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/* * WEB222 - Assignment 1 * * I declare that this assignment is my own work in accordance with * Seneca Academic Policy. No


* WEB222 - Assignment 1


* I declare that this assignment is my own work in accordance with

* Seneca Academic Policy. No part of this assignment has been copied

* manually or electronically from any other source (including web sites)

* or distributed to other students.




* Please see all unit tests in the files problem-00.test.js, problem-01.test.js, etc.*/


* Problem 0: learn how to implement code to pass unit tests.


* Welcome to Assignment 1! In this assignment, you're going to be practicing lots

* of new JavaScript programming techniques. Before you dive in let's spend a

* minute helping you learn how to read this code, and how to understand the

* tests that go with it.


* In addition to this file, please also open the file `src/problem-00.test.js.

* Start by reading the big comment at the top of that file, then come back here and

* continue.


* Before continuing, make sure you have completed the necessary setup steps (e.g.,

* install node.js, run `npm install`, install the suggested VSCode extensions).

* The rest of the instructions assume that you have done this. If you need help,

* ask me!


* After you finish reading src/problem-00.test.js, it's time to try running

* the tests. To run the tests, open a terminal (see

* in the same directory as your `package.json` file (i.e., the root of this project)

* and type the following command:


* npm test


* You have to run this command in the root of your project (i.e., in the same

* directory as package.json). When you do, you will see a lot of failures.

* That's expected, since we haven't written any solution code yet.


* You can also run tests for only this one problem instead of all tests. To do that,

* add the name of a test file after `npm test` like this:


* npm test problem-00


* This will look for tests that are part of the problem-00.test.js file, and only

* run those. Doing so should result in 1 failed and 1 passed test.


* The first test passes:


* greeting should be a function (2ms)


* But the second one fails:


* greeting should return the correct string output (3ms)


* Problem 0 - greeting() function greeting should return the correct string output


* expect(received).toBe(expected) // equality


* Expected: "Hello WEB222 Student!"

* Received: "Hello WEB222 Student"


* 63 | test('greeting should return the correct string output', function() {

* 64 | let result = greeting('WEB222 Student');

* > 65 | expect(result).toBe('Hello WEB222 Student!');

* | ^

* 66 | });

* 67 |

* 68 | /**


* We can see that the second test 'greeting should return the correct string output'

* is failing. In particular, it's failing because it expected to get the string

* "Hello WEB222 Student!" but instead it actually received the string "Hello WEB222 Student".


* It looks like we have a small typo in our code below, and we are missing

* the final "!"" character. Try adding it, save this file, and re-run the

* tests again:


* npm test problem-00

* PASS src/problem-00.test.js

* Problem 0 - greeting() function

* greeting should be a function (2ms)

* greeting should return the correct string output


* Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total

* Tests: 2 passed, 2 total


* Excellent! At this point you're ready to move on to Problem 1. As you do,

* read both the information in the Problem's comment (i.e., this file), and also read

* the tests to understand what they expect from your code's implementation.


* One final word about these comments. You'll see comments like this one:


* @param {string} name - the name to greet in the message

* @returns {string}


* These are specially formatted comments that document parameters to functions,

* and tell us the type (e.g., {string} or {number}), and also the parameter's name.

* We also indicate the return type for functions (e.g., {string}).


* Finally, we also explain a bit about how the parameter is used, and what

* data it will have, whether it's optional, etc.


function greeting(name) {

return `Hello ${name}!`;



* Problem 1: replace all internal whitespace in a string value with underscores

* ('_'), and makes it UPPERCASE.


* We want to be able to convert a string to Upper normalizeVariable Case style, so that all

* leading/trailing whitespace is removed, and any internal spaces, tabs, or dots,

* are converted to '_' and all letters are UPPER cased.


* The normalizeVariable() function should work like this:


* normalizeVariable('abc') --> returns 'ABC'

* normalizeVariable(' ABC ') --> returns 'ABC'

* normalizeVariable('ABC') --> returns 'ABC'

* normalizeVariable('A BC') --> returns 'A_BC'

* normalizeVariable(' A bC ') --> returns 'A_BC'

* normalizeVariable('A BC') --> returns 'A_BC'

* normalizeVariable('A.BC') --> returns 'A_BC'

* normalizeVariable(' A.. B C ') --> returns 'A_B_C'


* @param {string} value - a string to be converted

* @return {string}


function normalizeVariable(value) {

// Replace this comment with your code...

