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Using the classes provided below (they are in paste bin links, so you can copy paste them into a project), make a JUnit Test case

Using the classes provided below (they are in paste bin links, so you can copy paste them into a project), make a JUnit Test case for the method:

public int findPackageOrder(String trackingNumber)

The method is in, please make the test case in the class -

package cs3354.kcg27;

import; import; import java.util.Scanner;

/** * This is the main class of the ShippingStore database manager. It provides a * console for a user to use the 5 main commands. * * @author Junye Wen */ public class MainApp {

/** * This method will begin the user interface console. Main uses a loop to * continue doing commands until the user types '6'. A lot of user input * validation is done in the loop. At least enough to allow the interface * with ShippingStore to be safe. * * @param args this program expects no command line arguments * @throws Exception */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Scanner in = new Scanner(;

// Read database from file. ShippingStore shippingstore = new ShippingStore(); FileReader dataReader = new FileReader(shippingstore.getDataFile());;

// Console user intererface String welcomeMessage = " Welcome to the Shipping Store database. Choose one of the following functions: " + "\t1. Show all existing package orders in the database " + "\t2. Add a new package order to the database. " + "\t3. Delete a package order from a database. " + "\t4. Search for a package order (given its Tracking #). " + "\t5. Show a list of orders within a given weight range. " + "\t6. Exit program. ";


int selection =; in.nextLine();

while (selection != '6') {

switch (selection) { case '1': shippingstore.showPackageOrders(); break; case '2': System.out.println(" Please type description of package with the following pattern: " + " TRACKING # TYPE SPECIFICATION CLASS WEIGHT VOLUME " + "example: GFR23 Box Books Retail 9500.00 45 "); String inTemp = in.nextLine();

String temp[] = inTemp.split(" ");

if (temp.length != 6) { System.out.println("Not correct number of fields to process."); break; }

shippingstore.addOrder(temp[0], temp[1], temp[2], temp[3], temp[4], temp[5]); break; case '3': shippingstore.showPackageOrders();

System.out.println(" Please enter the tracking # of the package order to delete from the database. "); String orderToDelete = in.nextLine(); shippingstore.removeOrder(orderToDelete); break; case '4': System.out.println(" Enter the Tracking # of the order you wish to see. "); String trackingNum =; in.nextLine(); shippingstore.searchPackageOrder(trackingNum); break; case '5': float high = 0; float low = 0; System.out.println(" Enter lower-bound weight. "); low = in.nextFloat(); System.out.println(" Enter upper-bound weight. "); high = in.nextFloat(); in.nextLine(); shippingstore.showPackageOrdersRange(low, high); break; case 'h': System.out.println(welcomeMessage); break; default: System.out.println("That is not a recognized command. Please enter another command or 'h' to list the commands."); break;


System.out.println("Please enter another command or 'h' to list the commands. "); selection =;

in.nextLine(); }

in.close(); // Before exiting the program, save the data from the main memory to the // data file. PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter("PackageOrderDB.txt"); shippingstore.flush(pw); System.out.println("Done!");

} } -

package cs3354.kcg27;


* This class is a very simple representation of a package order. There are only getter

* methods and no setter methods and as a result a package order cannot be mutated once

* initialized. A package order object can also call the two override methods

* toString() and equals()


* @author Junye Wen


public class PackageOrder {

private final String trackingnumber;

private final String type;

private final String specification;

private final String mailingclass;

private final float weight;

private final int volume;


* This constructor initializes the package order object. The constructor provides no

* user input validation. That should be handled by the class that creates a

* package order object.


* @param trackingnumber a String that represents the tracking number


* @param type a String that represents the type.

* Types: Postcard, Letter, Envelope, Packet, Box, Crate, Drum, Roll, Tube.


* @param specification a String that represents the specification.

* Specification: Fragile, Books, Catalogs, Do-not-Bend, N/A - one per package


* @param mailingclass a String that represents the mailing class

* Mailing class: First-Class, Priority, Retail, Ground, Metro.


* @param weight a float that represents the weight of the package in oz


* @param volume an int that represents the volume of the package in

* cubic inches, calculated as Width x Length x Height



public PackageOrder(String trackingnumber, String type, String specification, String mailingclass, float weight, int volume) {

this.trackingnumber = trackingnumber;

this.type = type;

this.specification = specification;

this.mailingclass = mailingclass;

this.weight = weight;

this.volume = volume;



* This method returns the package order's tracking number.


* @return a String that is the tracking number of the package order.


public String getTrackingNumber() {

return trackingnumber;



* This method returns the package order's type.


* @return a String that is the package order's type.


public String getType() {

return type;



* This method returns the package order's specification.


* @return a String that is the package order's specification.


public String getSpecification() {

return specification;



* This method returns the package order's mailing class.


* @return a string that is the package order's mailing class


public String getMailingClass() {

return mailingclass;



* This method returns the package's weight.


