This question will comprise of three parts. You are asked to first implement a circular linked listLinks to an external site.. Next, you are asked
This question will comprise of three parts.
You are asked to first implement a circular linked listLinks to an external site..
Next, you are asked to implement a Naive Distributed Hash Table. This is a hash table where the nodes inthe distributed system only know about their successor nodes. Nothing more.
Finally, you are asked to implement a Smart Distributed Hash Table. This is where you will implement the finger table.
Key concepts to understand.
linked lists
consistent hashing
finger tables
You will see much more code then you need to write. Use the function documentation, test_cases, and seb's lecture as your guide. Also, utilize the helper methods you are given.
Carefully work through this step by step. The test cases are written in order of dependence.
import inspect
import importlib
import re
import random
import hashlib
k_bit = 32
class SubClassTypeError(Exception):
class ArgumentError(Exception):
class FingerInitError(Exception):
# Utility functions
def distance(c_hash_a, c_hash_b, k=k_bit):
Measures the clockwise distance between two consistent hash values.
:param c_hash_1: int
:param c_hash_2: int
:param k: int - the number of bits. defaults to global k_bit
:return: int - the calculated distance
# Your solution here
distance = (c_hash_b - c_hash_a) % (2**k)
return distance
def question_1():
# What is the largest possible hash value in the network if k=32?
# print your answer
def c_hash(val, k=k_bit):
Computes the consistent hash of val using the sha1 hashing algorithm.
:param val: string - hashable value
:param k: int - the number of bits. defaults to global k_bit
# compute the sha1 hash of the val, convert it to an integer, and map it to the circle
# Linked List Objects
class Node:
Node represents the container in which data will be stored in key, value pairs.
A Node will be part of a circular linked list and will also hold a finger table
for search optimization over the distributed system.
def __init__(self, _id, k=k_bit):
# Your implementation here
def __repr__(self):
# Your implementation here
def __str__(self):
# Your implementation here
def next(self):
return self.__next
def set_next(self, node):
if not isinstance(node, Node):
raise TypeError
self.__next = node
def print_finger_table(self):
# This one is a freebie to help you debug
# Try not to change anything here. Some test cases use this method to get the finger table.
col_1_size = max(len(str(self.k)), 4)
col_2_size = max(len(str(2**self.k)), 16)
col_3_size = col_2_size
total_size = sum([col_1_size, col_2_size, col_3_size]) + 4
header = f"NODE {str(self)} FINGER TABLE:"
print(f"{'-'*total_size: ^{total_size}}")
print(f"{header: ^{total_size}}")
print(f"{'-'*total_size: ^{total_size}}")
print(f"{'i' : >{col_1_size}} |"
f"{'successor hash': >{col_2_size}} |"
f"{'successor node': >{col_3_size}} ")
print(f"{'-'*1: >{col_1_size}} |"
f"{'-'*14: >{col_2_size}} |"
f"{'-'*14: >{col_3_size}} ")
for finger in self.finger_table:
print(f"{finger[0]: >{col_1_size}} |"
f"{finger[1]: >{col_2_size}} |"
f"{str(finger[2]): >{col_3_size}} ")
print(f"{'-' * total_size: ^{total_size}}")
class CircularLinkedList:
def __init__(self, head, k=k_bit):
# Your implementation here
def __repr__(self):
# Your implementation here
def __str__(self):
A string containing a series of node id's connected by arrows, ->
e.g. 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 1
:return: string
# Your implementation here
def find_predecessor_node(self, key, hash_key=True):
Returns the closest node in the counterclockwise direction from the hashed key.
:param key: string - hashable or already hashed value
:param hash_key: bool - will hash the key by default unless specified otherwise
:return: Node
# Your implementation here
def find_successor_node(self, key, hash_key=True):
Returns the closest node in the clockwise direction from the hashed key.
:param key: string - hashable or already hashed value
:param hash_key: bool - will hash the key by default unless specified otherwise
:return: Node
# Your implementation here
def insert_node(self, node):
Adds a new Node sorted by node id to the circular linked list starting from the head.
If the node id's collide, return the existing node.
:param node: Node - the new node
:return: Node - Reference of inserted node.
