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Using the information below, answer the following questions; What is the sum of income for Industry 9? Report a whole number with no decimal places.

Using the information below, answer the following questions;
What is the sum of income for Industry 9? Report a whole number with no decimal places.
What is the average turnover in Industry 10? , express the answer as a number with two decimal places.
What is the sum of income for Industry 5? Report a whole number with no decimal places.
What is the sum of investment for Industry 8? Report whole number with no decimal places.
What is the average margin in Industry 1? Express answer as a percentage, with no percent sign.
What is the average ROI in Industry 5? Express the answer as a percentage with two decimal places, with no percent sign.
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000 N 2 3 Row Labels 4 1 52 63 74 8 5 96 10 7 11 8 129 13 10 14 11 15 12 16 13 17 14 18 15 19 16 20 17 21 18 22 19 23 20 24 21 25 22 Sum of Company Sum of Investment Sum of Income Sum of Sales Sum of Industry 0.141 3.224 1 1 1.409735483 0.513 21.75802149 1 23.734 1 3 42.04067211 4.426 40.457 4 378.5927608 3.99 215.315 1 5 424.5894653 29.305 887.245 578.1635577 24.033 541.545 1 1209.456379 66.089 540.112 1 1397.208844 17.133 674.314 1 9 2417.582167 174.01 3386.726 1 10 5859.946852 512.951 7386.626 1 11 22.75293304 -1.149 31.184 12 47.8585295 1.594 37.61 2 13 62.25139281 - 1.075 39.594 2 14 99.51902666 2.218 204.168 2 15 427.1814783 98.414 959.934 16 2489.07476 170.581 2124.988 17 6236.916668 355.6 35675 18 21310.68739 1054.9 6548.4 2 19 10784.09774 492.115 4937.063 20 22553.14818 -393.523 15724.844 21 19685.15626 3137.878 11800.116 3 22 32946.33587 2054,523 22272.895 3 23 131638.4636 8273 43604 3 1.07367938 0.316 2.09 3 25 33.6705354 1.156 11.348 3 26 241.1165172 48.098 440.804 3 27 234.3893771 -17.321 353.467 3 28 499.7945015 13.641 84.422 3 29 758.0515591 23.174 457.374 3 30 694.7722288 - 144,207 295.844 3 31 660.9104697 106.6 1174.7 4 32 1038.432233 -56 1509 4 33 2488,60286 141.377 1559.334 4 34 2030.875117 -86 1892.5 4 35 3755.087504 24.7 3925.3 36 3592.429569 197 1445 4 37 16047.37107 506 7082 4 Sheet1 Comnen 24 26 23 27 24 28 25 29 26 30 27 31 28 32 29 33 30 34 31 35 32 36 33 37 34 38 35 39 36 40 37 T Notable MU A4 1 B F 4 38 39 40 41 4 4 5 42 43 44 5 5 5 5 5 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 SS 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 41 38 42 39 43 40 44 41 45 42 46 43 47 44 4845 49 46 50 47 51 48 52 49 53 50 54 51 55 52 56 53 57 54 58 55 59 56 60 57 61 58 62 59 6360 64. 61 65 62 66 63 6764 68 65 69 66 70 67 71 68 7269 73 70 74 71 75.72 76 73 77 74 78 75 79 76 80 77 C 16284.30182 1,029553252 124.2932249 119.8973355 74.8248633 172.7858617 168.386964 311.0611509 709.6863127 430.2213229 1100,396805 952.118519 1354.906771 1823.276774 3586.412743 3162.653495 3150.373208 2447,844514 4860.042603 8356.342442 29018.87046 1.56346676 16.89531072 31.99035096 55.72558543 65,86606639 68.28566925 99.96601179 288.3825849 385.1040397 904.0504425 637.887805 1812.34238 1134,739919 4853.009447 17525.547 5.75767493 44.39379986 117.3546549 91.1980114 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 D 828.786 -0.03 -0.577 -0.721 15.931 7.463 13.557 17.236 56,672 -34.314 137.349 -19.461 55.983 6.499 10.459 241.9 295.078 274.4 167 680.3 4833 -0.105 1.358 4.396 -0.969 15.788 -0.212 1.635 33.138 9.863 4.923 30,9 -112.9 121.38 228.9 1012.14 -0.841 10.783 -0.832 5.016 E 13649.287 0.542 76.832 194.873 142.298 221.03 168.446 317.017 792.907 307.624 1103.202 1741.779 1752.401 1617.64 2294.533 4071.4 3039.112 5966.9 5390 9611.8 30274 