquals(errorMsg1, expNumofToys, numofToys);

 errorMsg2 = String.format(" Test getChildAge failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)", childAge,
 assertEquals(errorMsg2, expChildAge, childAge);

 errorMsg3 = String.format(" Test getChildName failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", childName,
 assertEquals(errorMsg3, expChildName, childName);

 errorMsg4 = String.format(" Test getChildToy failed. Returned array of length (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)",
   childToysList.length, listofToy2.length);
 assertEquals(errorMsg4, listofToy2.length, childToysList.length);

 childstr = c1.toString();

 expChildStr = "Child [Max] of age <3> has (4) toys";
 errorMsg5 = String.format(" Test toString failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", childstr,
 assertEquals(errorMsg5, expChildStr, childstr);

 Child c2 = new Child("Emma", 3, listofToy1);
 expNumofToys = 2;
 expChildAge = 3;
 expChildName = "Emma";

 numofToys = c2.getNumberofToys();
 childAge = c2.getChildAge();
 childName = c2.getChildName();
 childToysList = c2.getChildToy();

 errorMsg1 = String.format(" Test getNumberofToys failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)", numofToys,
 assertEquals(errorMsg1, expNumofToys, numofToys);

 errorMsg2 = String.format(" Test getChildAge failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)", childAge,
 assertEquals(errorMsg2, expChildAge, childAge);

 errorMsg3 = String.format(" Test getChildName failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", childName,
 assertEquals(errorMsg3, expChildName, childName);

 errorMsg4 = String.format(" Test getChildToy failed. Returned array of length (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)",
   childToysList.length, listofToy1.length);
 assertEquals(errorMsg4, listofToy1.length, childToysList.length);

 childstr = c2.toString();

 expChildStr = "Child [Emma] of age <3> has (2) toys";
 errorMsg5 = String.format(" Test toString failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", childstr,
 assertEquals(errorMsg5, expChildStr, childstr);


public void test_2_4() {
 Toy t1 = new Toy(1000121, "Red Bike", 3, 98.90);
 Toy t2 = new Toy(1000123, "Colouring Book", 4, 19.89);
 Toy t3 = new Toy(1000128, "Skateboard", 5, 149.99);
 Toy t4 = new Toy(1000127, "SpongeBob DVD", 3, 14.99);
 Toy t5 = new Toy(1000130, "Bike Helmet", 1, 18.99);
 Toy t6 = new Toy(1000125, "Toy car", 10, 3.99);
 Toy t7 = new Toy(1000129, "Ball", 2, 5.59);
 Toy t8 = new Toy(1000189, "Teddy Bear", 3, 10.79);
 Toy t9 = new Toy(1000188, "Teddy Bear", 4, 12.85);
 Toy t10 = new Toy(1000128, "Skateboard", 2, 140.09);
 Toy t11 = new Toy(1000127, "SpongeBob DVD", 7, 21.19);

 Toy[] listofToy1 = { t1, t2 };
 Toy[] listofToy2 = { t3, t4, t5, t6 };
 Toy[] listofToy3 = { t7, t8 };

  * Create child with empty list of toys

 Child c = new Child("Mark", 4, listofToy3);
 int expNumofToys = 2;
 int expChildAge = 4;
 String expChildName = "Mark";

 int numofToys = c.getNumberofToys();
 int childAge = c.getChildAge();
 String childName = c.getChildName();

 Toy[] childToysList = c.getChildToy();

 String errorMsg1 = String.format(" Test getNumberofToys failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)",
   numofToys, expNumofToys);
 assertEquals(errorMsg1, expNumofToys, numofToys);

 String errorMsg2 = String.format(" Test getChildAge failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)",
   childAge, expChildAge);
 assertEquals(errorMsg2, expChildAge, childAge);

 String errorMsg3 = String.format(" Test getChildName failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)",
   childName, expChildName);
 assertEquals(errorMsg3, expChildName, childName);

 String errorMsg4 = String.format(" Test getChildToy failed. Returned array of length (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)",
   childToysList.length, listofToy3.length);
 assertEquals(errorMsg4, listofToy3.length, childToysList.length);

 // String representation for the child object
 String childstr = c.toString();

