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uiz Note: It is recommended that you save your response as you complete each question. Question 1 (1 point) You and your colleague are designing

uiz Note: It is recommended that you save your response as you complete each question. Question 1 (1 point) You and your colleague are designing a study to try to determine the ideal mean cost for a discretionary service. You will market your service to a very large population. Your colleague thinks you will get the best data if you take lots of small samples. You think the data will be more reliable if you take one or two very large samples. Question 1 options: A) You are equally wrong-unless you use stratified sampling, you cannot expect reliable results. B) : You are equally correct-there is little difference in the reliability of these sampling methods. C) : You are equally correct-there is little difference in the reliability of these sampling methods. D) You are right-the means of a few large samples will yield more reliable results. Save Question 2 (1 point) The name given to the error committed when the null hypothesis is rejected and it is actually true is Question 2 options: A) type II error. B) type I error. C) selection bias D) alternative hypothesis Save Question 3 (1 point) You are planning a prospective study to try to prove a cause and effect relationship between dipping snuff and throat cancer. First, you identify subjects who regularly dip snuff and who are free of any signs of throat cancer. Next, you need to identify subjects who Question 3 options: A) dip snuff regularly and who currently have throat cancer. B) do not dip snuff and who are free of any signs of throat cancer. C) dip snuff regularly and who currently have significant signs of throat cancer. D) do not dip snuff and who currently have significant signs of throat cancer. Save Question 4 (1 point) Which statistical analysis would be the best technique to use on the following problem? A study compared the effects of retesting on the scores of students who failed a writing test. Students who did not pass on their first attempt were allowed to retest. Results showed that students had higher mean scores at retest whether they attended additional training before retesting or not. Question 4 options: A) descriptive stats B) regression C) T test D) ANOVA Save Question 5 (1 point) An analyst was testing the hypothesis that there is an association between physician gender (M/F) and the willingness to use or not use CPOE. The value of the chi-square test statistic is 7.23. If the acceptable level of type I error was set to 0.01, what is the conclusion of the hypothesis test? Question 5 options: A) Reject the null hypothesis B) Reject the alternative hypothesis C) Accept the null hypothesis D) Reject the alternative hypothesis Save Question 6 (1 point) You are conducting a patient satisfaction survey in an outpatient clinic. Because you typically see about 300 people per day in the clinic, you decide to have the interviewers administer the questionnaire on every tenth patient. You are using: Question 6 options: A) Systematic sampling B) Stratified sampling C) Cluster sampling D) Convenience sampling Save Question 7 (1 point) The director of a research project who has full responsibility for all parts of the conducted research is known as the: Question 7 options: A) principle investigator B) clinical research coordinator C) research data manager D) clinical research associate Save Question 8 (1 point) Honesty regarding degrees and credentials and a commitment to lifelong learning reflect professional obligations to: Question 8 options: A) an employer B) oneself, peers and professional associations C) patients and the healthcare team D) the public Save Question 9 (1 point) Promoting the values of autonomy for each individual is ethical behavior for the following Code of Ethics principle: Question 9 options: A) facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration B) put service before self-interest C) put service after self-interest D) respect the dignity and worth of every person Save Question 10 (1 point) The core ethical question is: Question 10 options: A) Can I afford it? B) Does my facility have the technological capacity? C) How should I behave? D) What policies, rules and regulations should I follow? Save Question 11 (1 point) The person responsible for the support, facilitation and the coordination of daily clinical trial activities, ultimately ensuring that all written clinical protocols are carried out, is known as the: Question 11 options: A) principle investigator B) clinical research coordinator C) research data manager D) clinical research associate Save Question 12 (1 point) According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), this is a receipt of a financial assistance award for peer-reviewed research. It is called a(n): Question 12 options: A) IRB B) grant C) confidentiality statement D) consent Save Question 13 (1 point) This particular form is completed by the proposal reviewer and asks the reviewer to inform the program officer if there are any conflicts of interest based on the area of focus for the grant application. It is called the: Question 13 options: A) B) confidentiality form face page C) biographical sketch D) conflict of interest form Save Question 14 (1 point) Research objectives and goals for the project are also called? Question 14 options: A) abstract B) significance C) specific aims D) budget Save Question 15 (1 point) A graduate student has redesigned a functional, but slow (clunky) clinical decision support system into one that colleagues have described as lightening-fast, non-intrusive, user-friendly, and matching the workflow and mental processes of clinicians. The graduate student is planning a study involving three nurses, three primary care physicians, three physician assistants, three nurse practitioners, and three surgeons. Should you be concerned about the soundness of your fellow graduate student's study? Question 15 options: A) No, the extreme heterogeneity of clinicians makes the study generalizable B) No, how other students conduct their studies is no concern of yours C) Yes, the small sample may result in a Type II error D) Yes, one cannot conduct replication studies, such as the redesigned of a clinical decision support system Save Question 16 (1 point) A colleague has suggested that you and she collaborate on the secondary analysis of a data set. She believes that the dissertation data of a previous nursing