1.637 16.854 22.995 6.715 93.278 112.505 122.696 200.727 656.267 577.247 1164.5 1467.7 1193.975 2740.5 12711.744 5.59 39.632 80,442 100.203 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 B 72 73 74 75 76 77 00 00 00 00 00 Sheet1 Company Data 78 8 81 78 82 79 83 80 79 8 80 84 81 81 9 82 83 84 85 82 86 83 87 84 88 85 89 86 90 87 91 88 92 89 93 90 94 91 85 86 87 88 252.3746893 261.4851901 687.8867749 896.8341029 878.8895513 2208.94644 2743.717447 4624.442031 3559.989496 4418.438574 5643.892269 23822.40596 18563.76329 17.5545982 473.8426893 331.6016618 624.0962484 1848.037891 2292.440195 927.184169 1934.083052 930.0169647 41.50820287 477043.988 00 ooooooooo9999 89 3.208 79.925 -2.241 375.096 -73.282 666.011 26.641 406.812 79.423 951.466 192.248 2205.683 131.883 2525.532 -1047.96 3886.072 788.7 6643.9 694 5244 447.212 2707.115 820 7002 - 157 12413 1.863 26.03 25.625 254.134 13.739 129.79 -55.226 589.89 - 101.614 605.841 236.1 1700.1 -66.637 715.656 77.684 896.377 27.626717 421.864044 - 10.082105 37.05592 27817.41661 300316.457 90 91 92 95 92 96 93 93 97 94 94 95 98 95 99 96 96 10 97 10 98 10 99 100 97 101 98 102 99 103 100 104 Grand Total 105 10 100 5050 10 550 D Industry 'A 1 Company 2 3 1 1 1 4 5 1 1 1 Sales 0.141 0.513 4.426 3.99 29.305 24.033 65,089 17.133 174.01 512.951 1.149 1594 -1.075 2.218 98,414 120.581 1 1 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 Investment income 1.409735483 2 21.75802149 3 42.04067211 4 378.5927608 5 424.5894653 6 578.1635577 2 1209.456373 8 1397 208844 9 2417.582167 10 5859.946852 11 22.75293304 12 47.8585295 13 62.25139281 14 99.51902666 15 427.1814783 16 2489,07476 17 6236.916668 18 21310.68739 19 10784,09776 20 22553.14818 21 19685.15625 22 32146.33582 23 131633,4630 24 1,07367938 25 33.6705354 26 241.1165172 27 234.3893771 28 499.7945015 29 758.0515591 30 094.7722288 21 660.9104697 37 1088.432233 33 2488.60236 34 2030.875117 35 3755.087504 3592429569 37 16047.37107 1628430182 1.029553252 shooti Company Data 3.224 23.734 40.457 215.315 887.245 541.545 540.112 674.314 3386.726 7386.626 31.184 37,61 39.594 204.168 959.934 2124.983 3567.5 6548.4 4937.063 15724.844 11800, 116 22272.895 43604 2.09 11.348 440.804 353,467 14.422 457.374 295.844 1174.7 1509 1559.334 1892.5 3925.a 1445 7052 13619.287 0.542 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 355.6 1054.9 492.115 -393.523 3127.878 2054.523 8273 0.316 1.156 48.098 -17.321 15.641 23.174 -144.207 106,6 -56 141.177 -86 24. 197 506 828,736 -0.03 23 26 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 13 M 35 4 4 4 37 38 19 40 4 Wiap led General N Calibri X Cut 5 Copy Format Painter Clipboard BIU- - 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112.9 121:38 228.9 1012.14 0.841 -10.783 -0.832 5.016 3.208 65 66 7 7 7 7 8 8 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 178 79 8 8 8 8 3 Sheet Company Data E 1. Company 80 8 8 81 82 83 BA 85 86 Sales -2.241 73.282 26,641 79.423 192.248 131.883 -104796 789.7 694 447.212 9 9 9 98 20 9 9 D Industry 375.096 666,011 106.812 951.466 2205,683 2525.532 3886,072 6613.9 5244 2707.115 7002 12413 26.03 254.134 129.79 389.89 605.MI 1700.1 715.656 6.77 421,3401 37.05592 Investment Income 79 261.4851901 80 687.8867749 81 896,8341020 82 873.8895513 3 22084664 34 274371747 55 4624.442031 3559.999496 4418438574 5643.192269 23822.40596 15563.76325 175545982 47 26893 93 131001661 54 6340562414 11.037891 36 2292.640195 31 527134109 1934.0105 930.01696 41.502087 06 16 06 16 93 - 157 1.163 25.625 13.739 -35.226 - 101.614 2361 66.637 55 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 57 9 100 101 100 100 27.036712 10.00 105 COE

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