// Convert given value to uppercase

value = value.toUpperCase();

// Remove leading and trailing spaces

value = value.trim();

// Create new empty string

let newString = "";

// Varible to track need of hiphen (-)

let isDashLeading = false;

// for loop to iterate through characters of input

for(let i=0; i


// Store character in a variable

let character = value.charAt(i);

// If character is dot(.)

if(character == ".")


// Add hiphen(-), only if hiphen is nod added before



newString += "_";

// To notify that underscore is added

isDashLeading = true;



// else if character is white space

else if(character == " ")




// Add hiphen(-), only if hiphen is nod added before

newString += "_";

// To notify that hiphen is added

isDashLeading = true;



else if(character == "\t")




// Add hiphen(-), only if hiphen is nod added before

newString += "_";

// To notify that hiphen is added

isDashLeading = true;



// If character is neither dot(.) nor white space

// Add as it is



newString += character;

// To notify that hiphen is not added

isDashLeading = false;



// Return new string

return newString;



* Problem 2: create an HTML


* Our '


* A


* In this case, the ';

else if (height > 0 && (height * 10) % 10 == 0)

return '';

else return '';



* Problem 3: fix the formatting of Canadian Postal Codes


* A Canadian Postal Code (see

* is a 6-character string of the following form:


* A1A 1A1


* There are more than 800K valid postal codes. The first three-characters of

* the postal code is called a "Forward Sortation Area," and represents a geographic

* region, with the first letter representing a province, or part of a province.


* The first character in a postal code can be any letter except D, F, I, O, Q, W, U, Z


* The other characters (i.e., letters) in a postal code can be any letter except

* D, F, I, O, Q or U (i.e., W and Z are allowed)


* The numbers can be anything between 0 and 9


* HINT: use a Regular Expression to help you check for valid characters/numbers


* Many databases have postal codes that have been manually entered, and contain

* formatting errors. The fixPostalCode() function takes a possible postal code

* (i.e. a string), attempts to format it, and returns the formatted version.

* If the string is not a valid postal code, an error is thrown. See



* @param {string} postalCode - a possible postal code to be formatted

* @returns {string} - a formatted postal code


function fixPostalCode(postalCodePC) {

// check if it is a possible postalcode

// convert to upper case

postalCode = postalCode.toUpperCase();

var count = 0;

for (var i = 0; i < postalCode.length; i++)


if (postalCode[i] != ' ')


count += 1;



// must be 6 characters

if (count != 6)


throw 'invalid postal code';


var except_first_letter = 'DFIOQWUZ';

var except_rest_letter = 'DFIOQU';

// check the first character

for (var i = 0; i < except_first_letter.length; i++)


if (postalCode[0] == except_first_letter[i])


throw 'invalid postal code';



// check ther rest of the string

for (var i = 1; i < postalCode.length; i++)


for (var j = 0; j < except_rest_letter.length; j++)


if (postalCode[i] == except_rest_letter[j])


throw 'invalid postal code';




var first_three = '';

var last_three = '';

// in case there is extra spaces in input

for (var i = 0; i < postalCode.length; i++)


if (postalCode[i] == ' ')


if (first_three.length < 3)

first_three += postalCode[i];


last_three += postalCode[i];


var last_check = first_three + last_three;

// must be in this format

// char dig char dig char dig

for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++)


if (i % 2 == 0)


if (last_check[i] < 'A' || last_check[i] > 'Z')

throw 'invalid postal code';



if (last_check[i] < '0' || last_check[i] > '9')

throw 'invalid postal code';



return first_three + ' ' + last_three;




* Problem 4: convert a valid Canadian Postal Code to a Canadian Province


* The first letter of a Postal Code tells us which province the Postal Code is

* from. Here's the list of Provinces/Territories, their 2-letter short form,

* and the first letter(s) of the Postal Code that matches it:


* Province Name Short Form First Letter of Postal Code

* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Ontario ON K, L, M, N, P

* Quebec QC G, H, J

* Nova Scotia NS B

* New Brunswick NB E

* Manitoba MB R

* British Columbia BC V

* Prince Edward Island PE C

* Saskatchewan SK S

* Alberta AB T

* Newfoundland and Labrador NL A

* Nunavut, Northwest Territories NT X

* Yukon YT Y


* The toProvince() function converts a valid postal code to a province name. Use

* your fixPostalCode() function from the previous problem to format and validate

* the `postalCode` argument first. If it is invalid, return `null`. HINT: use try/catch

* to deal with fixPostalCode() throwing an error, see:



* If the `useShortForm` argument is `true`, the province's short-form is

* returned instead of the full name. For example:


* toProvince('M5W1E6') returns 'Ontario'

* toProvince('M5W 1E6') returns 'Ontario'

* toProvince('M5W 1E6', true) returns 'ON'

* toProvince('M5W') returns null


* @param {string} postalCode - a postal code to be validated and used

* @param {boolean|undefined} useShortForm - whether to return the full or short name

* @returns {string} - a province name or short form


function toProvince(postalCode, useShortForm) {

// Replace this comment with your code...



