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Toinform people about products and services, companies relyon policy c.activities promotion d.distribution A manufacturing company mayusea policy toconvincea retailer to stock theirproducts. pull c. push

  1. Toinform people about products and services, companies relyon
    1. policy c.activities
    2. promotion d.distribution
  2. A manufacturing company mayusea policy toconvincea retailer to stock theirproducts.
    1. pull c. push
    2. blank d.full
  3. Which of the following is not one of the five steps in display,design, and selection?
    1. choosingasetting c. manipulating artistic elements
    2. selectingmerchandise d. storingdecorations
  4. What are the artistic elements of adisplay?
    1. colorwheel,adjacentcolors,triadiccolors
    2. focalpoint,colorwheel,colors,multiculturaldisplay
    3. line,color,shape,direction,texture,proportion,balance,motion,lighting
    4. proportion,balance,motion,formalbalance,informalbalance
  5. Print media includes advertisingin
    1. newspapers, magazines, direct mail, signs, andbill boards
    2. small towns, rural areas, andcities
    3. acombinationofseveralmagazines
    4. newsletters,catalogs,coupons,samplers,pricelists,circulars,invitations,andletters
  6. Televisionand radio are what type of advertisingmedia?
    1. print c.specialty
    2. online d.broadcast
  7. A form of advertising that uses either email or the Internetis called
    1. printadvertising c. specialtyadvertising
    2. onlineadvertising d. broadcastadvertising

  1. Inexpensive items which contain the advertiser's name and/or logo are what type of media?
    1. print c.specialty
    2. online d.broadcast
  2. A group of advertisements, commercials, and related promotional materials and activities that are designed as part of a coordinated advertising plan to meet the specific goals of a company iscalled
    1. media planningandselection c. a specialtycampaign
    2. general categories ofadvertisingmedia d. an advertisingcampaign
  3. What type of advertising agency would fulfill all of the six steps used in an advertisingcampaign?
    1. limited-service c. full-service
    2. unlimited-service d.special-service
  4. Which statement best describes an advertisementlayout?
    1. asketchthatshowsthegeneralarrangementandappearanceofafinishedad
    2. a distinctive identification symbol for abusiness
    3. acatchyphraseorwordsthatidentifyaproductorcompany
    4. a sketch that shows some of the appearance of anad
  5. When checking advertisingproofs
    1. there does not need to be asignature
    2. one does not need to check the typefaces and typesizes
    3. theintendedmessageandimageprojectedmustbeappropriateforthetargetaudience
    4. theadshouldbebold,butnotboldenoughtostandoutwhenplacednexttootherads
  6. Four methods that are used to checkgoodsare , direct, spot,andquality checkmethods.
    1. blind c. inventory
    2. focused d.indirect
  7. This inventory system coordinates supply and demand so that suppliers deliver parts and raw materials just before they are needed foruse.
    1. just-in-time c. physical
    2. perpetual d.controlling

  1. What is a perpetual inventorysystem?
    1. Everysooften,stockisvisuallyinspectedoractuallycountedtodeterminethequantity onhand
    2. Scannedbarcodesandkeypad entriesareusedonanongoingbasis
    3. Asystemthattracksthenumberofitemsininventory,allnewitemspurchasedand returned, as well as sales of current stock are tracked on a constantbasis
    4. Acombinationofinventoryandbusinessmethodsisused
  2. The planning and monitoring of the total inventory investment that a business makes during a stated period of time is what kind of stock control method?
    1. dollarcontrol c. inventory turnovercontrol
    2. unitcontrol d. none of the above
  3. A person goes to the store to buy a bottle of shampoo to use at home. This is an example of what kind of user in regard todistribution?
    1. channel c. consumer
    2. industrial d.retail
  4. A manufacturer sells goodstoa , who then stores andresellsthe goods to otherbusinesses.
    1. retailer c.wholesaler
    2. producer d. dropshippers
  5. Stores that you go to, such as clothing stores, grocery stores, shoe stores, and bookstores, are all examples of what type of channelmember?
    1. retailers c.wholesalers
    2. producers d. dropshippers
  6. What distribution intensity level involves the use of all suitable outlets to sell a product?
    1. selectivedistribution c. physicaldistribution
    2. intensivedistribution d. exclusivedistribution
  7. What system or service helps to ensure that the right amount of product is delivered to the right place at the righttime?
    1. transportation c. physicaldistribution
    2. intensivedistribution d. exclusivedistribution

  1. What are the five steps involved in display design andselection?
    1. crossmixofitems,place,choosingcolors,rearrangingthedisplay,lighting
    2. formalbalance,informalbalance,choosingthebesttexture,lighting,evaluatingthe display
    3. product,place,choosingasetting,choosingcolors,promotion
    4. selecting merchandise for display,selecting type of display,choosing asetting, manipulatingartisticelements,evaluatingdisplay
  2. Twoexamples of intermodal transportationare
    1. ton-mile and halfton-mileservices c. fishyback and piggybackservices
    2. common andcomplexservices d. active and inactiveservices
  3. The U.S. Postal Service and express delivery services are two types of transportation service companies. Name two more of this type ofservice.
    1. bus package carriers andfreightforwarders c. pipelines and marineshipping
    2. air cargo services andcommoncarriers d. none of theabove
  4. The amount of money left for buying goods after all purchases received and on order have been considered iscalled
    1. beginning-of-the-month(BOM) c. open-to-buy(OTB)
    2. end-of-the-month (EMO) d. point-of-purchase(POP)
    3. Which of the following is NOT included in the six steps used to determine prices?
      1. calculate the markup price and the return on investment (ROI)
      2. estimate price objectives and determinecosts
      3. decide on a pricing strategy and setprices
      4. estimatedemandandstudycompetition
    4. The value in money (or its equivalent) placed on a good or service is called
      1. bartering c.price
      2. trading d.moneymarket
    5. Which of the following statements describes how price relates toprofit?
      1. The lower a price is set, the lower the profit willbe
      2. The prices a business sets for products and services help in determining the profitof thebusiness
      3. Agoodorservicewithahighpricewillalwayshavealowprofitmargin
      4. Priceshavenothingtodowithprofit
    6. If a music manufacturer sells a guitar for $40 to its distributors and the distributor sells it for $90, the distributor makes $50 in profit. What is the rate of return?

