Unadjusted Trial Balance Reviow the arcomgaring unadusted trial balance. Requirement 1. Detemine the company's accounting equation, and tabel each element as a debit amount or ar credit amount, It you use s2.7. soo for the owner's eguity why is the nccounting equation dut of balance? Compiete the accouning equabion below, and then below eache eienent, select whether it is a debit or credit account. Finaily, enter the amount for each oiement into the accounting equation. using $27,500 for omneris equty. Nole that the equation . Wil not balance. Why in the oguation out of balance? A. The Unadjustedf Trial Balance does not balance becase the wxpense acosunts are induded and they should not be 8. Tuca al of the elements of cwnexs equity were included in the $27,500. The rovenut and oxpense ascounts were not included. C. Not al of the elements of ovinerts equity were included in the 527,500 . The Net Incomo of Nei Loss amounts and Laiati Elavbom. Withdrawils wern bat nichindei. D. The Uinodyusted Trial Galance gces not balance becsuse thein are erors with the amourit of avaral account incocing (inh instis forview the acomernunying unadlusted trai tistance. Doost net incoure mepresent a net de-it or not crodit? Explain Nod intomi mopresoriti a nat revenues mist be baianon and to lure a nat income. Do4s a net lofn reprosent a net cobt on net crear? Expiain. Hed loss represients ar niet revinues mist be becinise rovnnisestiave a noritial balance weike expeoses have a nomric balarce and fo have a net icsa. How ruch did Leigh Cla ocmi withatrew during Maroh 2022? ansurit. Review the accompanying unadusted trial balance- Leigh Clayborn withdrews during March 2022 . The withdrawal is a Requirement 4. Considening bolh the Het income (or net loss) and withdrawal for March 2022, by how much did the company's owner's equity increase or decrease? Was the change in owner's equity a debit amount of a credit amount? How mach did thn owner's equity increase? Was the change a debit or credit amount? (Use parentheses or a minus sign for a net loss or a net decrease in owner's tquity.) Unadjusted Trial Balance Reviow the arcomgaring unadusted trial balance. Requirement 1. Detemine the company's accounting equation, and tabel each element as a debit amount or ar credit amount, It you use s2.7. soo for the owner's eguity why is the nccounting equation dut of balance? Compiete the accouning equabion below, and then below eache eienent, select whether it is a debit or credit account. Finaily, enter the amount for each oiement into the accounting equation. using $27,500 for omneris equty. Nole that the equation . Wil not balance. Why in the oguation out of balance? A. The Unadjustedf Trial Balance does not balance becase the wxpense acosunts are induded and they should not be 8. Tuca al of the elements of cwnexs equity were included in the $27,500. The rovenut and oxpense ascounts were not included. C. Not al of the elements of ovinerts equity were included in the 527,500 . The Net Incomo of Nei Loss amounts and Laiati Elavbom. Withdrawils wern bat nichindei. D. The Uinodyusted Trial Galance gces not balance becsuse thein are erors with the amourit of avaral account incocing (inh instis forview the acomernunying unadlusted trai tistance. Doost net incoure mepresent a net de-it or not crodit? Explain Nod intomi mopresoriti a nat revenues mist be baianon and to lure a nat income. Do4s a net lofn reprosent a net cobt on net crear? Expiain. Hed loss represients ar niet revinues mist be becinise rovnnisestiave a noritial balance weike expeoses have a nomric balarce and fo have a net icsa. How ruch did Leigh Cla ocmi withatrew during Maroh 2022? ansurit. Review the accompanying unadusted trial balance- Leigh Clayborn withdrews during March 2022 . The withdrawal is a Requirement 4. Considening bolh the Het income (or net loss) and withdrawal for March 2022, by how much did the company's owner's equity increase or decrease? Was the change in owner's equity a debit amount of a credit amount? How mach did thn owner's equity increase? Was the change a debit or credit amount? (Use parentheses or a minus sign for a net loss or a net decrease in owner's tquity.)