Thor tarache nceme bor the 2020 tar year is 1 (ipound ts the never cent) 4 (iemper tor ife ncaral whole porent) Ther aysage foderai inconie tacriale for the 2000 lac yew in 4. HGound to has decaris blacen ) Why a thes avorage lwe ialin kiver itan iner magonal rate? taned al 10ing) the sumenent above is (Seled tom the diop devis menus) the real rate of return, and tho totai monesary ceturn, What are the implications of ths nesult for cash management deconons? (Round io he cromal pacms) (Round to the ensest dotar) (Aoved to too docithal poces) Cren an afioc tax retum of 312% and an inflition ste of 2.81%, the afler-tax evar monetary ceturn 1 (Round fo the newest dolar) What is the inplication of this tesyt for cash managoment decovons? (5ebet the bes ariwer beiow) astets bul adstecoal funds thould also be imested nere and long-lerm bons D. No implication can bo drawn from this asormation Thor tarache nceme bor the 2020 tar year is 1 (ipound ts the never cent) 4 (iemper tor ife ncaral whole porent) Ther aysage foderai inconie tacriale for the 2000 lac yew in 4. HGound to has decaris blacen ) Why a thes avorage lwe ialin kiver itan iner magonal rate? taned al 10ing) the sumenent above is (Seled tom the diop devis menus) the real rate of return, and tho totai monesary ceturn, What are the implications of ths nesult for cash management deconons? (Round io he cromal pacms) (Round to the ensest dotar) (Aoved to too docithal poces) Cren an afioc tax retum of 312% and an inflition ste of 2.81%, the afler-tax evar monetary ceturn 1 (Round fo the newest dolar) What is the inplication of this tesyt for cash managoment decovons? (5ebet the bes ariwer beiow) astets bul adstecoal funds thould also be imested nere and long-lerm bons D. No implication can bo drawn from this asormation