Use python to solve these.
e a function, change L/Letter), where Letter is a lowercase letter, 2. (10 pts) Write which returns the letter that is just as far from the end of the alphabet as Letter is from the beginning of the alphabet. Here is a sample run: for Letter in 'abcdzylm': print(Letter,change_L(Letter) a z b y C x d w z a y b m n 3 3. (10 pts) Write a function, change W(Word), which takes word, Word, consisting entirely of lowercase letter, and which returns the result of applying the function from Q2 to each letter in Word. Use your function to show the output for Word "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious". Examples: Words- ['there','is','always,'hope'] for Word in Words: print(Word, change_W(Word)) there gsviv is rh always zodzbh hope slkv 4. ( 10 pts) write a function change S(Sentence), where Sentence has words consisting only of lowercase letters, and the words are applying Use your function to show full life" Sample run: separated by a Single space, and which returns the result of the function from Q3 to each word. You might want to use the split and the join string methods. are part of the dues that one pays for a want to each word. You the join ow the output when Sentence mistakes are e sentence "there is always hope" print(Sentence,' .changes to: 'change- change_S(Sentencel) there is always hope .changes to: gsviv rh rh zodzbh slkv 5. (10 pts) Write a function, change S_1(Sentence).where Sentence has words consisting only of lowercase letters, and the words are separated by a single space, and which returns the result of first applying the function from Q3 and then applying the function from Q1 to each word. Use your function to show the output when Sentence "the mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master. Example Sentence "there is always hope" becomes print(Sentence, ..changes to: 'change S1(Sentence)) there is always hope ...changes to: ivvgs hr zbhzod kvs