SECTION: SCORE: ACTNTTY SHEET N FUNDAMENTALS OF ACCOUNTTNO, QUEHEES AND MANAOEAENT 2 . 1st Quarter, Week 5 - Cash Flow statement (components, structure and preparation) Activity 3: SUPPily the following stals OF ACCOUNTING, BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT 2 Write the letter of the following statements thit categorizes to the different business activities of an enterprise. Write the letter of the statement to the category. Cash flows from operating activities: Cash flows from investing activities Cash flows from financing activities a. Repayment of cash loans b. Payments of debt securities of other entities except cash equivalents. c. Proceeds from selling investments in debt securities of other entities except cash equivalents. d. Proceeds from sale of loans made by the enterprise e. Proceeds from issuance of equity securities. f. Payment of dividends and other distribution to owners. g. Cash sales to customers, h. Poyment to omployeces for salatics and wegos. 1. Contribution to charities. 1. Cash collected from lawsult. k. Payment to suppliers of goods and services. I. Cash collections from credit customers. m. Interest payments. n. Refunds from suppliers, o. Receipts of cash dividends from stock investment. p. Payment to government agencies for taxes, fines and penalties. 4. Proceeds from the issuance of bonds and notes payable. r. Proceeds from selling the investment in equity securities of other companties, 5. Fayment io bcquire entity securities of other companies. t. Payments to purchase of property, plant and equipment or other productive assets except merchandise inventory. SECTION: SCORE: ACTNITY SHEETIN FUMDAMENTALS OF ACCOUMINO, QUSMESS AND MAMNODMETT 2 1st Quarter, Week 5 - Cash Flow Statement (components, structure and preparution) Activity 1: Write the lefter in the blank that best describe the rems below. A. Comparative lintanciai siatement B. Working capital C. Investing activities D. DirectMethod E. Depreciation expense F. Operating activlties G. Financing activicies H. Sole Proprietorship 1. Cash Flow statement J. Interim Financial statement K. Long-term debt 1. Current asseis less current liabiites 2. Activities of the business related to long term assets 3. Activities issusnce of long-term dobt or equity investment. 4. An item that reduces not income but no cash involve. 5. Activities centered on the actual day-to-day business transaction of a compary. 6. Accounting reports providing information from two or more conseculive periods at once. 7. One owner of a business enierprise. 8. Method used in presenting actual cash inflows and outflows of the three activities of the business. 9. Statement that provides information about the causes of changes in the company's cash balance from the beginning and end of the specific period. 10. Owes to creditors whose maturity extends beyond one year from the reporting date. Activity 2: Classify each item listed below by writing the letter of which activity it is categorized on the blank provided. A. Operating activities B. Investing activities C. Financing activities 1. Purchase of equipment 2. Paid dividends to stockholders 3. Interest payment of loans 4. Issuance of stocks of the company 5. Payment of accounts payable 6. Payment of rent 7. Purchase of land 8. Sale of machineries 9. Proceeds from bank loans 10. Payment of taxes FUNDAMENTALS OF ACCOUNTANCY, BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT 2 NAME: SECTION: SCORE: ACTIVITY SHEET IN FUNDAMENTALS OF ACCOUNTING, BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT 2 Grade 12 1st Quarter, Week 5 - Cash Flow Statement (components, structure and preparation) ACTIVITY SHEET IN FUNDAMENTALS OF ACCOUNTING, BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT 2 Fruit Salad Company. Required: Prepare a cash flow statement using the direct method. Categonze it operating, investing and financing activities. Present in a proper format