WA - 2 Structuring Benefits to Motivate Employees WA-2 Structuring Benefits to Motivate Employees NLL thudents must place their primary post as well as post on the posts of at least two other students during the allotied time: All posts are due by 6.00 pm CENTRAL on Saturday, Feb 25, ts. Review the Special Topics: 1) Motvation and Behavior 2) Compensation and Benefits and 31 Cost of Benefhts as needed. Your textbock can also be used as a source of information. The Scenaris Assume that you are the new CPO of a 450 bed, merropolitan fullisemice hospital with over 1,900 employeer - Congratulationst in spite of ranking at the 45th percentie for wiges in the area foere are 3 ather hospitals within 10m les of your focilith. morale among employees is at an ali time low. A recent employee survey revealed the poor mocale as wel. as a high rate of burnout. (in fact, 30m of the nursing staff admitted to currenty lsoking at other jobs) 5 staff turnover durng the past 2 years has been abeit twice the previout rate and absenteesm was up 50 over the same time period. The lact coo introduced an a mployce "llex time plan that saved the bolpucal 15D in wase couts by sending. employes home when the pabent ctnsus was low. (of note, 70 W of nurses managed to cenvistenty work a 40 hour werk latt quatef) This preg am gves all employees 3 day of Current emplayee benefies include a sman life insurance policy, a 401k plan (no matching) and health insurance for employees, bue not spouses or dependents. No other insurance or benefits are currently offered. (60s of employees have a "significant other" and 40h have at least one child betwenen 1 and 12 yeart old. ) Demographics and more informabion: Current Workforce (excluding physicians) Beomers25xcenx304 Millenlak (Gen v) 300) cen2154 Minimum Wige Workers are 15 w of the workiorce and their current average pay cote is s1ame The majority of these warkers are in food service, housekeeging, gatient transact clencal and medical assistants The Assignment As the new OrRo for Chief People officerh you have been tasked with designing a total compensation propgam to fix the mest you have intrerited The hospital has geven you a budget to work within and some options to chpose from, which are sumntarized below. Min Wage Increase Min Wage to $12/hr 1.5 Increase Min Wage to $15/ hr 3,0 (accompanied by a 5\% lay-off) PTO Increase PTO to 7 days/yr 2.0 Increase to 10 days/yr 3.0 Extended FMLA (12 weeks paid) 2.5 Insurance Add spouse/dependent coverage 2.5 Add life insurance upgrade 0.5 401k Add 3% match 3.5 Add 6% match 5.0 FSP Flex Spending Plan - includes Dental, optical, meds 1.5 Education Tuition supplement-(current semester only) 2.5 Student loan repayments - (Pay off 30% of balance, up to $12,000 ) 5.0 Required Describe in detail the total compencation package you will recommend to the CEO, keepingyour total cost at or below 13.0 Relatbe Cost points. You are not allowed to create alkernatives through extrapolation, e g. "add 401k match at 4 vs for 3.5 Relstive Cost points" nor propose items not listed above that bring with them any significant cost. Be certain to discuss whyy you have selected each of the compensation and benefic features induded in your recommendation, This discussion could include the importance of the proposed festuce te a group of employes (ex nurses) a generation of employees (ex Gen x, or the Hospital ieself (oc marketing recruiting etc), Brief teasoning that certain benetits. were NOT included might strengthen your post. Word limits - 1,000 word minimum, 2,200 word maximum I do Nor want you to folow strict APA guldelines, butyou must pinpoint precisey what specificaly yeu drew from your reference(s) to suppert the points you are making in cecher wards. you must linkyour reference(s) directly to your teit. Examples follow below. Do Nor number pages, nor use a tale page abstract or fable of contents, Do net use headers and footes or a running title. The main things required of you are 1) write in complete sentences no bulet poinc lsts or sentence fragments. 21 Avid an abbrenstion unless you explain it to your teuder the first time you use it, 3) Use proper punctustion and grammer - Let's eat, Grandmy and "Lets eat Grandma" do Not mean the sacie thing You are not textieg your audience. Rathe; you are making a semi-formal presentation to your CEO, 4) List your references under a "References" sectoon at the end of the puper; aiphabetized by the first authors LAST name. You must prowide at least two (2) references in support of your paper. You may cite our textbook or any of the myterials thave provided in the ceurse. Hewever. at inast cne of your references must be from a source in the literature that you have researched. You do Nor need a reference for each point you make but, provide at least two references a5 described above. Sappose you wish to use the reference below to support your paper: Janes AR. Smith DA (2017) Pcoplo are Still Cray, Yo. Harvard Business Review. ApriL May, pp, 9-26) And here is the author's statement trom page 17 of the artide that you want to reference in your post. "People who show their undergaments in pubic are generaly assumed to be unstable, at the least." Some options for how to present this in the text of your post would be: A You want to paraphrase she author's comment but not use a direct quotation According to Smith za jones (2017. people who wear underwear in public are orazy. 1 think everyone agrees with that statement. Many experts feel that pecole who choose to wear underwear out in pubic are unstable i5mith 6 jones, 2017 . B) Suppose you wish to use a direct quote. Therefore, you must use quotation marks and give the page number where quosed words were drawn. According to Smith and jones. Peopie who show their undergarments in pubic are generally assumed to be unsable, at the (case. (2017, p.17 ) In 2017. Smith 5 jones proposed that "peaple who show their undergaements in pubill are generally assumed to be unstabic. at tie least" (6. 17 . If you reference a webpage or internet source that doesmt list an author, you may alphabetize the source in your list of references by the journel name (Woi Sereet journag or. Website name (Toenais com) Be certain to cut and paste the link into your reference so others may also find it. Simplified Grading Rubric: Choose and briefly desoribe the appropeiate benelits to include - 12. pointe Defendyour chaices (AND bnelly discuss the benefits you chose Nor ta inclade) - 15 poins: Defendyour choices (AvD briefly discuss the benefits you chose NOT to inchude) - 15 points Orighality-30 points (besides, plagiariom sucks AND is a violation of the MHA Honor Code) Grammaranst corstruction - 6 points Use of Refereaces - 6 points Suudents: To place your Primayy Post DO Nor ellok "Add a New Questian" below! Instead, drop down to DISCUSSION and cick on "WA.2; Structuring Benefis to Mothate Employees **. The Assignment ** ".,You will then see a repeat of the instructions from the initial assignment post. Cick on "Reply" at the bottom of that post and cut-and-paste your post in the dialogue box. Be certain to checkyour formating after cit-and-pante. Moodle plays some funny games with this modality, so dont get caught with bad formatting because of carelessness: DO NOT upLoAD A FLLE There is a 30-minute window, in which you may edit your response. You will NOT be able to see anyone else's post until that 30 -minute window closes. All students must place their primary post as well as post on the posts of at least two other students during the allotted time. All posts are due by 6.00 pm CENTRAL on Saturday, Feb 25, te* This is a question and answer forum. in order to see other responses to these questions, you must frist pont your