# Your implementation here
def __iter__(self):
Creates a Circular Linked List iterator which traverse all the nodes starting and ending at the head node.
:return: Node
# Your implementation here
def __next__(self):
# Your implementation here
def traverse_from(self, key=None, steps=None, hash_key=True):
Find the predecessor node for key, and return the node "steps" away.
:param key: int or str - If None, default to the head node
:param steps: int - If None, default to the size of the list
:param hash_key: bool
:return: Node
# Your implementation here
def remove_node(self, node_id):
Finds the node in the system, reallocates its db to the appropriate node, and
updates each node's finger table.
:param node_id: int
:return: bool
# Save this test case until last
# Your implementation here
class NaiveDistributedHashTable(CircularLinkedList):
Traverses the distributed system naively. Each node in this system is only aware of its successor node.
def get(self, key):
Find and return the data for a given key.
The containing node is the successor to the key's predecessor.
:param key: string
:return: data or None
# Your implementation here
def put(self, key, data):
Store the data for the given key.
The containing node is the successor to the key's predecessor.
:param key: string
:param data:
:return: Node
# Your implementation here
class SmartDistributedHashTable(CircularLinkedList):
Uses the efficient finger table / chord algorithm to traverse the distributed system.
def get(self, key):
Find and return the data for a given key.
The containing node is the successor to the key's predecessor.
:param key: string
:return: data or None
# Your implementation here
def put(self, key, data):
Store the data for the given key.
The containing node is the successor to the key's predecessor.
:param key: string
:param data:
:return: bool
# Your implementation here
def update_finger_tables(self):
Updates each node's finger table in the distributed system
:return: bool
# Your implementation here
def find_node(self, key, hash_key=True, start_node=None):
Uses the finger table to get the node responsible for key
:param key: string - hashable or already hashed value
:param hash_key: bool - will hash the key by default unless specified otherwise
:param start_node: Node - assumes the node is already a system member
:return: Node or None
# Your implementation here
# You may want to try recursion here
def CLLFactory(*, cls=None, k=k_bit, node_count=None, node_ids=[], naive=True):
Creates and returns a circular linked list of node_count nodes with random ids.
Creates and returns a circular linked list of nodes with the provided ids.
If naive is false, then the factory will also update the node's finger tables.
:param cls: CircularLinkedList - type of circular linked list to return
:param k: int - number of bits used to determine size of circular linked list
:param node_count: int - number of nodes - should not exceed 2**k
:param node_ids: list[int] - list of all the ids for future nodes - invalid or redundant ids discarded
:param naive: bool - if false, the factory should update the finger tables
:return: CircularLinkedList
# This one is a freebie to help with the test cases...
if cls is None:
cls = CircularLinkedList
if not issubclass(cls, CircularLinkedList):
raise SubClassTypeError(f"{cls} is not of type CircularLinkedList")
if node_count is not None:
if node_count == 0:
return None
if node_count > 2**k:
raise ArgumentError(f"node_count cannot be greater than {2**k}")
used_ids = [random.getrandbits(k)]
cll = cls(Node(used_ids[0], k=k), k)
for _ in range(node_count - 1):
new_id = random.getrandbits(k)
while new_id in used_ids:
new_id = random.getrandbits(k)
cll.insert_node(Node(new_id, k=k))
return cll
if node_ids:
cll = None
used_ids = []
while node_ids:
_id = node_ids.pop(0)
if (_id < 2**k) and (_id not in used_ids):
if not cll:
cll = cls(Node(_id, k=k), k=k)
cll.insert_node(Node(_id, k=k))
return cll
return None
# your turn to test
def test_remove_node():
