what achieve in the last few years of BSG that improve.
Our image rating how?
Credit rating how?
Invest in energy efficiency intuitive $
And charitable contributions
We were crashing the celebrity endorsement we were offering high price contracts
3- what we achieve in the last few years of BSG that improve. Our image rating how? Credit rating how? Invest in energy efficiency intuitive $ And charitable contributions We were crashing the celebrity endorsement we were offering high price contracts 5:03 PM Current Standing Image Rating What have we achieved Credit rating Image rating Celebrity Endorsement 86 84 82 80 78 76 74 72 1 1 1 Yu YI2 Y Y Y Y6 Y? Y Y29y20 CSRC INITIATIVES Use of Recycled Boxing / Packaging No - Involves the use of recycled packaging materials to box each pair of thetic footwear at company distribution center Increases the packaging costs by $0.15 per pair Energy Efficiency Initiatives 100- Involves investments at each production facility for each mition pair of production capability to improve energy officiency and to renewable energy sources Treated as capital investment depreciated at 10% per your Charitable Contributions $ or 19 of tax Inulis making tax deductible donations to charities and charitable cu Aeported on the room Statement dat prot Other Expense reduces pre-tax profit Ethics Training / Enforcement No Involves training for and development enforcement of a code of ethics for company manager at all level. In corporate administrative penes by s400 annual Improved Cafeteria and On-Site Child Care Facilities No Involves one time capital investment of $2.5 pullion and increased administrative coute of Sokannual pe te Working Results in a one-time productivity increase of 100 pars per year ish faoliy Conditions Improved Ventilation, NO- Involve one capital investment of increased administrative cost of $500 annulla Lighting, and Safety Result in a one-time productivity increase of 100 ans per year at each fapility Involves compliance monitong supplier employment practices and working oonditions to prevent hour wars Institution of a Supplier Code of Conduct No Wubstandard Wage of undergulber, DOGO to tako material, and fax salety precious Crails added anul administrative cost 750 perc Image Rating Current Standing 86 84 82 80 78 What have we achieved ? Image rating 76 74 72 Credit rating YIL Y2 413 414 Y 76 77 78 79 720 Celebrity Endorsement Y11 (8) based solely on the most recent year's credit rating performance Y12 Y13 Y14 Y15 Y16 Y17 Y18 (B) (B) (A- (A- (A) (A) (A) B B B- B A- A+ A+ Y19 A A+ Y20 (A) A+