Wach and 64 are both age 75 . When Mteh was 25 years old, he began depoiting $1500 per ygar into a saungs account. He muse ofeposits for the frat 10 years, at which poent he was forced to stop rukng deposds. Howree, he let tus money in the account, where it continued to eam enterest for the next 40 years. Bul ddint start saing unsit he was d5 years oif but lor the next 30 years he made annual deposits of 51500 . Assume that both accouts earned an merage annal retum of 7 (compounded once a year). Camplete parts (a) through (d) below A. How mach money does Mach have in his account at age 75 ? A age 75, Mitch has 5 in hes account? (Poound to the neasst ceet as nesed.). b How much money does Bul have in his account at age 75 ? At age 15, Bur has 5 in his account. Pround to the nearest ctert as neeised) C. Coenparn the amourtis of meney thus Mach and Bh deposit inte their accourts. di Cyaw a cocciusion about this paraties Conose the cortect answer below Mich deposts \$ in his account and BA deposits \& in his accourt. d. Draw a conclusion about this paratle. Choose the conect answer below. A. Both Bull and Mach end with the same amount of money in their accounts, bait Mich had to depost less money using his method it is better to start saring as exfy a possitse B. Bill ends up with more money in his account than Mich becaise he make more deposts than Mich, and each adsitional deposit wif accrue interest each year C. Mich ends up with more money in his account despete not having deposted as much money as Bir because the interest that is intially accumutoted acoress interest throughout the lite of the account. D. Both Bill and Mitch have the same fotum on their imestments desple using diferent methods of a aving