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This week we will be working with throwing our exceptions and using try and catch blocks. ----------------------------------- Throwing the Exceptions: LotFullException: Adjust both of ParkingLot's

This week we will be working with throwing our exceptions and using try and catch blocks.


Throwing the Exceptions:

LotFullException: Adjust both of ParkingLot's park() methods to throw this exception instead of returning false if the ParkingLot is full and your Auto/Bicycle cannot be parked.

VehicleMissingException: Adjust ParkingLot's find() method to throw this exception instead of return null if the target vehicle is unable to be found inside the ParkingLot

ParkingSpaceOccupiedException: Adjust ParkingSpace's parkAuto() and parkBicycle() methods so that if the ParkingSpace is occupied, this exception is thrown instead of return false;

NegativeValueException: Adjust setSpeed() and setPass() to throw this exception if negative values are passed into these methods. Will need to update Vehicle Constructors!

InvalidColorException: Adjust Auto's setColor() method to also throw this exception in addition to setting the color to Unknown. Will need to update an Auto Constructor!

InvalidBrandException: Adjust Bicycle's setBrand() method to also throw this exception in addition to setting the Brand to Unknown. Will need to update a Bicycle Constructor!

IllegallyParkedException: Create a new checkSpace() method in ParkingSpace. This method should:

Have no input parameters

Return boolean

Determine if there is something in the ParkingSpace

If there is something in the ParkingSpace AND that thing is an Auto which does not have a permit, then an IllegallyParkedException should be thrown. OTHERWISE return true;


Catching the Exceptions:


In your Driver, create a default Vehicle. Then call the setSpeed() and setPass() methods on that Vehicle inside of a try block. The catch block should print out the exception message if an exception is created.


Add a method to ParkingLot called: checkLot(). This method should have no parameters and return nothing. The method should check every ParkingSpace in the ParkingLot (use the new ParkingSpace method checkSpace()). If an IllegallyParkedException occurs during this method, the message "An illegally parked vehicle has been detected, summoning parking enforcement!" should be printed.


Here is the code:


public class Auto extends Vehicle implements Parkable {

private String plate; private Color color; private boolean hasPermit;

/** * Default Auto */ public Auto() { super(); plate = "N/A"; color = Color.Unknown; hasPermit = false; }

/** * Full parameter Constructor * @param inPlate String with Plate Data * @param inColor String with Color Data * @param inHasPermit boolean: True for has permit, False for not having permit */ public Auto(String inPlate, String inColor, boolean inHasPermit, int inSpeed, int inPass) { super(inSpeed, inPass); setPlate(inPlate); setColor(inColor); hasPermit = inHasPermit; }

@Override public boolean park() { if (isHasPermit()) { return true; } else { return false; } }

/** * Describes the Auto * @return a String with the Auto's data */ @Override public String toString() { return "Auto{" + "plate=" + plate + ", color=" + color + ", hasPermit=" + hasPermit + super.toString() + '}'; } /** * Get the Auto's license plate data * @return a String with License Plate data */ public String getPlate() { return plate; }

/** * Set the Auto's license plate data * @param inPlate a String to use for the Auto's License Plate data */ public void setPlate(String inPlate) { if (inPlate.length() > 0 && inPlate.length() < 9) plate = inPlate; else System.out.println("Attempted to set plate to a String too long or too short!"); }

/** * Get the color of the Auto * @return a String containing the color information for the Auto */ public Color getColor() { return color; }

/** * Set the color of the Auto * @param inColor a String denoting the color of the Auto */ public void setColor(String inColor) { Color[] validColors = Color.values(); boolean foundMatch = false; //Check the elements/values in the array for (int index = 0; index < validColors.length; index++) { if (inColor.equals( validColors[index].toString() )) { foundMatch = true; //We found a match!!! } } inColor = inColor.replaceAll(" ", "");//Removing Spaces! //foundMatch is true ONLY IF we found a matching enum value if (foundMatch) { color = Color.valueOf(inColor); } else { color = Color.Unknown; }


