Question 38.38. Find the upcoming payment interest payments in a currency swap in which party A pays U. S. dollars at a fixed rate of 5 percent on notional principal of $50 million and party B pays Swiss francs at a fixed rate of 4 percent on notional principal of SF35 million. Payments are annual under the assumption of 360 days in a year, and there is no netting. (Points : 1) | party A pays $2,500,000, and party B pays SF1,400,000 party A pays SF1,400,000, and party B pays $2,500,000 party A pays SF1,750,000, and party B pays SF1,400,000 party A pays $2,500,000, and party B pays $2,000,000 party A pays $50 million, and party B pays SF35 million |