To find how many liablities they have, you simply need to look into their Balance Sheet, under "Lablities". From there, we get: 1. Mortgage (30-year fixed) 2. Kwame's consolidated student loans 3. Laticia's student loan (You see how much easier this is than fishing out this info from the narrative of the case all over again? It leads to lower probability of mistakes, too. Financ tool in financial planning!) Next, for each of their three liabilities in your table, fill out the balance, the monthly payment and the interest rate. Note that some of this data may be miss definitely missing from the case narrative, but we already figured it out earlier - it was Kwame's consolidated student loan balance - see my balance sheet that one is not a mystery anymore. Are there any other numbers that you need for this Debt Summary that you are missing? Here are the 9 cells you need to fill out, all numbered: To find how many liablities they have, you simply need to look into their Balance Sheet, under "Lablities". From there, we get: 1. Mortgage (30-year fixed) 2. Kwame's consolidated student loans 3. Laticia's student loan (You see how much easier this is than fishing out this info from the narrative of the case all over again? It leads to lower probability of mistakes, too. Financ tool in financial planning!) Next, for each of their three liabilities in your table, fill out the balance, the monthly payment and the interest rate. Note that some of this data may be miss definitely missing from the case narrative, but we already figured it out earlier - it was Kwame's consolidated student loan balance - see my balance sheet that one is not a mystery anymore. Are there any other numbers that you need for this Debt Summary that you are missing? Here are the 9 cells you need to fill out, all numbered