/** * Check if the Auto has a permit * @return a true if Auto has a permit and a false if Auto does NOT have a permit */ public boolean isHasPermit() { return hasPermit; }

/** * Sets the Auto's Permit status * @param inPermit a boolean denoting if the Auto should (true) or should not (false) have a permit */ public void setHasPermit(boolean inPermit) { hasPermit = inPermit; } public boolean equals(Object otherObject) {

//Check if the other object is even an Auto if (!(otherObject instanceof Auto)) { return false; //Since it's not even a Auto! } else { // Your logic for figuring out if the objects should match goes here! if (((Auto) otherObject).getPlate().equals(getPlate()) && ((Auto) otherObject).getColor().equals(getColor()) && ((Auto) otherObject).isHasPermit() == (isHasPermit())) { return true; } else { return false; // At least 1 attribute is different } } }

@Override public boolean unpark() { return true; } }


public class Bicycle extends Vehicle implements Parkable { private String serialNumber; private Brand brand; private boolean locked;

/** * Default Bicycle */ public Bicycle() { super(); serialNumber = "N/A"; brand = Brand.Unknown; locked = false; }

/** * Full parameter Bicycle constructor * @param inSerialNumber String with Serial Number Data * @param inBrand String with Brand Data * @param inLocked boolean: True if bike is locked, False if bike is not locked */ public Bicycle(String inSerialNumber, String inBrand, boolean inLocked, int inSpeed, int inPass) { super(inSpeed,inPass); setSerialNumber(inSerialNumber); setBrand(inBrand); locked = inLocked; }

@Override public boolean park() { setLocked(true); return true; }

/** * Describes the Bicycle * @return a String with the Bicycle's data */ @Override public String toString() { return "Bicycle{" + "serialNumber=" + serialNumber + ", brand=" + brand + ", locked=" + locked + super.toString() + '}'; }

/** * The Bicycle's serial number * @return a String containing the Bicycle's serial number */ public String getSerialNumber() { return serialNumber; }

/** * Change the Bicycle's serial number * @param inSerialNumber a String to set as the Bicycle's serial number */ public void setSerialNumber(String inSerialNumber) { if ( inSerialNumber.length() > 2 && inSerialNumber.length() < 14) serialNumber = inSerialNumber; else System.out.println("Attempted to set serial number to something too small or too large"); }

/** * Get the type of Bicycle * @return a String with the brand of the Bicycle */ public Brand getBrand() { return brand; }

/** * Set the type of Bicycle * @param inBrand a String with the brand info for the Bicycle */ public void setBrand(String inBrand) { Brand[] validBrands = Brand.values(); boolean foundMatch = false; //Check the elements/values in the array for (int index = 0; index < validBrands.length; index++) { if (inBrand.equals( validBrands[index].toString() )) { foundMatch = true; //We found a match!!! } } inBrand = inBrand.replaceAll(" ", "");//Removing Spaces! //foundMatch is true ONLY IF we found a matching enum value if (foundMatch) { brand = Brand.valueOf(inBrand); } else { brand = Brand.Unknown; }


/** * Check if the Bicycle is locked or not * @return a boolean with data on if the Bicycle is locked (true) or not (false) */ public boolean isLocked() { return locked; }

/** * Set the locked status of the Bicycle * @param lock a boolean which locks (true) or unlocks (false) a Bicycle */ public void setLocked(boolean lock) { locked = lock; } public boolean equals(Object otherObject) { if (!(otherObject instanceof Bicycle)) { return false; //Since it's not even a Bicycle! } else { if (((Bicycle) otherObject).getSerialNumber().equals(getSerialNumber()) && ((Bicycle) otherObject).getBrand().equals(getBrand()) && ((Bicycle) otherObject).isLocked() == (isLocked())) { return true; } else { return false; // At least 1 attribute is different } } }

