Untitled Download the file "asteriodsGame.zip" in Blackboard mat coursecontent -> other terial. Unzip it and try out the skeletal game. There is some basic activity, but e software is strictly a toy: there are no goals. your task wi11 be to design some structure goals does the pla to enhance the game. Try to consider the following questions: Goals: what sources: what resources are in the game? How will the player spend the resources? variety of encounter? new resources be acquired? variety of Encounter: how can you increase the Based on the above questions, add the following components to this game 1., The harm of every builet and the health of every asteroid. For exampie, if a bullet hits an asteroid,, the as Tose 10 points health. if an asteroid losesanhealth, it will be destroyed" ( 30 points). an aster 2. Score and timer, which deide the outcone of the game, For example, only when score is greater than 100 and the elapsed time is less than 30 seconds, you win the game. You need to decide how to relate score with the number of asteroid, the health of an asteroid, and the number of bullets. (40 points) 3. Add audio effects to the game, such as background music and the sound effect when a collision happens. (20 points) 4. Add a screen of credits. Anytime when the players press a key Ce.g. ') they futoree ab.acio peinit creen. An Note: you have to use: https://processing.org/ download this file in order to solve this assigment https:bb.uhd. edu//bbcswebdav/pid-1895839-dt-content-rid-13435004_1/xid-13435004 1 I try my best to solve this and failed. Please help me I beg of you. I am doubting I can be a successful computer programmer in the long run please provide steps on how you did it like the health of screen shot, score and timer etc so i can also do it at my home. learn from you sir. if you can make it work i will deeply appreciated