 String expChildStr = "Child [Mark] of age <4> has (2) toys";
 String errorMsg5 = String.format(" Test toString failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", childstr,
 assertEquals(errorMsg5, expChildStr, childstr);

 // verify the toys list for c1
 // It is important to note that each child owns their toys
 // So the child is not sharing his toys with another child
 assertTrue(c.getChildToy().length == 2 && c.getChildToy()[0] != t7 && c.getChildToy()[1] != t8);
 assertTrue(c.getChildToy().length == 2 && c.getChildToy()[0].getToyName().equals("Ball")
   && c.getChildToy()[1].getToyName().equals("Teddy Bear"));

 assertTrue(c.getChildToy().length == 2 && c.getChildToy()[0].getToyQuantity() == 2
   && c.getChildToy()[1].getToyQuantity() == 3);
 final double THRESHOLD = .001;
 assertTrue(c.getChildToy().length == 2 && Math.abs (c.getChildToy()[0].getToyPrice() - 5.59)   && Math.abs (c.getChildToy()[1].getToyPrice() - 10.79) 
   // Test adding same toy name with different quantity and price
 String addStr = c.addToy(t9);
 expNumofToys = 2;
 numofToys = c.getNumberofToys();
 errorMsg1 = String.format(" Test getNumberofToys failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)",
   numofToys, expNumofToys);
 assertEquals(errorMsg1, expNumofToys, numofToys);
 String expAddToy = "Toy with the same name already exists. Toy is updated";
 // test if adding toy is successfully completed
 String errorMsg6 = String.format(" Test addToy failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)",
   addStr, expAddToy);
 assertEquals(errorMsg6, expAddToy, addStr);
 assertTrue(c.getChildToy().length == 2 && c.getChildToy()[0].getToyQuantity() == 2
   && c.getChildToy()[1].getToyQuantity() == 7);
 assertTrue(c.getChildToy().length == 2 && Math.abs (c.getChildToy()[0].getToyPrice() - 5.59)   && Math.abs (c.getChildToy()[1].getToyPrice() - 12.85) 
 childstr = c.toString();

 expChildStr = "Child [Mark] of age <4> has (2) toys";
 errorMsg5 = String.format(" Test toString failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", childstr,
 assertEquals(errorMsg5, expChildStr, childstr);
 Child c2 = new Child("Emma", 3, listofToy1);
 // add new toys
 c2.addToy(t3); c2.addToy(t4);
 c2.addToy(t5); c2.addToy(t6);
 expNumofToys = 6;

 numofToys = c2.getNumberofToys();
 childToysList = c2.getChildToy();

 assertTrue(c2.getChildToy().length == 6 && c2.getChildToy()[2] != t3 && c2.getChildToy()[3] != t4);
 assertTrue(c2.getChildToy().length == 6 && c2.getChildToy()[4] != t5 && c2.getChildToy()[5] != t6);
 assertTrue(c2.getChildToy().length == 6 && c2.getChildToy()[2].getToyName().equals("Skateboard")
   && c2.getChildToy()[3].getToyName().equals("SpongeBob DVD"));
 assertTrue(c2.getChildToy().length == 6 && c2.getChildToy()[4].getToyName().equals("Bike Helmet")
   && c2.getChildToy()[5].getToyName().equals("Toy car"));

 errorMsg1 = String.format(" Test getNumberofToys failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)", numofToys,
 assertEquals(errorMsg1, expNumofToys, numofToys);


 errorMsg4 = String.format(" Test getChildToy failed. Returned array of length (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)",
   childToysList.length, listofToy1.length);
 assertEquals(errorMsg4, 6, childToysList.length);

 childstr = c2.toString();