* Problem 5: parse a geographic coordinate


* Coordinates are defined as numeric, decimal values of Longitude and Latitude.

* As an example, the Seneca College Newnham campus is located at:


* Longitude: -79.3496 (negative number means West)

* Latitude: 43.7955 (positive number means North)


* A dataset includes thousands of geographic coordinates, stored as strings.

* However, over the years, different authors have used slightly different formats.

* All of the following are valid and need to be parsed:


* 1. "43.7955, -79.3496" (NOTE: space after the comma)

* 2. "[-79.3496,43.7955]" (NOTE: lack of space after comma, lat/lng values are reversed)


* Valid Longitude values are decimal numbers between -180 and 180.


* Valid Latitude values are decimal numbers between -90 and 90.


* Parse the value and reformat it into the string form: "(lat, lng)"


* @param {string} value - a geographic coordinate string in one of the given forms

* @returns {string} - a geographic coordinate formatted as "(lat, lng)"


function normalizeCoord(value) {



* Problem 6: format any number of coordinates as a list in a string


* You are asked to format geographic lat, lng coordinates in a list using your

* normalizeCoord() function from problem 5.


* Where normalizeCoord() takes a single geographic coord, the formatCoords()

* function takes a list of any number of geographic coordinates, parses them,

* filters out any invalid coords, and creates a list.


* For example: given the following coords, "43.7955, -79.3496" and "[-62.1234,43.7955]",

* a new list would be created of the following form "((43.7955, -79.3496), (43.7955, -62.1234))".


* Notice how the list has been enclosed in an extra set of (...) braces, and each

* formatted geographic coordinate is separated by a comma and space.


* The formatCoords() function can take any number of arguments, but they must all

* be strings. If any of the values can't be parsed by normalizeCoord() (i.e., if

* an Error is thrown), skip the value. For example:


* formatCoords("43.7955, -79.3496", "[-62.1234,43.7955]", "300, -9000") should return

* "((43.7955, -79.3496), (43.7955, -62.1234))" and skip the invalid coordinate.


* @param {string} values - any number of string arguments can be passed

* @returns {string}


function formatCoords(...values) {



* Problem 7: count valid postal codes for a given province code


* The countForProvince() function takes a two-character province code, and

* any number of postal codes, some of which may be invalid. It returns the

* total number of postal codes for the province represented by the two-character

* code.


* For example:


* countForProvince('ON', 'M5W 1E6') returns 1

* countForProvince('ON', 'Y0A 1L0') returns 0

* countForProvince('ON', 'M5W 1E6', 'N0B 1K0') returns 2

* countForProvince('ON', 'M5W 1E6', 'N0B 1K0', 'Y0A 1L0') returns 2

* countForProvince('ON', 'INVALID', '', 'Y0A 1L0') returns 0


* Use the toProvince() function you wrote earlier in your answer.


* Throw an error if no postal codes are passed, or if any of the postal codes

* is not a string.


* @param {string} provinceCode - a two character province code

* @param {string} ...postalCodes - one or more postal code strings

* @returns {number} the total, or 0


function countForProvince(provinceCode, ...postalCodes) {

// Replace this comment with your code...



* Problem 8, Part 1: generate license text and link from license code.


* Images, videos, and other resources on the web are governed by copyright.

* Everything you find on the web is copyright to its creator automatically, and

* you cannot reuse it unless you are granted a license to do so.


* Different licenses exist to allow creators to share their work. For example,

* the Creative Commons licenses are a popular way to allow people to reuse

* copyright material, see


* Below is a list of license codes, and the associated license text explaining the code:


* CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution License

* CC-BY-NC: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License

* CC-BY-SA: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

* CC-BY-ND: Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs License

* CC-BY-NC-SA: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License

* CC-BY-NC-ND: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License


* NOTE: any other licenseCode should use the URL

* and the explanation text, "All Rights Reserved"


* Write a function, generateLicenseLink(), which takes a license code, and returns

* an HTML link to the appropriate license URL, and including the explanation text.


* For example:


* generateLicenseLink('CC-BY-NC') should return the following HTML string:


* 'Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License'


* The URL is generated based on the license code:


* - remove the `CC-` prefix

* - convert to lower case

* - place formatted license code within URL[]/4.0/


* Your generateLicenseLink() function should also accept an optional second argument,

* `targetBlank`. If `targetBlank` is true, add ` target="_blank"` to your link

* so that the URL opens in a blank tab/window.