* @return a float that is the package's weight


public float getWeight() {

return weight;



* This method returns the package's volume.


* @return an int that is the package's volume


public int getVolume() {

return volume;



* This method returns the package order's fields as a string representation.


* @return a String that lists the fields of the package order

* object delineated by a space and in the same order as the constructor



public String toString() {

return trackingnumber + " " + type + " " + specification + " " + mailingclass + " "

+ String.format("%.2f", weight) + " " + volume + " ";



* This method provides a way to compare two package order objects.


* @param c a PackageOrder object that is used to compare to

* this package order. Two orders are equal if their TrackingNumber is the

* same.

* @return the boolean value of the comparison.


public boolean equals(PackageOrder c) {

return c.getTrackingNumber().equals(this.trackingnumber);


} -

package cs3354.kcg27;







import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Scanner;


* This class is used to represent a database interface for a list of

* Package Order's. It using a plain-text file "PackageOrderDB.txt"

* to store and write package order objects in readable text form. It contains

* an ArrayList called packageOrerList to store the

* database in a runtime friendly data structure. The packageOrerList

* is written to "PackageOrderDB.txt" at the end of the ShippingStore object's

* life by calling flush(). This class also provides methods for

* adding, remove, and searching for shipping orders from the list.


* @author Junye Wen


public class ShippingStore {

private final File dataFile;

private ArrayList packageOrderList;


* This constructor is hard-coded to open "PackageOrderDB.txt" and

* initialize the packageOrerList with its contents. If no such file

* exists, then one is created. The contents of the file are "loaded" into

* the packageOrerList ArrayList in no particular order. The file is then closed

* during the duration of the program until flush() is called.

* @throws IOException


public ShippingStore() throws IOException {

dataFile = new File("PackageOrderDB.txt");

packageOrderList = new ArrayList<>();

// If data file does not exist, create it.

if (!dataFile.exists()) {

System.out.println("Data file does not exist, creating one now . . .");

//if the file doesn't exists, create it

PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(dataFile);

//close newly created file so we can reopen it





* Method that returns a reference to the data file.

* @return dataFile


public File getDataFile() {

return dataFile;



* Method showPackageOrer displays the current list of package orders in the Arraylist in no

* particular order.



public void showPackageOrders() {




* Private method used as an auxiliary method to display a given ArrayList

* of package orders in a formatted manner.


* @param orders the package order list to be displayed.


private void showPackageOrders(ArrayList orders) {

System.out.println(" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ");

System.out.println("| Tracking # | Type | Specification | Class | Weight(oz) | Volume |");

System.out.println(" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ");

for (int i = 0; i < orders.size(); i++) {

System.out.println(String.format("| %-11s| %-8s| %-14s| %-12s| %-11s| %-7s|",





String.format("%.2f", orders.get(i).getWeight()),




System.out.println(" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ");



* This method displays package orders that have a weight within the range of

* low to high.


* @param low a float that is the lower bound weight.

* @param high a float that is the upper bound weight.


public void showPackageOrdersRange(float low, float high) {

ArrayList orders = new ArrayList<>();

for (PackageOrder order : packageOrderList) {

if ((low <= order.getWeight()) && (order.getWeight() <= high)) {




if (orders.isEmpty())

System.out.println("No packages found with weight within the given range. ");





* This method can be used to find a package order in the Arraylist of orders.


* @param trackingNumber a String that represents the tracking number

* of the order that to be searched for.

* @return the int index of the package orders in the Arraylist of orders,

* or -1 if the search failed.


public int findPackageOrder(String trackingNumber) {

int index = -1;

for (int i = 0; i < packageOrderList.size(); i++) {

String temp = packageOrderList.get(i).getTrackingNumber();

if (trackingNumber.equalsIgnoreCase(temp)) {

index = i;




return index;



* This method can be used to search for a package order in the Arraylist of orders.


* @param trackingNumber a String that represents the tracking number

* of the order that to be searched for.


public void searchPackageOrder(String trackingNumber) {

int index = findPackageOrder(trackingNumber);

if (index != -1) {

ArrayList order = new ArrayList<>(1);


System.out.println(" Here is the order that matched: ");


} else {

System.out.println(" Search did not find a match. ");




* This method is used to add a package order to the orderList ArrayList. In order for a

* package order to be added to the ArrayList it must comply with the following:


* 1. The order is not already in the ArrayList according to the tracking number

* as the unique key.


* 2. The TrackningNumber string matches the following regular expression:

* "[A-Za-z0-9]{5}" or in other words: it

* is 5 alphanumeric characters.


* 3. The Type of the order can be only one of the following:

* Postcard, Letter, Envelope, Packet, Box, Crate, Drum, Roll, Tube.


* 4. The Specification of the order can be only one of the following:

* Fragile, Books, Catalogs, Do-not-Bend, N/A.


* 5. The Mailing Class of the order can be only one of the following:

* First-Class, Priority, Retail, Ground, Metro.