 expChildStr = "Child [Emma] of age <3> has (6) toys";
 errorMsg5 = String.format(" Test toString failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", childstr,
 assertEquals(errorMsg5, expChildStr, childstr);
 // add same toy
 addStr = c2.addToy(t10);
 expAddToy = "Toy with the same name already exists. Toy is updated";
 // test if adding toy is successfully completed
 errorMsg6 = String.format(" Test addToy failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)",
   addStr, expAddToy);
 assertEquals(errorMsg6, expAddToy, addStr);
 assertTrue(c2.getChildToy().length == 6 && c2.getChildToy()[0].getToyQuantity() == 3
   && c2.getChildToy()[2].getToyQuantity() == 7);
 assertTrue(c2.getChildToy().length == 6 && Math.abs (c2.getChildToy()[0].getToyPrice() - 98.90)   && Math.abs (c2.getChildToy()[2].getToyPrice() - 149.99) 
 addStr = c2.addToy(t11);
 expAddToy = "Toy with the same name already exists. Toy is updated";
 // test if adding toy is successfully completed
 errorMsg6 = String.format(" Test addToy failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)",
   addStr, expAddToy);
 assertEquals(errorMsg6, expAddToy, addStr);
 assertTrue(c2.getChildToy().length == 6 && c2.getChildToy()[2].getToyQuantity() == 7
   && c2.getChildToy()[3].getToyQuantity() == 10);
 assertTrue(c2.getChildToy().length == 6 && Math.abs (c2.getChildToy()[2].getToyPrice() - 149.99)   && Math.abs (c2.getChildToy()[3].getToyPrice() - 21.19) 


 * Recommended exercises: Visualizing and tracing (on both debugger and paper)
 * on how objects are created and manipulated in each test would be extremely
 * valuable for reinforcing your understanding.

public void test_2_5() {
 Toy t1 = new Toy(1000121, "Red Bike", 3, 98.90);
 Toy t2 = new Toy(1000123, "Colouring Book", 4, 19.89);
 Toy t3 = new Toy(1000128, "Skateboard", 5, 149.99);
 Toy t4 = new Toy(1000127, "SpongeBob DVD", 3, 14.99);
 Toy t5 = new Toy(1000130, "Bike Helmet", 1, 18.99);
 Toy t6 = new Toy(1000125, "Toy car", 10, 3.99);
 Toy t7 = new Toy(1000129, "Ball", 2, 5.59);
 Toy t8 = new Toy(1000189, "Teddy Bear", 3, 10.79);

 Toy[] listofToy1 = { t1, t2 };
 Toy[] listofToy2 = { t3, t4, t5, t6 };
 Toy[] listofToy3 = { t7, t8 };

 Child c1 = new Child("James", 1, listofToy1);
 // String representation for the child object
 String childstr = c1.toString();

 String expChildStr = "Child [James] of age <1> has (2) toys";
 String errorMsg5 = String.format(" Test toString failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", childstr,
 assertEquals(errorMsg5, expChildStr, childstr);

 Child c2 = new Child("Luca", 3, listofToy2);

 childstr = c2.toString();

 expChildStr = "Child [Luca] of age <3> has (4) toys";
 errorMsg5 = String.format(" Test toString failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", childstr,
 assertEquals(errorMsg5, expChildStr, childstr);

 Child c3 = new Child("Ethan", 5, listofToy3);
 childstr = c3.toString();

 expChildStr = "Child [Ethan] of age <5> has (2) toys";
 errorMsg5 = String.format(" Test toString failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", childstr,
 assertEquals(errorMsg5, expChildStr, childstr);

 // child dispose his toys

 int expNumofToys = 0;
 int expChildAge = 1;
 String expChildName = "James";

 int numofToys = c1.getNumberofToys();
 int childAge = c1.getChildAge();
 String childName = c1.getChildName();
  * Length of the returned array from getChildToy corresponds to the number of
  * toys inside listofToy which is zero.
 Toy[] childToysList = c1.getChildToy();

 String errorMsg1 = String.format(" Test getNumberofToys failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)",
   numofToys, expNumofToys);
 assertEquals(errorMsg1, expNumofToys, numofToys);

 String errorMsg2 = String.format(" Test getChildAge failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)",
   childAge, expChildAge);
 assertEquals(errorMsg2, expChildAge, childAge);

 String errorMsg3 = String.format(" Test getChildName failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)",
   childName, expChildName);
 assertEquals(errorMsg3, expChildName, childName);

 String errorMsg4 = String.format(" Test getChildToy failed. Returned null but did not ");
 assertTrue(errorMsg4, childToysList == null);

 // String representation for the child object
 childstr = c1.toString();

 expChildStr = "Child [James] of age <1> has (0) toys";
 errorMsg5 = String.format(" Test toString failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", childstr,
 assertEquals(errorMsg5, expChildStr, childstr);

