Using R Langauge 3. Complete the following tasks. Save the commands in a history file called question3.txt. There is a matrix and a vector in
Using R Langauge
3. Complete the following tasks. Save the commands in a history file called question3.txt. There is a matrix and a vector in the binary file objects.Rdata (found on D2L). Load these objects from the file. Determine the names of these objects and display their contents. With the vector object:
With the matrix object: o Create separate variables that contain the maximum, the minimum, the mean and the sum of the original vector. o Using row and column names (instead of indices) determine the mean of the middle row and the mean of the middle column o Create a new vector object called subV1 that contains all of the values the first two rows of the matrix. o Create a new matrix object called subMatrix1 that contains the 9am and 9pm data in separate rows. Dont worry about the column and row headers in the matrix. You can use multiple commands to get this done but it will be more impressive if you can do it in one!
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[Previously saved workspace restored]
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