Mercer Asbestos Removal Company removes potentially toxic asbestos insulation and related products from builidings. There has been a long-aimmering dispute between the company's estimator and the work-supervisors. The on-site supervisors clalm that the estimators do not adequately distingulsh between routine work; such as removal of asbestos insulaton around heating pipes in older homes, and nontoutine wark, such as removing asbestos-contaminated celling plaster in industrial bulldings. The on-site supervisors beileve that nontoutine work is far mere expensive than routine work and should bear higher customer charges. The estimator sums up his position in this way. "My job is to measure the area to be deared of asbestos. As dinected by top manogement, I simply muliply the square footage by $2.80 to cetermine the bid plice. 5 ince our tveroge cost is only $2.305 per square foot, that lewes enough cushion to take care of the sdditional costs of nonroutine work that shows up. Besides, it is difficult to know what is routine or not. routine untill you actually start tearing things apsrt" To shed light on this controversy, the compsny initiated an activizy-based costing study of al of its costs. Data from the activey bosed costing system follow: Note: The 100 norroutine jobs are includes in the tofal of 400 jobs, Both nonoutine jobs and roitiof jobs require essitiating and sotup. Ch 7: Activity-Gased Costing: A tool to aid Decision Ma.- A 1,42 poivets Pequlired: 1. Perform the first-4tage alocation of costs to the activity cost poois. 2. Compute the activity rates for the activify cest pooss 3. Using the activity rates you hewe computed, determine the totol cost and the average cost ger thoutand square feet of each of the following jobs accerding to the activity.bssed costing wystem, a. A routine 1,900-square-foot asbestos removal job. b. A toutine 2.000-square-foot asbestos removal job. c. A nontoutine 2,000-square-foot astestsos removel job. Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Required: 1. Perform the first-stage aliocation of costs to the actevity cost pooks, 2. Compite the activity rates for the activity cost pools. 3. Using the activity rates you have computed, determine the total cost and the average cost per thousand square feet of each of the following jobs according to the activity-based costing system. a. A routine 1000 -square-foot asbestos temoval job. b. A routine 2,000-square-feot asbestos remaval job. c. A nonroutine 2,000-square-foot asbestos removal job. Complete this question by entering your answrers in the tabs below. Perfocm the frit-stage atiocation of costs to the activity cost pools- Required: 1. Perform the first-stage allocation of costs to the activity cost pools. 2. Compute the activity rates for the activity cost pools. 3. Using the activity rates you have computed, determine the total cost and the average cost per thousand square feet of each of the following jobs according to the activity-based costing system. a. A routine 1,000-square-foot asbestos remeval job. b. A routind 2,000-square-foot asbestos removaljob. c. A nonroutine 2,000-square-foot asbestos removal job. Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Compute the activicy rates for the activity cost pools. Pequired: 1. Perform the first-stage allocation of costs to the activity cost pools. 2. Compute the activity rates for the ectivity cost peols; 3. Using the activity rates you have computed, desermine the totat cost and the average cost per thousand square feet of each of the following jobs according to the activily-based costing system. a. A routine 1,000-square-foot asbestes removal job. b. A routine 2,000-square-foot asbestos removal job. c. A nontoutine 2,000-square-foot asbestos removal job. Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Using the scivity rates you have computed, determine the tocal cost and the average cont per thoutand square feet of esch of the following jobs according to the activity-based costing tystem. Clound the "Averagen Coat per thourand lquarte ferer" to 2 deorinal places) jobs a. A rostine t.000-square-loot aspestoc remaval joo. 14. A routine 2,000 - square toot asbestese removal job. c. A nonrousine 2,000-square-foct asbestof remseral job, Mercer Asbestos Removal Company removes potentially toxic asbestos insulation and related products from builidings. There has been a long-aimmering dispute between the company's estimator and the work-supervisors. The on-site supervisors clalm that the estimators do not adequately distingulsh between routine work; such as removal of asbestos insulaton around heating pipes in older homes, and nontoutine wark, such as removing asbestos-contaminated celling plaster in industrial bulldings. The on-site supervisors beileve that nontoutine work is far mere expensive than routine work and should bear higher customer charges. The estimator sums up his position in this way. "My job is to measure the area to be deared of asbestos. As dinected by top manogement, I simply muliply the square footage by $2.80 to cetermine the bid plice. 5 ince our tveroge cost is only $2.305 per square foot, that lewes enough cushion to take care of the sdditional costs of nonroutine work that shows up. Besides, it is difficult to know what is routine or not. routine untill you actually start tearing things apsrt" To shed light on this controversy, the compsny initiated an activizy-based costing study of al of its costs. Data from the activey bosed costing system follow: Note: The 100 norroutine jobs are includes in the tofal of 400 jobs, Both nonoutine jobs and roitiof jobs require essitiating and sotup. Ch 7: Activity-Gased Costing: A tool to aid Decision Ma.- A 1,42 poivets Pequlired: 1. Perform the first-4tage alocation of costs to the activity cost poois. 2. Compute the activity rates for the activify cest pooss 3. Using the activity rates you hewe computed, determine the totol cost and the average cost ger thoutand square feet of each of the following jobs accerding to the activity.bssed costing wystem, a. A routine 1,900-square-foot asbestos removal job. b. A toutine 2.000-square-foot asbestos removal job. c. A nontoutine 2,000-square-foot astestsos removel job. Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Required: 1. Perform the first-stage aliocation of costs to the actevity cost pooks, 2. Compite the activity rates for the activity cost pools. 3. Using the activity rates you have computed, determine the total cost and the average cost per thousand square feet of each of the following jobs according to the activity-based costing system. a. A routine 1000 -square-foot asbestos temoval job. b. A routine 2,000-square-feot asbestos remaval job. c. A nonroutine 2,000-square-foot asbestos removal job. Complete this question by entering your answrers in the tabs below. Perfocm the frit-stage atiocation of costs to the activity cost pools- Required: 1. Perform the first-stage allocation of costs to the activity cost pools. 2. Compute the activity rates for the activity cost pools. 3. Using the activity rates you have computed, determine the total cost and the average cost per thousand square feet of each of the following jobs according to the activity-based costing system. a. A routine 1,000-square-foot asbestos remeval job. b. A routind 2,000-square-foot asbestos removaljob. c. A nonroutine 2,000-square-foot asbestos removal job. Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Compute the activicy rates for the activity cost pools. Pequired: 1. Perform the first-stage allocation of costs to the activity cost pools. 2. Compute the activity rates for the ectivity cost peols; 3. Using the activity rates you have computed, desermine the totat cost and the average cost per thousand square feet of each of the following jobs according to the activily-based costing system. a. A routine 1,000-square-foot asbestes removal job. b. A routine 2,000-square-foot asbestos removal job. c. A nontoutine 2,000-square-foot asbestos removal job. Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Using the scivity rates you have computed, determine the tocal cost and the average cont per thoutand square feet of esch of the following jobs according to the activity-based costing tystem. Clound the "Averagen Coat per thourand lquarte ferer" to 2 deorinal places) jobs a. A rostine t.000-square-loot aspestoc remaval joo. 14. A routine 2,000 - square toot asbestese removal job. c. A nonrousine 2,000-square-foct asbestof remseral job