 // A child can denote his toys to another child, but he can not donate to
 // himself
 // c2 toys become c1 toys
 expNumofToys = 0;
 numofToys = c2.getNumberofToys();
 childToysList = c2.getChildToy();

 errorMsg1 = String.format(" Test getNumberofToys failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)", numofToys,
 assertEquals(errorMsg1, expNumofToys, numofToys);

 errorMsg4 = String.format(" Test getChildToy failed. Returned null but did not ");
 assertTrue(errorMsg4, childToysList == null);

 // String representation for the child object
 childstr = c2.toString();

 expChildStr = "Child [Luca] of age <3> has (0) toys";
 errorMsg5 = String.format(" Test toString failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", childstr,
 assertEquals(errorMsg5, expChildStr, childstr);

 childstr = c1.toString();

 expChildStr = "Child [James] of age <1> has (4) toys";
 errorMsg5 = String.format(" Test toString failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", childstr,
 assertEquals(errorMsg5, expChildStr, childstr);

 // A child can denote his toys to another child, but he can not donate to
 // himself
 // c3 toys become c1 toys so we have to add to the toy list of c1

 childstr = c3.toString();

 expChildStr = "Child [Ethan] of age <5> has (0) toys";
 errorMsg5 = String.format(" Test toString failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", childstr,
 assertEquals(errorMsg5, expChildStr, childstr);

 childstr = c1.toString();

 expChildStr = "Child [James] of age <1> has (6) toys";
 errorMsg5 = String.format(" Test toString failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", childstr,
 assertEquals(errorMsg5, expChildStr, childstr);


 * Recommended exercises: Visualizing and tracing (on both debugger and paper)
 * on how objects are created and manipulated in each test would be extremely
 * valuable for reinforcing your understanding.
public void test_3_0() {
 Toy t1 = new Toy(1000121, "Red Bike", 3, 98.90);
 Toy t2 = new Toy(1000123, "Colouring Book", 4, 19.89);
 Toy t3 = new Toy(1000128, "Skateboard", 5, 149.99);
 Toy t4 = new Toy(1000127, "SpongeBob DVD", 3, 14.99);
 Toy t5 = new Toy(1000130, "Bike Helmet", 1, 18.99);
 Toy t6 = new Toy(1000125, "Toy car", 10, 3.99);
 Toy t7 = new Toy(1000129, "Ball", 2, 5.59);
 Toy t8 = new Toy(1000189, "Teddy Bear", 3, 10.79);

 Toy[] listofToy1 = { t1 };
 Toy[] listofToy2 = { t1, t3 };
 Toy[] listofToy3 = { t2, t5, t6 };
 Toy[] listofToy4 = { t7, t8, t2, t4 };
 Toy[] listofToy5 = { t1, t2, t3, t4, t7 };
 Toy[] listofToy6 = { t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7 };
 Toy[] listofToy7 = { t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8 };
 Toy[] listofToy8 = { t3, t4, t5, t6 };
 Toy[] listofToy9 = { t5, t6 };

 Order o1 = new Order();
 /* The order empty there is no childs */
 int numofChild = o1.getNumofChilds();
 int expNumofChild = 0;

 String errorMsg1 = String.format(
   " Test getNumofChilds in the order failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)", numofChild,
 assertEquals(errorMsg1, expNumofChild, numofChild);

 // String representation for the order object
 String orderstr = o1.toString();
 String expOrderStr = "The order contains 0 Childs";
 String errorMsg5 = String.format(" Test toString failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", orderstr,
 assertEquals(errorMsg5, expOrderStr, orderstr);

 Child c1 = new Child("Sophia", 2, listofToy8);
 Child c2 = new Child("Harper", 4, listofToy9);
 Child c3 = new Child("James", 5, listofToy6);
 Child c4 = new Child("Levi", 6, listofToy1);
 Child c5 = new Child("Luca", 1, listofToy2);
 Child c6 = new Child("Leo", 3, listofToy7);
 Child c7 = new Child("Oliver", 4, listofToy5);
 Child c8 = new Child("Lucas", 3, listofToy4);
 Child c9 = new Child("Ellie", 2, listofToy3);
 Child c10 = new Child("Mila", 1, listofToy5);

 numofChild = o1.getNumofChilds();
 expNumofChild = 1;

 errorMsg1 = String.format(" Test getNumofChilds in the order failed. Returned (%d) " + "but correct is  (%d)",
   numofChild, expNumofChild);
 assertEquals(errorMsg1, expNumofChild, numofChild);

 orderstr = o1.toString();

 expOrderStr = "The order contains 1 Childs";
 errorMsg5 = String.format(" Test toString failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", orderstr,
 assertEquals(errorMsg5, expOrderStr, orderstr);