* 6. The Weight must be non-negative.


* 7. The Volume must be non-negative.

* @param toAdd the PackageOrder object to add to the

* packageOrerList


public void addOrder(String trackingnumber, String type, String specification, String mailingclass, String weight, String volume) {

if (this.findPackageOrder(trackingnumber) != -1) {

System.out.println("Package Order already exists in database. ");



if (!trackingnumber.matches("[A-Za-z0-9]{5}")) {

System.out.println("Invalid Tracking Number: not proper format."

+ "Tracking Number must be at least 5 alphanumeric characters.");



if (!(type.equals("Postcard") || type.equals("Letter") || type.equals("Envelope")

|| type.equals("Packet") || type.equals("Box")|| type.equals("Crate")

|| type.equals("Drum")|| type.equals("Roll")|| type.equals("Tube"))) {

System.out.println("Invalid type: "

+ "Type must be one of following: "

+ "Postcard, Letter, Envelope, Packet, Box, Crate, Drum, Roll, Tube.");



if (!(specification.equals("Fragile") || specification.equals("Books") || specification.equals("Catalogs")

|| specification.equals("Do-not-Bend") || specification.toUpperCase().equals("N/A"))) {

System.out.println("Invalid specification: "

+ "Specification must be one of following: "

+ "Fragile, Books, Catalogs, Do-not-Bend, N/A.");



if (!(mailingclass.equals("First-Class") || mailingclass.equals("Priority") || mailingclass.equals("Retail")

|| mailingclass.equals("Ground") || mailingclass.equals("Metro")) ) {

System.out.println("Invalid Mailing Class: "

+ "Mailing Class must be one of following: "

+ "First-Class, Priority, Retail, Ground, Metro.");



if (Float.parseFloat(weight) < 0) {

System.out.println("The weight of package cannot be negative.");



if (!volume.matches("[0-9]{1,6}")) {

System.out.println("Invalid volume: "

+ "The package's volume has to be an integer number between 0 and 999999. ");



//If passed all the checks, add the order to the list

packageOrderList.add(new PackageOrder(trackingnumber, type, specification, mailingclass,

Float.parseFloat(weight), Integer.parseInt(volume)));

System.out.println("Package Order has been added. ");



* This method will remove an order from the packageOrerList ArrayList. It

* will remove the instance of an order that matches tracking number that was

* passed to this method. If no such order exists, it will produce an error message.


* @param toDelete the PackageOrder object to be removed.


public void removeOrder(String trackingNum) {

int orderID = findPackageOrder(trackingNum);

if (orderID == -1) {

System.out.println(" Action failed. No package order with the given tracking # exist in database. ");


else {


System.out.println(" Action successful. Package order has been removed from the database. ");




* This method is used to retrieve the PackageOrder object from the

* PackageOrderList at a given index.


* @param i the index of the desired PackageOrder object.

* @return the PackageOrder object at the index or null if the index is

* invalid.


public PackageOrder getPackageOrder(int i) {

if (i < packageOrderList.size() && i >= 0) {

return packageOrderList.get(i);

} else {

System.out.println("Invalid Index. Please enter another command or 'h' to list the commands.");

return null;




* This method reads data from the FileReader provided as input and puts them

* in the packageOrderList.

* @param dataReader The input FileReader to read from.

* @throws IOException If any problem occurs with the data input.


public void read(Reader dataReader) throws IOException {

Scanner orderScanner = new Scanner(dataReader);

//Initialize the Array List with package orders from PackageOrderDB.txt

while (orderScanner.hasNextLine()) {

// split values using the space character as separator

String[] temp = orderScanner.nextLine().split(" ");

packageOrderList.add(new PackageOrder(temp[0], temp[1], temp[2], temp[3],

Float.parseFloat(temp[4]), Integer.parseInt(temp[5])));


//Package order list is now in the ArrayList completely so we can close the file




* This method accepts a Writer to a file and overwrites it with a text representation of

* all the package orders in the PackageOrderList.

* This should be the last method to be called before exiting the program.

* @param dataWriter The data to write in the file.

* @throws IOException


public void flush(Writer dataWriter) throws IOException {

for (PackageOrder c : packageOrderList) {





public int multiply (int x) {

return x * x;


} -

package cs3354.kcg27;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;



import org.junit.Before;

import org.junit.Test;

public class testShippingStore {


public void before() throws IOException {

ShippingStore testShippingStore = new ShippingStore();

testShippingStore.addOrder("12121", "Postcard", "Fragile", "Priority", "3.25", "3");



public void testGetDataFile() throws IOException {

ShippingStore testShippingStore = new ShippingStore();

File testFile = testShippingStore.getDataFile();

final File dataFiles;

dataFiles = new File("PackageOrderDB.txt");

assertEquals("The data files are not the same", testFile, dataFiles);



public void testShowPackageOrders() {



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