Using gawk a) Consider a file containing grade test grades for students called grades.txt file: Last, First, A/I, Testi, Test2, Test3 Smith, John, A, 90, 100,99 Ballard, Sue, 1, 15, ,50 Clark, Sally, A, 100,50, Koen, Jack, I, 90, 100,99 Ball, Lucy, A, 100,100,100 Bently, Mark, A, 100,,100 The file is comma delimited. The first line is a header. The records contain Last Name. First Name, Active/Inactive file and several test scores. Ignore the heading line. For each Active student calculate their average grade for each student printing out the Students First Name followed by Last Name and average score. Display a heading at the beginning with a name for the report and headings for the columns of Name and Average 3 After all students have been processed display the number of active students and the average class test score. Format the output so that only 1 digit after the decimal point is shown and the averages scores line up on the decimal points. In this dili force the Damahould all the follando MacBook Pro OC 300 80 3 DU BE FS # % A & 7 3 4 5 6 8 9 0 R P. In this file, for example, the gawk program should print the following: $ gawk -f minori.gawk grades.txt Student Average Test Scores Name Average John Smith 96.3 Sally Clark 50.0 Lucy Ball 100.0 Mark Bently 66.7 4 Students with average score of 78.2 Formatting properly in columns as shown is required. This gawk program file will be submitted to Canvas. b) Consider the following file called gasoline. txt: Station, Regular, Premium Exxon, 2.39,2.50 Mobile, 2.19, 2.25 Shell, 3.19, 3.29 Circlek, 3.01,3.15 QT, 2.11,2.15 Each field in this file is separated by a comma and each record is separated by a newline character. For this file, you will write a one-line gawk command-line to filter records where the premium price is less than $3 and the premium price difference between regular and premium is less than 10 cents. Specifically, you will print out only the station name and the price for premium. Add a $ in front of the price. You may write the gawk command-line in the space provided below and ensure that this Word document (with your solutions) is submitted to Canvas