What's happening with Peloton ?1 "The growth rate people are expecting from this business is simply unattainable," said UBS analyst Arpine Kocharyan. The firm in May put a rare and controversial sell rating on Peloton stock, arguing that Peloton's forecasts and stock price hinged on unrealistic growth and earnings projections by the company. She said she continues to believe that Peloton's model of pairing fitness equ1pment, virtual classes and consumer financing is a sound one." "Peloton Interactive Inc.= in the span of two years, has gone from a pandemic darling to a company that has changed its chief executive and is cutting roughly 20% . . . M'Faio-IWWCEOJWIHMEI.'lgmwll of its corporate positions. wwlhnww'lnhmmwmm The maker of exercise eqUipment that pairs with Meomwiml.ummu.um virtual classes saw demand surge during the early months of the pandemic as homebound customers ordered its products. The popularity of the company and its equipment helped to lift Peloton's market value to more than $50 billion. In recent months, a slowdown in demand and supplychain problems have led investors to question management and contributed to the company's market value to fall to around $8 billion." Detailed information on Peloton's business strategy, financial situation and expansion plans are provided in its Form 10K for the year ended June 30, 2021, and the lOQ ending December 31, 2021. QUESTIONS 1. Look at Exhibit 1 and compute the implicit growth rate after a five year forecast horizon that is embedded in the market's share price on January 4th and December 10\"1 of202l, Assume a cost of equity of 12%. PTON's equity for the FYE June 2020 and June 2021 was 1'59 $r'share and 5,9? $a'share respectively 2. Look at Exhibit 2. What is your explanation for why someone might want to choose these companies as comparables for a multiples valuation? How would you choose comparables instead? Explain your reasoning. 3. Based on your answers for Q1 and Q2 and the materials provided, what are the difficulties in valuing Peloton? Explain. Material: Exhibits beloiv + the Peloton Conference Call 'The quotes and figure are taken from the Wall Slreel Journalarticle. The mini-case was prepared by Harm Schtltor a class discussion of common valuation pitlalls in 2022