Calculating 401(k) Matching Contributions Companies decide whether to institule matching contrbutiogs. Ones that offer matching conkinbutions do so for numorous reasons, including rocruitrnent and retontion of the most qualified individuals. Asso, companies chooso the formulas for making contribubions and setting maximum firnita: Here are throe comrnon approaches for determining matching contributions: Futt match: The employer fulty matches an employee's contribution to the 401(k) plan account up to an arnount sot by law For illustrativo purposes, an errployee earning $50,000 anmually contributes $2,000 to her 401(k). Then, the compary's matching contribution oquals $2,000. Fixed dollar match. The employer deposits $1 for every $1 the employee contribuses up to a specified limit, for instance, 5 percent of pay. One ernployee contributer 3 percent of her $100,000 pay equaling $3,000; (3 percent $100,000). The employor contributes the same amount. Another employee contributes 10 percent of his $100,000 pay equaling $10,000 : (10 porcent $100,000) th this case, the company deposits $5,000 : (5 percent $100,000) becatise the plan specifies a 5 porcent matching contribution maximum. Variable dollar match: The employer's-contribution decreasos as an employee's contribution incroases, For oxample an employor might deposit $1 for evory $1 on the first 3 percent of pay contributed by the employee, and 50 cents per dollar on the next 3 percont of pay. An omployee who earns $100,000 arinually contributes 6 percent to the 401(K) plan, equaling $6000 : (6 percent $100,000). The employor contributon a total of $4,500 - [($1(3percent$100,000)+($0.50(3) percent $100,000)]]. does not contribute anything to the 401(K) plan. Shivu earns $120,000 annually and contributos 7 percont of pay to the 401(k) pltan. Onkar oarns $33,200 annually and contributes 2 percent of pay. and contributes 2 percent of pay. Under the full match approach, the employer's contribution for (Round your answers to the nearest hundredths place.) a) Amanda: $ b) Shiyu: $ c) Onkar: \$