# save this test until last. It will be much easier to do then
assert False, "Write a test(s) for CircularLinkedList.remove_node. Then implement the method. See the docs " \
def test_cll_factory():
sig = inspect.signature(CLLFactory)
assert sig.__str__() == "(*, cls=None, k=32, node_count=None, node_ids=[], naive=True)", "Signature incorrect"
positional_argument_error_raised = False
except TypeError as e:
positional_argument_error_raised = "positional arguments" in str(e)
assert positional_argument_error_raised, "CLLFactory should take no positional arguments"
cll = CLLFactory(node_count=0)
assert cll is None
cll = CLLFactory(node_count=10)
assert cll.size == 10
cll = CLLFactory(node_ids=[x for x in range(int(1e6), int(1e8), int(1e7))])
assert cll.size == 10
dht = CLLFactory(cls=NaiveDistributedHashTable, node_count=2)
assert isinstance(dht, NaiveDistributedHashTable)
dht = CLLFactory(cls=NaiveDistributedHashTable, k=3, node_count=4)
assert dht.k == 3
argument_error_raised = False
CLLFactory(k=3, node_count=100)
except ArgumentError:
argument_error_raised = True
assert argument_error_raised, "CLLFactory node_count should not exceed 2**k"
for _ in range(100):
cll = CLLFactory(k=3, node_count=8)
assert cll.size == 8, "CLLFactory should guarantee the provided node_count as long as node_count <= 2**k"
cll = CLLFactory(k=3, node_ids=[10, 9, 8])
assert cll is None
cll = CLLFactory(k=3, node_ids=[9, 7])
assert cll.size == 1
cll = CLLFactory(k=3, node_ids=[2, 7, 7, 9])
assert cll.size == 2
cll = CLLFactory(k=2, node_ids=[0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3])
assert cll.size == 4
# test utilities
def test_distance_function():
error_msg = "Try again - distance(%d, %d)"
assert distance(0, 100) == 100, error_msg % (0, 100)
assert distance(100, 1000) == 900, error_msg % (100, 1000)
assert distance(4e9, 100) == 294967396, error_msg % (4e9, 100)
assert distance(1, 5, 3) == 4, error_msg % (1, 5)
assert distance(5, 3, 3) == 6, error_msg % (5, 3)
def test_question_1():
def test_consistent_hashing_algorithm():
hash1 =")
hash2 =")
hash3 =")
assert hash1 == hash2, "hash algorithm is unstable. Hashes of the same value must be equal"
assert isinstance(hash1, int), "hashing algorithm must return an int"
assert hash1 <= 2**k_bit, "hashing algorithm must implement consistent hashing"
assert hash1 != hash3, "hashes should be different with high probability"
hash1 =", k=3)
assert hash1 <= 2**3, "hashing algorithm must implement consistent hashing to k=3"
# test naive node
def test_node_constructor():
nid = random.getrandbits(k_bit)
node = Node(nid)
assert hasattr(node, '_id'), "Node needs an _id attribute"
assert hasattr(node, 'next'), "Node needs an next attribute"
assert hasattr(node, 'db'), "Node needs an db attribute"
assert hasattr(node, 'finger_table'), "Node needs a finger_table attribute"
assert hasattr(node, 'k'), "Node needs a k attribute"
assert node._id == nid, f"Node _id should be {nid}"
assert is None, f"Node's next should be none because there is no other node at this point"
assert node.db == {}, "Node needs an empty dictionary to store data"
assert node.finger_table == [], "Node's fingertable should be an empty list upon creation"
assert node.k == 32, f"Nodes default k should be {k_bit}"
node = Node(4, k=3)
assert node.k == 3
value_error_raised = False
Node(10, k=3)
except ValueError:
value_error_raised = True
assert value_error_raised, "Node _id cannot exceed 2**k"
def test_node_repr():
node = Node(random.getrandbits(k_bit))
assert repr(node) == f"
def test_node_str():
node = Node(random.getrandbits(k_bit))
assert str(node) == f"{node._id}", "You didn't define the node __str__ function correctly"
def test_node_set_next():
n1 = Node(random.getrandbits(k_bit))
n2 = Node(random.getrandbits(k_bit))
attribute_error_raised = False
try: = n2
except AttributeError:
attribute_error_raised = True
assert attribute_error_raised, "Node's next property should not be settable. Better to use set_next."
