Scenario: For this exercise you are taking on the role of a new employee for an organization. Your first assigned duty is to complete a document flowchart describing the process of ordering supplies for your department (the Sales Support Department). This flowchart was originally assigned to one of your co-workers (Jenny) but Jenny was unable to complete it because she went on personal leave. Lucky for you, she already interviewed members of the other departments that are primarily involved in this process and documented those interviews in three narratives (in addition to her narrative about the process in your department). These narratives will provide you with vital information regarding the way that each department handles the documents involved with the purchase, receipt, and payment for supplies that your department orders. Jenny had also started the assignment. You will find an Excel document called "Flow Chart Sample Begin Here.xisx". This file contains the beginnings of your flowchart including tabs to be used for each department. The first tab is a legend of the different symbols that Jenny thought might be used for this project (these symbols should look familiar to you because they are similar to what is described in Scenario: For this exercise you are taking on the role of a new employee for an organization. Your first assigned duty is to complete a document flowchart describing the process of ordering supplies for your department (the Sales Support Department). This flowchart was originally assigned to one of your co-workers (Jenny) but Jenny was unable to complete it because she went on personal leave. Lucky for you, she already interviewed members of the other departments that are primarily involved in this process and documented those interviews in three narratives (in addition to her narrative about the process in your department). These narratives will provide you with vital information regarding the way that each department handles the documents involved with the purchase, receipt, and payment for supplies that your department orders. Jenny had also started the assignment. You will find an Excel document called "Flow Chart Sample Begin Here.xisx". This file contains the beginnings of your flowchart including tabs to be used for each department. The first tab is a legend of the different symbols that Jenny thought might be used for this project (these symbols should look familiar to you because they are similar to what is described in