@Override public boolean unpark() { setLocked(false); return true; } }

public enum Brand { Unknown, Schwinn, Huffy, Aero; public static Brand randomBrand() { Brand[] myBrands = Brand.values(); Random gen = new Random(); int index = gen.nextInt((myBrands.length -1)) + 1; return myBrands[index]; } public String toString() { String base = super.toString(); String output = ""; boolean firstChar = true; for (int index = 0; index < base.length(); index++) { //Check for uppercase if (Character.isUpperCase( base.charAt(index) ) && !firstChar) { output = output + " "; } output = output + base.charAt(index); firstChar = false; } return output; } }


public enum Color { Unknown, Red, Orange, Pink, Black; public static Color randomColor() { Color[] myColors = Color.values(); Random gen = new Random(); int index = gen.nextInt((myColors.length -1)) + 1; return myColors[index]; } public String toString() { String base = super.toString(); String output = ""; boolean firstChar = true; for (int index = 0; index < base.length(); index++) { //Check for uppercase if (Character.isUpperCase( base.charAt(index) ) && !firstChar) { output = output + " "; } output = output + base.charAt(index); firstChar = false; } return output; } }


public interface Parkable { /** * Method that parks a Parkable vehicle * @return true if vehicle is correctly parked */ boolean park(); /** * Method that unparks a Parkable vehicle * @return true if vehicle has been correctly unparked */ boolean unpark(); }


public class ParkingLot { private ParkingSpace[] spaces; private double percentFull; /** * Constructor for a Parking Lot * @param numAuto number of Auto ParkingSpaces * @param numBike number of Bicycle ParkingSpaces */ public ParkingLot(int numAuto, int numBike) { spaces = new ParkingSpace[numAuto + numBike]; for (int i = 0; i < numAuto; i++) { spaces[i] = new ParkingSpace("Auto"); } for (int i = numAuto; i < spaces.length; i++) { spaces[i] = new ParkingSpace("Bicycle"); } percentFull = 0; }

@Override public String toString() { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < spaces.length; i++) { if (spaces[i].isOccupied()) { count++; } } percentFull = (100 * count) / spaces.length; return "ParkingLot{" + "spaces=" + spaces.length + ", percentFull=" + percentFull + "%}"; } /** * Try to park a given Vehicle * @param inAuto Auto to park * @return True if we could park, false otherwise */ public boolean park(Auto inAuto) { for(int i = 0; i < spaces.length; i++) { if (!spaces[i].isOccupied() && spaces[i].getType() == ValidParkingObject.Auto) { spaces[i].parkAuto(inAuto); return true; } } return false; }

/** * Try to park a given Vehicle * @param inBike Auto to park * @return True if we could park, false otherwise */ public boolean park(Bicycle inBike) { for(int i = 0; i < spaces.length; i++) { if (!spaces[i].isOccupied() && spaces[i].getType() == ValidParkingObject.Bicycle) { spaces[i].parkBicycle(inBike); return true; } } return false; }

/** * Try to find and return a parked vehicle * @param target Plate or Serial Number to look for * @return The parked vehicle OR a null if no such vehicle could be found */ public Object find(String target) { for(int i = 0; i < spaces.length; i++) { if (spaces[i].isOccupied() && spaces[i].getType() == ValidParkingObject.Auto && ((Auto) spaces[i].getVehicle()).getPlate().equals(target)) { return spaces[i].unpark(); } else if (spaces[i].isOccupied() && spaces[i].getType() == ValidParkingObject.Bicycle && ((Bicycle) spaces[i].getVehicle()).getSerialNumber().equals(target)) { return spaces[i].unpark(); } } return null; } }

Parking Space

public class ParkingSpace { private boolean occupied; private int number; private ValidParkingObject type; private Object vehicle; private static int numberOfSpaces = 0;

/** * Gets the vehicle parked in the ParkingSpace (DOES NOT REMOVE VEHICLE) * @return the vehicle parked in the ParkingSpace */ public Object getVehicle() { return vehicle; }

/** * Default Parking Space */ public ParkingSpace() { occupied = false; number = numberOfSpaces; numberOfSpaces++; type = ValidParkingObject.Unknown; vehicle = null; }