 // verify that c1 is added to the order o1
 // Note that the order does not own the child; the child belongs to or is
 // included in the order.
 assertTrue(o1.getChilds().length == 1 && o1.getChilds()[0] == c1);

 assertTrue(o1.getChilds().length == 1 && o1.getChilds()[0].getChildName().equals("Sophia"));

 // add more childs
 assertTrue(o1.getChilds().length == 3 && o1.getChilds()[0] == c1 && o1.getChilds()[1] == c2
   && o1.getChilds()[2] == c10);

 assertTrue(o1.getChilds().length == 3 && o1.getChilds()[0].getChildName().equals("Sophia")
   && o1.getChilds()[1].getChildName().equals("Harper")
   && o1.getChilds()[2].getChildName().equals("Mila"));

 orderstr = o1.toString();

 expOrderStr = "The order contains 3 Childs";
 errorMsg5 = String.format(" Test toString failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", orderstr,
 assertEquals(errorMsg5, expOrderStr, orderstr);

 // remove child from the order
 assertTrue(o1.getChilds().length == 2 && o1.getChilds()[0] == c1 && o1.getChilds()[1] == c10);

 assertTrue(o1.getChilds().length == 2 && o1.getChilds()[0].getChildName().equals("Sophia")

   && o1.getChilds()[1].getChildName().equals("Mila"));

 // Try to remove a child from the order given that the child does not exist in
 // the order
 // do nothing, this operation has no effect
 assertTrue(o1.getChilds().length == 2 && o1.getChilds()[0] == c1 && o1.getChilds()[1] == c10);
 assertTrue(o1.getChilds().length == 2 && o1.getChilds()[0] == c1 && o1.getChilds()[1] == c10);

 // add more childs
 assertTrue(o1.getChilds().length == 5 && o1.getChilds()[0] == c1 && o1.getChilds()[1] == c10
   && o1.getChilds()[2] == c9 && o1.getChilds()[3] == c3 && o1.getChilds()[4] == c4);

  * Maximum number of child allowed to be in any given order is 5. Adding beyond
  * the maximum capacity of order will have no effect.
 assertTrue(o1.getChilds().length == 5 && o1.getChilds()[0] == c1 && o1.getChilds()[1] == c10
   && o1.getChilds()[2] == c9 && o1.getChilds()[3] == c3 && o1.getChilds()[4] == c4);
 orderstr = o1.toString();

 expOrderStr = "The order contains 5 Childs";
 errorMsg5 = String.format(" Test toString failed. Returned (%s) " + "but correct is  (%s)", orderstr,
 assertEquals(errorMsg5, expOrderStr, orderstr);

 // remove child from order
 assertTrue(o1.getChilds().length == 4 && o1.getChilds()[0] == c1 && o1.getChilds()[1] == c10
   && o1.getChilds()[2] == c9 && o1.getChilds()[3] == c4);
 // remove more child
 assertTrue(o1.getChilds().length == 2 && o1.getChilds()[0] == c10 && o1.getChilds()[1] == c4);
 // add more childs again
 assertTrue(o1.getChilds().length == 5 && o1.getChilds()[0] == c10 && o1.getChilds()[1] == c4
   && o1.getChilds()[2] == c6 && o1.getChilds()[3] == c5 && o1.getChilds()[4] == c7);
 assertTrue(o1.getChilds().length == 5 && o1.getChilds()[0].getChildName().equals("Mila")
   && o1.getChilds()[1].getChildName().equals("Levi")
   && o1.getChilds()[2].getChildName().equals("Leo")
   && o1.getChilds()[3].getChildName().equals("Luca")
   && o1.getChilds()[4].getChildName().equals("Oliver"));










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