SOL Omerdes: Using the University database, write following queries: 1. Student Table Frame gender Instrld 2000 2001 2002 2003 WHO Hind Ilname Ahmed Fahed Abdullah Fahed NULL Asma AR NULL F F M NULL 2. Instructor Table: Sed D 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 VIE SF Name AR Norah Ahmed Nada Norah Nou Rans NULL SLName Ahmed Abdullah Kamal Salem AB Nasser Abdullah NULE Address Dammam Alkhobar Dammam Royadh Riyadh Dammam Akhbar NUEL Bate 1988-03-08 1990-09-08 1990-08-03 1991-09-06 1991-05-06 Gender M F M F F F F 1989-05-03 1989-05-02 NEE NUEL 3. Course Table: Course id 3000 3001 2002 2003 3004 3005 Course Name Credit hour Database Mana.. 3 Business 2 IT Proect 3 Project Proposa... 2 Technical Repo... 3 Data Mining 3 Instid 2000 2001 2002 2003 2002 2003 4. Enrolled Tabla 1000 Year 2013 2000 3901 2001 2010 1000 1002 1002 1901 2001 2011 2011 2014 2004 2005 100 1000 2011 1. View all students information only if there is a student who's address is nor Jeddah ? 1 2 3 Std D SFName SuName Address 1000 AB Ahmed Dammam 1001 Norah Abdulah Akhobar 1002 Ahmed Kamal Danimam 1003 Nada Salem Riyadh 1004 Norah AL Riyadh 1005 Nouf Nasser Dammam 1006 Rana Abdullah Alkhobar 4. BDate Gender 1988-03-08 M 1990-09-08 F 1990-08-03 M 1991-09-06 F 1991-05-06 F 1989-05-03 E 1989-05-02 F 5 6 22 2. Get student Id for all students who's registered more than one course 2 1 2 Studed 1000 1002 3.View Instructors that their first name starts with and last name ends with it? Frame AB Inne Fabed 4.Get Instructors first & last names andered by their last name Ascending and then their first Home Descending 2 Trname Anna Wafa Hind 2 Ilname Abdullah Almed Fahed Fshed 13 AR 5.View all course Numbers who either the instructor Id 2007 was teaching the course or the course who taught in war 2013 in ascending order of course number? 2 3 4 Course ld 3000 3001 3002 3003 6. Vior all course numbers who the instructor id-2002 was teaching the course and taught in year 2012 in ascending order of course ther.2 Coursed 2004 3 7. View all counc id and instructor Id their course ld are 3000 or 3001. Indview the minimum credit hours for each course 8. Update the addresseddah for all student