doctoral candidate could be productively mined. The research question (problem) addressed by the doctoral candidate still exists as the population's access to electronic resources has not changed since the previous study. Thus, the question, variables, and hypotheses would remain essentially the same - she believes that you and she could contribute to the body of knowledge by improving the statistical analysis of the data set, using the techniques of data mining. What else should you check before committing yourself to this research project? Question 16 options: A) Is access to these data and their coding scheme assured? B) Is it documented how the doctoral candidate handled missingness? C) Does your schedule have the time necessary to clean the data? D) All of the above Save Question 17 (1 point) You are reading the study of a qualitative researcher. You would expect to see discussion of all the following aspects EXCEPT: Question 17 options: A) conceptualizing B) recording of additional data C) testing of hypotheses D) integrating categories Save Question 18 (1 point) You are attempting to understand the implicit rules of a journal to which you may submit a paper. You would consider all of the following aspects EXCEPT: Question 18 options: A) anthropomorphism B) submission guidelines C) use of first person D) use of passive voice Save Question 19 (1 point) What does \"lacking rigor\" mean? Question 19 options: A) The scholarly merit of the study is questionable B) The sentences do not flow as they are long and complex C) The language of the paper was dynamic D) The paragraphs were not redundant and wordy Save Question 20 (1 point) The researchers knew that the population of physical therapists was compiled of three subgroups: baccalaureate, master's, and doctoral prepared. They wanted to capture any differing opinions among the three subgroups regarding clinical decision support systems. What type of sample should the researchers select? Question 20 options: A) B) C) stratified random sample cluster random sample professional sample D) grouping sample Save Question 21 (1 point) To reach their desired number of subjects, the researchers were relying on the early subjects to give them names of additional subjects to recruit. What type of sampling are the researchers performing? Question 21 options: A) affinity B) network C) snowball D) tiered Save Question 22 (1 point) The researchers selected their subjects to represent specific characteristics of the population that the researchers decided were typical and should be included. What type of sampling are the researchers performing? Question 22 options: A) purposive B) directed C) criterion D) guided Save Question 23 (1 point) The researcher chooses the casesthose individuals who have the disease, and compares them to the controlsthose without the disease, to determine if the independent variable is more prominent in the cases than in the controls. This is done by looking back in time. Another name for this study is called: Question 23 options: A) prospective study B) analytic study C) retrospective study D) experimental study Save Question 24 (1 point) This examines the patterns of disease occurrence in human populations, and the factors that influence these patterns in relation to time, place, and persons. It is called: Question 24 options: A) independent variable B) prospective study C) retrospective study D) epidemiology Save Question 25 (1 point) In order to understand if a new electronic record is being implemented in the primary care practices of a given health system in a way that meets the needs of the users focus groups are conducted after the pilot implementation in several practices to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the system and what can be done as the implementation moves forward. What kind of evaluation research is being undertaken? Question 25 options: A) Formative B) Summative C) Cost-benefit analysis D) Impact Save Question 26 (1 point) Literature reviews are prone to bias and random error which may surface throughout the review process in such ways as: Question 26 options: A) the selection of search databases B) indexing terminology C) study selection D) all of the above Save Question 27 (1 point) The most important step in any research process is: Question 27 options: A) defining the research question B) formation of the research team C) collection of baseline data D) the literature review Save Question 28 (1 point) The role of inclusion/exclusion criteria is to: Question 28 options: A) explicitly define parameters for including or excluding studies as part of the comprehensive literature review B) explicitly define membership of the review team C) explicitly define terminology D) all of the above Save Question 29 (1 point) This defines the methodology that will be followed in collecting, synthesizing, and analyzing the research literature review or data: Question 29 options: A) the research question B) research protocol C) the review team D) the project scope Save Question 30 (1 point) The researchers were developing their research question. You would expect the researchers to be involved in all the following activities EXCEPT: Question 30 options: A) determining whether funding agencies are sufficiently interested in the question B) identifying underlying theories C) assuring that the research question was significant D) expanding the parameters to ensure full coverage Save Question 31 (1 point) In which of these research resources would you look for an alphabetized list of summaries of scholarly sources? Question 31 options: A) meta-analyses B) annotated bibliographies C) dissertations D) theories Save Question 32 (1 point) All of the following hypotheses are well-written EXCEPT: Question 32 options: A) H10: There is no relationship between the use of EHRs and the size of a physician practice. B) H1A: The larger the physician practice, the greater the use of EHRs. C) H2A: The larger the physician practice, the greater the interest in the use of EHRs. D) H2B: The utilization of EHRs in a physician practice depends upon the physician's interest in decision support (DS) technologies. Save Question 33 (1 point) Increases in survival time for patients with cancer, reduction of pressure sores in patients using a wheelchair, decrease in the number of adverse events in healthcare facilities that utilize a computerized physician order entry system (CPOE) are all examples of: Question 33 options: A) independent variables B) history C) maturation D) dependent variables