* You can read more about HTML links at


* @param {string} licenseCode - a license code

* @param {bool|undefined} targetBlank - whether to open the link in a new tab/window

* @returns {string}


function generateLicenseLink(licenseCode, targetBlank) {



* Problem 9 Part 1: convert a value to a Boolean (true or false)


* A dataset contains fields that indicate a value is true or false. However,

* users have entered data in various formats and languages (English and French)

* over the years, and the data is a mess. For example, the dataset contains all

* of the following values:


* Yes, yes, YES, Y, Oui, oui, OUI, O, t, TRUE, true, True, vrai, V, VRAI, 1, 2, ...any positive number

* No, no, NO, Non, non, NON, N, n, f, FALSE, false, False, FAUX, faux, Faux, 0, -1, -2, ...any negative number


* Write a function pureBool() which takes a String, Number, or Boolean,

* and attempts to convert it into a pure Boolean value, according to these rules:


* 1. If the value is already a Boolean (true or false) return the value without conversion

* 2. If the value is one of the "true" type values, return `true` (Boolean)

* 3. If the value is one of the "false" type values, return `false` (Boolean)

* 4. If the value is none of the "true" or "false" values, throw an error with the error

* message, 'invalid value'.


* @param {string|number|boolean|} value - a value to convert to true/false

* @returns {bool}


function pureBool(value) {

// Replace this comment with your code...



* Problem 9 Part 2: checking for all True or all False values in a normalized list


* Using your pureBool() function above, create three new functions to check

* if a list of arguments are all "true", partially "true", or all "false" values:


* every('Y', 'yes', 1) --> returns true

* any('Y', 'no', 1) --> returns true

* none('Y', 'invalid', 1) --> returns false


* Use try/catch syntax to avoid having your functions throw errors when pureBool()

* throws on invalid data.


function every() {

// Replace this comment with your code...


function any() {

// Replace this comment with your code...


function none() {

// Replace this comment with your code...



* Problem 10 - build a URL


* Querying the iNaturalist Web API (

* for data involves formatting a URL in a particular way. As we know from

* week 1, a URL can contain optional name=value pairs, see:


* For example:


* includes q=dog


* includes

* both _encoding=UTF8 and also node=18521080011, separated by &


* We will write a buildUrl() function to build a URL for the iNaturalist API

* based on arguments passed by the caller.


* The buildUrl() function accepts the following arguments:


* - query: a URI encoded search string, for example "butterfly" or "Horse-chestnut"

* - order: a string indicating sort order, with possible values of `ascending` or `descending`

* - count: a number from 1 to 30, indicating how many results to return per page

* - license: a string indicating which items to return (e.g., which license they use). Possible

* values include: none, any, cc-by, cc-by-nc, cc-by-sa, cc-by-nd, cc-by-nc-sa, cc-by-nc-nd


* Write an implementation of buildUrl() that accepts arguments for all of the above

* parameters, validates them (e.g., count must be between 1 and 50, etc), and returns

* a properly formatted URL.


* For example:


* buildUrl('Monarch Butterfly', 'ascending', 25, 'cc-by') would return the following URL:




* NOTE: if any of the values passed to buildUrl() are invalid, an Error should be thrown.


* NOTE: make sure you properly encode the query value, since URLs can't contain

* spaces or other special characters. HINT: use the encodeURIComponent() function

* to do this, see:




* @param {string} query the query to use. Must be properly URI encoded

* @param {string} order the sort order to use, must be one of `ascending` or `descending`.

* If the caller uses `asc` convert it to `ascending`. Same for `desc` and `descending`.

* @param {number} count the number of results per page, must be 1-50

* @param {string} license the license to use, must be one of:

* none, any, cc-by, cc-by-nc, cc-by-sa, cc-by-nd, cc-by-nc-sa, cc-by-nc-nd

* @returns {string} the properly formatted URL


function buildUrl(query, order, count, license) {

// Replace this comment with your code...


// Our unit test files need to access the functions we defined

// above, so we export them here.

exports.greeting = greeting;

exports.normalizeVariable = normalizeVariable;

exports.createIframe = createIframe;

exports.fixPostalCode = fixPostalCode;

exports.toProvince = toProvince;

exports.normalizeCoord = normalizeCoord;

exports.formatCoords = formatCoords;

exports.countForProvince = countForProvince;

exports.generateLicenseLink = generateLicenseLink;

exports.pureBool = pureBool;

exports.every = every;

exports.any = any;

exports.none = none;

exports.buildUrl = buildUrl;

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