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4. In the media, are new allegations of sexual harassment claim. Look over the attached article titled "Harassment claims shine light on California Capitol partying." If Jodi Hicks, a lobbyist for a Sacramento firm DBHK, alleged that California Democratic Assemblyman Raul Bocanegra, sexually harassed her, this harassment could be a. a violation of the Civil Rights Act regarding a Hostile Work Environment b. a violation of the Civil Rights Act regarding Quid Pro Quo c. a violation of the federal Sex Discrimination Act d. both a and b e. none of the aboveHarassment claims shine light on California Capitol partying Kathleen Ronayne depend on personal rela- emailed her to say he told to stay away from ASSOCIATED PRESS tionships. After-work wouldn't hire her firm be- Gyote but wasn't other- campaign fundraisers and cause he'd have to "walk wise punished. She had SACRAMENTO, CallE - other evening events pro- on eggshells." wanted him banned from California's Capitol vide numerous opportu "We're hearing grum- attending work-related awash in allegations of nities for colleagues to do blings, and men are upset" social events involving al- sexual harassment, creat- business and socialize. about having to think cohol, but the Assembly ing an atmosphere that's Those days may not be about where and when said it couldn't control af- Affecting how men and gone, but there's unques- they m meet women and ter-work behavior. women Interact. tionably a changed sensi- whether alcohol is Gyore, who still works Holding meetings over tivity toward them. volved, Hicks said. at the Legislature, said al- drinks or winding down at Jodi Hicks, a lobbyist "That's something we cohol nearly always is pre a bar after a hectic day in and partner at the wom- deal with all of the time," sentat after-hours gather- the Legislature is a regular on-led Sacramento firm she said. "Every time part of business in SacrabHK, said after she gave someone asks to have "It can make people mento, where policymak- a radio interview about drinks, women have to be who have already decided ing and deal-cutting often the Capitol culture, a man concerned with what that that they're OK with doing means and where they're some not-good things cks, a lobbyist and partner at the women-led having drinks and making even more brazen," she ramento, Calif., firm DBHK, says a man told her he ure it's in public." said. would not hire her firm for fear he would have to Even in public places, It also causes other "walk on eggshells." Hicks says that's the wrong way behavior has crossed Into problems. to fix the sexual harassment coming to light In the nappropriate territory. The Senate In 2015 California capital. RICH PEDRONCELLI/AP It was revealed recently briefly offered free round- that Democratic Assem- the-clock transportation blyman Raul Bocanegra, to lawmakers in Sacra stripped of his chairman- pects us to hold ourselves of Los Angeles, was disci- mento after four lawmak- ship of the Insurance, to a higher standard." plined in 2009 when he ers in five years were ac- Banking & Financial Insti Fearing said there are was a legislative staff cused of drunken driving. tutions Committee. De Le- plenty of ways for law- member. Elise Gyore, an- Senate President Pro Tem on, until recently a house- . makers, staff members other Capitol staffer who Kevin de Leon discontin- mate with Mendoza in and lobbyists to socialize had never met him, ac- ued the practice after the Sacramento, made the and build essential rola- cused him of stalking her perk was revealed. move after It was revealed tionships that don't in- around Sacramento While lawmakers can't a third woman who volve alcohol. Some law- nightclub and putting his require their office staff to worked for Mendoza had makers hold fundraisers hands down her blouse. go to after-hours political alleged Inappropriate be- at breakfasts or at special Following an Assembly and campaign events, havlor, including several events, like a cooking Rules Committee investi- many see attendance as one-on-one meetings class,. gation, Bocanegra critical to their Jobs. The over drinks or dinner. "I think developing a events are plentiful when For lobbyists, evening level of diversity with re- the Legislature Is In se events are an "extension gard to these types of sion, and lawmakers from of our workplace," said events would be healthy. It out of town stay in Sacra Jennifer Fearing, who could be productive," she mento from n Monday owns a firm. said. through Thursday. "Part of your influence- Hicks said ensuring Lawmakers held at peddling, above board, in- women feel safe in all set- least 30 evening fundraise volves needing to be at tings is paramount. She ON ers over a five-day period these events," Fearing and her co-partners re- in August, according to in- said. cently held sexual harass- vitations compiled by Assemblywoman Cris- ment training for their STRIKE Capitol Morning Report. tina Garcia said it is men employees that included The Logislature has who choose to misbehave, creation of safe words that faced criticism of its han- not the events, that create female staff members can dling of sexual miscon problems. use If they feel uncomfort- allegations since "I would say that most able at events. nearly 150 women signed of the public realizes that It's all part of what she a letter in October outlin- our job is based on rela- hopes will bring lasting ing a pervasive culture of tionships, and so we are change for men, willingly sexual harassment and a expected to go out there or not. system that does little to and socialize," said Garcia, "If men's behavior stop perpetrators. a Bell Gardens Democrat changes just out of fear of On Friday, de Leon rec- who co-chairs the Legisla- it no longer being covered ommended fellow Demo- tive Women's Caucus. "I up, then that's a good crat * Tony Mendoza be think our public also ex- thing, too," Hicks said. "So, Russell. How is your 1-man strike going?"