/** * Full parameter ParkingSpace constructor * @param inType String noting the type of object which can park in this Parking Space */ public ParkingSpace(String inType) { occupied = false; number = numberOfSpaces; numberOfSpaces++; setType(inType); vehicle = null; }

/** * Describes the Parking Space * @return a String with the Parking Space's data */ @Override public String toString() { return "ParkingSpace{" + "occupied=" + occupied + ", number=" + number + ", type=" + type + ", vehicle=" + vehicle + '}'; } /** * Try to park an Auto in this Parking Space * @param inAuto the Auto try to park here * @return a boolean noting if the Auto was able to park (true) or not (false) */ public boolean parkAuto(Auto inAuto) { if (isOccupied()) { return false; } else if (getType().equals(ValidParkingObject.Auto)) { occupied = true; vehicle = inAuto; return true; } else return false; } /** * Try to park a Bicycle in this Parking Space * @param inBike the Bicycle to try parking here * @return a boolean noting if the Bicycle was able to park (true) or not (false) */ public boolean parkBicycle (Bicycle inBike) { if (isOccupied()) { return false; } else if (getType().equals(ValidParkingObject.Bicycle)) { vehicle = inBike; occupied = true; return true; } else return false; }

/** * Unparks a vehicle from the ParkingSpace * @return the Vehicle in the ParkingSpace */ public Object unpark() { occupied = false; return vehicle; } /** * Check if the Parking Space is occupied or not * @return a boolean which is true if the Parking Space is in use and false if the Parking Space is not in use */ public boolean isOccupied() { return occupied; }

/** * Get the ParkingSpace number * @return an int with the ParkingSpace's number */ public int getNumber() { return number; }

/** * Get the type of ParkingSpace * @return a String denoting what type of Object is allowed to park in this ParkingSpace */ public ValidParkingObject getType() { return type; }

/** * Set the type of Parking Space * @param inType a String to note what type of Object is allowed to park in this Parking Space */ public void setType(String inType) { ValidParkingObject[] validTypes = ValidParkingObject.values(); boolean foundMatch = false; //Check the elements/values in the array for (int index = 0; index < validTypes.length; index++) { if (inType.equals( validTypes[index].toString() )) { foundMatch = true; //We found a match!!! } } inType = inType.replaceAll(" ", "");//Removing Spaces! //foundMatch is true ONLY IF we found a matching enum value if (foundMatch) { type = ValidParkingObject.valueOf(inType); } else { type = ValidParkingObject.Unknown; }


public boolean equals(Object otherObject) { if (!(otherObject instanceof ParkingSpace)) { return false; //Since it's not even a ParkingSpace! } else { if (((ParkingSpace) otherObject).getNumber() == (getNumber()) && ((ParkingSpace) otherObject).getType().equals(getType()) && ((ParkingSpace) otherObject).isOccupied() == (isOccupied())) { return true; } else { return false; // At least 1 attribute is different } } }


Valid parking object

public enum ValidParkingObject { Unknown, Auto, Bicycle; public static ValidParkingObject randomValidParkingObject() { ValidParkingObject[] myValidParkingObjects = ValidParkingObject.values(); Random gen = new Random(); int index = gen.nextInt((myValidParkingObjects.length -1)) + 1; return myValidParkingObjects[index]; } public String toString() { String base = super.toString(); String output = ""; boolean firstChar = true; for (int index = 0; index < base.length(); index++) { //Check for uppercase if (Character.isUpperCase( base.charAt(index) ) && !firstChar) { output = output + " "; } output = output + base.charAt(index); firstChar = false; } return output; } }


public class Vehicle { private int speed; private int pass;

public Vehicle() { speed = 0; pass = 0; }

public Vehicle(int speed, int pass) { setSpeed(speed); setPass(pass); }

@Override public String toString() { return "Vehicle{" + "speed=" + speed + ", pass=" + pass + '}'; }

public int getSpeed() { return speed; }

public void setSpeed(int inSpeed) { if (inSpeed > 0) speed = inSpeed; else speed = 0; }

public int getPass() { return pass; }

public void setPass(int inPass) { if (inPass > 0) pass = inPass; else pass = 0; } }

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