assert hasattr(n1, "set_next"), "Node needs a set_next method"
type_error_raised = False
except TypeError:
type_error_raised = True
assert type_error_raised, "set_next should only accept arguments of type Node and raise a TypeError otherwise"
assert == n2, "set_next should update the node's next property"
def test_node_print_finger_table():
node = Node(4, k=32)
for i in range(3):
node.finger_table.append((i, (node._id + 2**i) % 2**3, node))
# test circular linked list
def test_circular_linked_list_constructor():
node = Node(random.getrandbits(k_bit))
cll = CircularLinkedList(node)
assert node == cll.head, "The passed node should be the head"
assert cll.head ==, "head of circular liked list with one node should point to itself"
assert cll.size == 1, "The size of newly constructed circular linked list should be 1"
assert cll.k == k_bit
cll = CircularLinkedList(Node(1), k=3)
assert cll.k == 3
def test_circular_linked_list_repr():
id_val = random.getrandbits(k_bit)
cll = CircularLinkedList(Node(id_val))
assert repr(cll) == f"
def test_circular_linked_list_find_predecessor_node():
head = Node(random.getrandbits(k_bit))
cll = CircularLinkedList(head)
rand_key = random.getrandbits(k_bit)
node = cll.find_predecessor_node(rand_key, hash_key=False)
assert rand_key != head._id, "The predecessor node to key of a single node circular linked list is the head"
assert node is head, "The predecessor node to key of a single node circular linked list is the head"
nodes = []
current = head
for x in range(4):
node = Node(head._id + int(1e8*(x+1)))
current = node
node = cll.find_predecessor_node(nodes[2]._id, hash_key=False)
assert node is nodes[2], "A node with id equal to the hashed key is the predecessor node"
check_key = int((nodes[2]._id + nodes[3]._id) / 2)
node = cll.find_predecessor_node(check_key, hash_key=False)
assert node is nodes[2], "The predecessor node of the hashed key should be the closet node in the " \
"counterclockwise direction of the hashed key"
node = cll.find_predecessor_node(1, hash_key=False)
assert node is nodes[-1], "This case is not unique but will fail if you implement distance and find_predecessor " \
node = cll.find_predecessor_node("key")
assert isinstance(node, Node), "Your find_predecessor function should also be able to hash a key by default"
def test_circular_linked_list_find_successor_node():
head = Node(100000)
cll = CircularLinkedList(head)
nodes = []
current = head
for x in range(4):
node = Node(head._id + int(1e8*(x+1)))
current = node
check_key = int((nodes[2]._id + nodes[3]._id) / 2)
node = cll.find_successor_node(check_key, hash_key=False)
assert node is nodes[3]
def test_circular_linked_list_insert_node():
head = Node(int(1e3))
cll = CircularLinkedList(head)
n1 = cll.insert_node(Node(int(1e7)))
n2 = cll.insert_node(Node(int(1e4)))
n3 = cll.insert_node(Node(1))
assert is n2
assert is n1
assert is n3
assert is head
assert cll.size == 4
n4 = cll.insert_node(Node(1))
assert n4 is n3, "A colliding node should return the existing node"
def test_circular_linked_list_str():
head = Node(1)
cll = CircularLinkedList(head)
for x in range(2, 5):
assert str(cll) == '1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 1'
def test_cll_iterator():
head = Node(1)
cll = CircularLinkedList(head)
nodes = [Node(x) for x in range(2, 6)]
for node in nodes:
nodes = [head, *nodes]
temp_nodes = []
for node in cll:
assert nodes == temp_nodes, "For more reasource on how to build iterator: " \
def test_cll_traverse_from():
cll = CLLFactory(node_ids=[100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000])
node = cll.traverse_from(hash_key=False)
assert node._id == 1000000000
node = cll.traverse_from(steps=2, hash_key=False)
assert node._id == 10000000
node = cll.traverse_from(1000000, steps=7, hash_key=False)
assert node._id == 100000000
node = cll.traverse_from(200000, hash_key=False)
assert node._id == 1000000000
key = "xyz"
node = cll.traverse_from(key, steps=2)
assert node._id == 1000000
# test Naive Distributed Hash Table
def test_ndht_repr():
dht = NaiveDistributedHashTable(Node(1))
assert repr(dht) == f"
def test_ndht_repr_only_uses_cll_repr():
source = inspect.getsource(NaiveDistributedHashTable)
assert "__repr__" not in source, "Try making your CircularLinkedList __repr__ method dynamic rather than " \
"overloading the __repr__ method in the subclass. This is not worth many " \
"points and will not be used later but will show you understand inheritance and " \
"how to make your function dynamic."
