Topics: class, object, instantiation, methods Problem Statement: In this lab, you will design a very simple calculator application with the basic functionalities. The purpose of this assignment is to gain experience in basic OOP concepts Problem Scenario You would ask two user input a and b using your favorite input function. Then the program should display a menu that is similar to a calculator application. The operations that need to be implemented are 1) addition, 2) multiplication, 3) subtraction, 4) division and 5) power function. You can choose to implement your own power function or you can use the built-in functions in the standard module. The menu should have an exit option to exit the program and user can choose to stay in the application until s/he decides to leave the application. Proper documentation for each of the methods and exception handling are required. For example: your program should be able to handle zero division operation or any non-numeric number like string values Design your solution: Class Definition: You need to design a class named "Calculator". To design your class, you can take the following approach: Write down a description of your problem (what should the problem do?). Underline all the nouns verbs, and adjectives. For example: A Calculator application which is able to add, subtract divide multiolv and perform exponential (user choice) on two user numbers 1. 2. Go through the nouns, these are potential classes: Calculator Go through the verbs, they are potential methods: add, subtract etc. You also need to define init and strmethod and any other additional method you need. Go through the inputs and output, looking for potential attributes: user inputs, kind of operation and result Allocate methods and attributes to your classes 3. 4. You can write a simple main function to create your menu and object. A sample object creation can be as:c Calculatorfx, y,"+) where x,y user numbers and+is the operation to be performed