Save Question 34 (1 point) It is sometimes difficult for the researcher to prove that the specific independent variable caused the dependent variable without any interference from other factors or events. This is one example of problems with: Question 34 options: A) maturation B) randomization C) internal validity D) external validity Save Question 35 (1 point) Events happening in the course of the experiment that could impact the results are called: Question 35 options: A) B) maturation testing C) instrumentation D) history Save Question 36 (1 point) The pretest-posttest control group method is when participants are randomly assigned to either the intervention (experimental) or a non-intervention (control) group. However, those participants assigned to the control group may receive a different intervention other than the one under study. Pretests are given to both groups at the same time to assess their similarities and differences. Posttests are given to both groups to determine the effect of the intervention. What is another name for this design? Question 36 options: A) classic experimental design B) Solomon four group method C) one-shot case study D) static group comparison method Save Question 37 (1 point) This method of using several different approaches to collect data and to answer the research questions and support the conclusions made is called a(n) Question 37 options: A) observation B) ethnography C) triangulation D) constant comparative method Save Question 38 (1 point) What is one of the flaws of participant observation? Question 38 options: A) small sample size B) low response rate C) can only use logistic regression to analyze data D) results may be biased or inaccurate Save Question 39 (1 point) What is the major difference between the case study and ethnographic analysis? Question 39 options: A) ethnographic analysis is more objective than the case study B) ethnographic analysis collects more quantitative data than that case study C) case study collects more quantitative data than the ethnographic analysis D) case study is more objective than the ethnographic analysis Save Question 40 (1 point) This type of observation examines behaviors that occur naturally in the normal environment. It is useful to see if a person is following a particular policy or procedure or if they are using a specific software system correctly. Participants should not know what the researcher is observing in order to simulate the \"normal\" environment. It is called a(n): Question 40 options: A) simulation observation B) naturalistic observation C) usability study D) institutional case study Save Question 41 (1 point) What is one reason for a researcher to conduct observational research? Question 41 options: A) when studying a transitional program in order to record the attitudes and behaviors of those involved in the program. when trying to determine if one type of health information system is superior to another health B) information system survey C) when trying to determine if a particular intervention works for a specific disease D) when trying to develop sample questions for a new survey Save Question 42 (1 point) Observational research strives to examine the _______________ rather than the progression of a particular disease or system. Question 42 options: A) perceptions B) interactions C) attitudes and feelings D) all of the above Save Question 43 (1 point) A VERY important consideration in survey design when one is trying to obtain a high response rate is: Question 43 options: A) Placement of demographic information B) Coding of the survey data C) Length of the survey D) Method of statistical analysis Save Question 44 (1 point) What is one important way to increase the response rate in survey research? Question 44 options: A) Conduct phone interviews with all study participants B) Conduct appropriate follow-up methods C) Contact the IRB and have them contact the respondents D) Send emails to family members of the respondents Save Question 45 (1 point) Surveys are most often used when conducting which types of research studies: Question 45 options: A) descriptive, cross-sectional or prevalence studies B) clinical trials C) prospective, cohort or longitudinal studies D) community trials Save Question 46 (1 point) All of the following elements are lacking in descriptive research EXCEPT: Question 46 options: A) standardized questions B) trained observers C) high response rates D) other descriptive studies Save Question 47 (1 point) The health services researchers analyzed data that had been collected and previously analyzed by cancer researchers. What is the research of the health services researchers known as? Question 47 options: A) aggregate mining B) statistical analysis C) secondary research D) data snooping Save Question 48 (1 point) What are the elements of a theory? Question 48 options: A) boundaries, definitions, and relationships B) concepts, interrelationships, and consequences C) a and b D) none of the above Save Question 49 (1 point) The data miner explored the data looking for clusters and relationships. From these clusters and relationships, the data miner generated provisional rules. In what type of reasoning is the data miner engaged? Question 49 options: A) hypothetical B) rich C) algorithmic D) inductive Save Question 50 (1 point) The article reported on a research study that occurred in the neonatology intensive care unit of an 800bed academic health center. In the research study, the nursing managers used a nursing language of diagnoses and an algorithm to determine the appropriate numbers of nurses to staff the unit. A pediatrician reading the article wondered how it could apply to her practice. What term in research represents the physician's question? Question 50 options: A) B) C) rigor precision deductive D) generalizable Save 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. C 11. B 12. B 13. D 14. C 15. C 16. D 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. A 21. C 22. A 23. C 24. A 25. A 26. D 27. A 28. A 29. B 30. D 31. B 32. D 33. D 34. C 35. D 36. A 37. C 38. D 39. D 40. B 41. A 42. D 43. C 44. B 45. A 46. D 47. C 48. C 49. D 50. D 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. C 11. B 12. B 13. D 14. C 15. C 16. D 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. A 21. C 22. A 23. C 24. A 25. A 26. D 27. A 28. A 29. B 30. D 31. B 32. D 33. D 34. C 35. D 36. A 37. C 38. D 39. D 40. B 41. A 42. D 43. C 44. B 45. A 46. D 47. C 48. C 49. D 50. D

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