def test_ndht_get_method():
node_ids = [100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000]
dht = CLLFactory(cls=NaiveDistributedHashTable, node_ids=node_ids)
key = ""
data = {'class': 'Real-Time Intelligent Systems'}
found_node = dht.find_predecessor_node(key)[key] = data
found_data = dht.get(key)
assert data == found_data
dht = CLLFactory(cls=NaiveDistributedHashTable, k=3, node_count=8)
expected_node = dht.find_successor_node(key)
expected_node.db[key] = data
found_data = dht.get(key)
assert expected_node.db[key] == found_data, "A node with id equal to a hash_key is responsible for the key"
def test_ndht_put_method():
node_ids = [100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000]
dht = CLLFactory(cls=NaiveDistributedHashTable, node_ids=node_ids)
key = ""
data = {'class': 'Real-Time Intelligent Systems'}
node = dht.put(key, data)
the_node = dht.find_successor_node(100000, hash_key=False)
assert node == the_node, "The nodes are not the same"
assert the_node.db == {key: data}, "The stored data is not the same"
dht = CLLFactory(cls=NaiveDistributedHashTable, k=3, node_count=3)
node = dht.put(key, data)
the_node = dht.find_successor_node(4, hash_key=False)
assert node == the_node, "The nodes are not the same"
assert the_node.db == {key: data}, "The stored data is not the same"
# test Smart Distributed Hash Table
def test_sdht_repr():
dht = SmartDistributedHashTable(Node(1))
assert repr(dht) == f"
def test_sdht_repr_only_uses_cll_repr():
source = inspect.getsource(SmartDistributedHashTable)
assert "__repr__" not in source, "Try making your CircularLinkedList __repr__ method dynamic rather than " \
"overloading the __repr__ method in the subclass. This is not worth many " \
"points and will not be used later but will show you understand inheritance and " \
"how to make your function dynamic."
def test_sdht_update_finger_tables():
dht = CLLFactory(cls=SmartDistributedHashTable, k=3, node_ids=[0, 1, 2, 6])
node2 = dht.find_successor_node(2, hash_key=False)
node6 = dht.find_successor_node(6, hash_key=False)
node2_expected_finger_table = [(0, 3, node6), (1, 4, node6), (2, 6, node6)]
assert node2.finger_table == node2_expected_finger_table, "Your finger table is wrong"
def test_sdht_large_finger_table_print():
dht = CLLFactory(cls=SmartDistributedHashTable, node_count=10)
def test_find_node_using_finger_table():
n2 = Node(2, k=3)
dht = SmartDistributedHashTable(n2, k=3)
n1 = Node(1, k=3)
n0 = Node(0, k=3)
n6 = Node(6, k=3)
for node in [n1, n0, n6]:
node = dht.find_node(2, hash_key=False)
assert node is n2, "Node is not n2"
node = dht.find_node(3, hash_key=False)
assert node is n6, "Node is not n6"
dht.head = n1
node = dht.find_node(7, hash_key=False)
assert node is n0, "Node is not n0"
def test_sdht_get_method():
dht = CLLFactory(cls=SmartDistributedHashTable, k=3, node_ids=[1, 2, 6, 0])
key = ""
data = {'class': 'Real-Time Intelligent Systems'}
found_node = dht.find_node(key)
found_data = dht.get(key)
assert found_data is None, "There should be no data for the key in the responsible node"
found_node.db[key] = data
found_data = dht.get(key)
assert found_data == data, "The data is not the same"
def test_sdht_put_method():
dht = CLLFactory(cls=SmartDistributedHashTable, k=3, node_ids=[1, 2, 6, 0])
key = ""
key_hash = c_hash(key, k=3)
data = {'class': 'Real-Time Intelligent Systems'}
node = dht.put(key, data)
assert node._id == 6
if __name__ == '__main__':
test_name = input().strip()
except Exception as e:
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