using visual studios 2022 and visual basics code. in windows form application(.net framework)
Q1. This project requires you to create a program for an online business that allows customers to have unique usernames and passwords. The program has 3 pages. How to create different forms and how to navigate between them is explained in the last module in your book, and I created a video explaining it too. The first page is a simple form that directs the user to one of the two other pages: Login for returning customers and Register for new customers. The first form looks like this: a) When the register button is clicked, the registration form will pop up and look like this: The user will type in her/his name, a username, and a password, a security question, and an answer to that question (this is typically used for retrieving passwords). The following is an example of an entry: Name: John Smith Username: Jsmith Password: BIS260 Security Question: What is your favorite sport? Security Answer: Basketball The user will then click on the register button. The program will check if the username was aiready taken. If so, a message box will pop up and ask the user to enter a different username. Once the username is confirmed to be unique, the text boxes will be cleared. The customer will then be able to click on the home button to go back to the first page. - Hint: Store the data into a 20 String Array. b) When the user clicks on the login button, this form will appear: The customer will type in the username and password, if they match the data stored in the array, then the customer will have a welcoming message that shows his name, for example: "Welcome John Smith!" If the username and password did not match, an error message will appear and ask the customer to try again. If the customer clicks on the "Forgot Password" button, then this page will appear: The customer will type in the username, then the text of the label "security question" will change to the security question associated with the entered username. For example: for the Username: ISmith The Security Question will be: "What is your favorite sport?" Now the user needs to enter the answer, and if the answer matched what has been entered at the registration step (Basketball), then a message box appears with the associated password (BIS260). Otherwise, the program will show an error message