we often wse diopoide (CaMgsi C3 ) a6 model for matoral ceinopgratene, in part be caves it ie tgpicarig the predominant component. The tade pobu gives data on orgetalline diopeide and a mele of the came composition at 1 har (Barth's writoe). at 1000Ce3.597,809 and 3,304,915 Joules/mole. which phase to stable of this temperature preseore and why? B) Plot the onange in G of each phase as a fonotion of temperatore between 100 and w00c. We the equation dorlued below for onange in and T. which form of Peaction at constant P and T G=E+PvTBd=dE+Pdv+vaPTdsdTdG=dE+PdvTdsdE=dHPdTS0dG=dHTdsG=HTequlibrium8Tequilikrium=SH \# Note: Aseoming for the porposes of this equatton of this entropg and volome of each phase are constants C) The melting tempsrature of diopside ir the temperature of which the two phases of caMgsiag are equilifriom. use your plat to deternine if this temperatore is achieved between 10001500C at l bar. Verify gour answer by caleclating the temperatore diractly. we often wse diopoide (CaMgsi C3 ) a6 model for matoral ceinopgratene, in part be caves it ie tgpicarig the predominant component. The tade pobu gives data on orgetalline diopeide and a mele of the came composition at 1 har (Barth's writoe). at 1000Ce3.597,809 and 3,304,915 Joules/mole. which phase to stable of this temperature preseore and why? B) Plot the onange in G of each phase as a fonotion of temperatore between 100 and w00c. We the equation dorlued below for onange in and T. which form of Peaction at constant P and T G=E+PvTBd=dE+Pdv+vaPTdsdTdG=dE+PdvTdsdE=dHPdTS0dG=dHTdsG=HTequlibrium8Tequilikrium=SH \# Note: Aseoming for the porposes of this equatton of this entropg and volome of each phase are constants C) The melting tempsrature of diopside ir the temperature of which the two phases of caMgsiag are equilifriom. use your plat to deternine if this temperatore is achieved between 10001500C at l bar. Verify gour answer by caleclating the temperatore diractly