Vaighin taformatice provides data procruini services to small businesses in the Nartheast For years, the company has allotated the cost of the data storage departieent using the rumber of tape moints thow many times a thata tape is lasded onso the camputer a tape divel. This rate was tied closely to ifirect labor uster. tince the mare tapes that were meunted, the mare operators that were netided. to mount them. Under the current insteen. a customer is charged $200 eseh time a tape is mountitd. Three months ago, the compary implenented a new data starage system that uses an automated type larary. As a reuitc, operatons are no longer needed to moint the tapet. Some data that is used only tempararily is stored on a computer ditk and never transferred to tape. With the new system, the department's payroil has dre ped from 20 operafors to 3. Emrou Dawi, manseger of the data center, belicves that the new syatemis costs are more the result of data storage than of mumber of tave ingants. The has gathered the following information on the operation of the storage system which is expected to cost 5340.815 per vear to operate. (3)(3) Calculate the activity cort rate for the data storage department ving the number of tape mounts as the activity driver, (Alound ancwer to 2 decinat places, es 15.25s efextbook and Media (a)(ii) The parts ut this ouestion mart be conpleted in order, This part will be eralable when you conptete the awt above. (b) (1) (b) (i9) Vaughn informatics provides data processing services to smalf businesses in the Northeast. For years the company has allocated the cost of the data storage department using the number of tape mounts thow many simes a data tape is loaded onto the computer's tape drivel. This rate was tied closely to direct labor usage, since the more tapes that were mounted, the more operators that were needed to mount them. Under the current wsitem, a customer is charged $200 each time a tape ha mounted. Three months ago, the company implemented a new data storage system that user an autamated tape librafy. Ats a result, operators are no longer needed to mounk the tapek. Some data that is used orly temporarily is stored on a computer dikk and never tramiferted to tape. With the new system the department's payroll has drepped from 20 operators to 3 . Emma Davis. manager of the data center, believes that the new system's costs are more the result of data storage than of number of tape mounts She has eathered the foliowing information on the operation of the storase sistem, which is expected to cost $340.318 per year to operate. (a) (i) Calculate the activity cost rate for the data storage department using the nember of tape mounts as the acthity driven (Round onswer to 2 dedinal places es 15.25 ) Activity cost rate per tape mount etextbook and Media Attempts: 0 of 4 ured (a) (ii) The parts of this question nast be completed inorder. Thisgart wis be widiable when you conplete the part above