a.5.555 c.6.543

b..40 d.1.25

  1. A business' percentage of the total sales volume generated by all competitors in a given market is calledits
    1. ROI c. marketshare
    2. profit d.returnmarket
  2. Costs and expenses, supply and demand, consumer perceptions, and competition are four factors to considerwhen
    1. salepricing. c. goalpricing
    2. establishingprices d. comparisonshopping
  3. A situation where a change in price creates little change in demand is known as
    1. demandelasticity c. inelastic demand
    2. elasticdemand d. break-evenpoint

  1. A situation where a change in price creates a change in demand is known as
    1. demandelasticity c. inelasticdemand
    2. elasticdemand d. break-evenpoint
  2. Which of the following pricing concepts allows a business to set the lowest possible price for a good or service while still making aprofit?
    1. cost-orientedpricing c. competition-orientedpricing
    2. demand-orientedpricing d. profit-orientedpricing
  3. Which of the following pricing concepts allows the marketer to set prices and lower them if it becomesnecessary?
    1. cost-orientedpricing c. competition-orientedpricing
    2. demand-orientedpricing d. profit-orientedpricing
  4. A is one in which all customers are charged the sameprices.
    1. flexible-pricepolicy c. one-on-one pricepolicy
    2. one-pricepolicy d. flex-onepolicy
  5. What type of pricing policy is used when a newly designed computer is sold at

$1,000 but, when more options become available on the market, the manufacturer drops the price to $500?

  1. flexible-pricepolicy c. penetrationpricing
  2. skimmingpricing d. changingprice
  3. Which pricing policy method means to saturate a market with a product quickly by use of low pricing, mass production, distribution, andpromotion?
    1. flexible-pricepolicy c. penetrationpricing
    2. skimmingpricing d. changingprice
  4. The owner of a sporting goods store wants to know the markup and retail price of a hat, but first she determines what percentage of the retail price is equal to the cost. What method of pricing is sheusing?
    1. retailmethod c. markupmethod
    2. costmethod d. percentagemethod
  5. Which of the following is determined by subtracting the cost of a pair of new shoes from the saleprice?
    1. the methodofpricing c.the markupmethod
    2. thecostmethod d. the maintainedmarkup

  1. If a customer receives a telephone bill in the amount of $355 and the telephone company offers a 3 percent cash discount if the bill is paid before January 1st, what is the amount of thebill?

a.$344.35 c.$354.35

b.$248.50 d.$106.50

  1. An office supply store offers its customers a quantity discount on notepads of the following quantities: 1-24 notepads at $.95 each, 25-48 notepads at $.90 each, and 49-75 notepads at $.85 each. What is the price of 50 notepads?

a.$43.50 c.$142.50

b.$42.50 d.$51

  1. Bank credit cards, store and gasoline cards, travel and entertainment cards, rebate cards, affinity cards, debit cards, and special customer cards are all examples of which of thefollowing?
    1. debit cards available toconsumers
    2. types of credit cards available toconsumers
    3. bank charges issued to their customers
    4. all of theabove
  2. Which of the following are four major types of consumer credit plans in use today?
    1. standard 12-day,frequency,stable,basic
    2. consumer, self-maintained, premium,luxury
    3. regularor30-day,installment,revolving,budget
    4. none of theabove
  3. The process and methods used to gather information, analyze it, and report findings related to marketing goods and services is knownas
    1. marketinginformation c. marketingresearch
    2. databasemarketing d. salesresearch
  4. Some of the data that should be a partofa(n) include customer profile data, company records, competitors' records, government data, and marketing researchreports.
    1. marketinginformationsystem c.attituderesearch
    2. database d. marketintelligence
  5. What is databasemarketing?
    1. theprocessofdesigning,creating,andmanagingcustomerlists
    2. recordsofcustomers'addressessothattheycanbesentcurrentcatalogs
    3. identifyingidealcustomersbysendingthemspecialmarketingprograms
    4. acollectionofrelatedinformationaboutaspecifictopic

  1. Which of the following are the five steps of the marketing research process listed in the correctorder?
    1. obtaindata,applytheresults,analyzedata,definetheproblem,recommendsolutions
    2. analyzedata,recommendsolutions,applytheresults,definetheproblem,obtaindata
    3. defineproblem,obtaindata,analyzedata,recommendsolutions,applytheresults
    4. applytheresults,obtaindata,definetheproblem,recommendsolutions,analyzedata
  2. When writing surveys and questionnaires, a question is said tohave

when it measures what was intended to bemeasured.

  1. validity c.primarydata
  2. reliability d.analysis
  3. What is a forced-choicequestion?
    1. aquestionthatasksrespondentstoconstructtheirownresponsetoaquestion
    2. aquestionthatasksrespondentstochooseanswersfrompossibilitiesgivenona questionnaire
    3. aquestionthatgivestherespondentonlytwochoices
    4. a true or false surveyquestion

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