values changed so here are the new ones
(i) [ Lide ta igon to wew the data ) Hos much calliwil tae paid bet hast tionth? More info b. Drect laber for the upooteng morth is turfotas to be 331 cot and wit be taid at the end of the upoemirg itrenter pod durig the month it ahigh they are inturred a. Secure Corporation pays for 50% of its direct materials purchases in the month of purchase and the remainder the following month. Last month's direct material purchases were $70,000, while the company anticipates $87,000 of direct material purchases next month. b. Direct labor for the upcoming month is budgeted to be $34,000 and will be paid at the end of the upcoming month. c. Manufacturing overhead is estimated to be 150% of direct labor cost each month and is paid in the month in which it is incurred. This monthly estimate includes $14,000 of depreciation on the plant and equipment. d. Monthly operating expenses for next month are expected to be $44,000, which includes $2,000 of depreciation on office equipment and $1,500 of bad debt expense. These monthly operating expenses are paid during the month in which they are incurred. e. Secure Corporation will be making an estimated tax payment of $7,500 next month. Securo Corporetion is preparing is cash payments budget for nexd month. The following information pertains to the cash payments: (1) (Clok the logn to vow the data.) How much cash wit be pais out next dioeth? More info a. Secure Corporesion poys for 50% of its diect materals purchases in the morih of purchase and the remainder the folowirg morat. Last months drest material purchases were 570.000, while the company antiopoles 567,000 of divect makeral purchases next moner. b. Dured lasor for the vpooming month is budpeted to te $34,090 and wit be pais at the end of the upcoming month. c. Manulacturng ovenead is sstinatod to be 150\%, of drect labor cost each morth and is pais in fre moran in which it is ineumed. The monted esimate indudet $14,000 of tepreciaton on the plant and equipetant 4. Monthly operating espenses for next mionth ars expected to te $44,000, Which netudiet 57.000 of 4. Becure Corporation wil be making an estinates tas paymert of 57,500 neat mosth