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when i run i get error could not find or load main class TestShapes. I am unable to figure out what is wrong with

when i run i get error "could not find or load main class TestShapes.
I am unable to figure out what is wrong with my code. I need help fixing my java code. image text in transcribed
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Go Tests Run Terminal Help Cedejovs - Java - Vil Studio Code Circle Jove Quality Point java Shape java stubs(3) > stubs > > Circle > toStringo public class Circle extends Shape private double radius; public circle( double x, double y, double radius ) { //INSERT YOUR CODE HERE super (x,y); this.radius -radius; 1 2 3 4 5 public double getRadius() { 1/INSERT YOUR CODE HERE return radius; public void setRadius( double radius ) { //INSERT YOUR CODE HERE this.radius -radius; 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 public boolean equals( Shape other) //INSERT YOUR CODE HERE if (this - other) return true; if (other - null || getClass() t-other-getClass()) return false; Circle circle - (Circle) other; return, *) - 88, y) - 4, radius) - public String toString() //INSERT YOUR CODE HERE return "Located at: (* * * ," + x +")" TestShapes. Go Run Terminal Help Ponteve. Viel Stadio Code Cirdejava Quality Assurance Rectangle.jne Pointer Shape jave stub53) > stubs > Pointje > Point > Point double double 1 public class Point 2 3 private double x, y: 4 public point( double x, double y ) //DISERT YOUR CODE HERE this.x - 3 this.y - Y3 public void setxt double x ) { //INSERT YOUR CODE HERE this.XX 10 11 22 13 14 public void sety double y ) //INSERT YOUR CODE HERE this.y - y 16 17 28 19 20 22 22 23 24 public double getxo) //INSERT YOUR CODE HERE return x; ) public double gety //INSERT YOUR CODE HERE return y 26 27 28 29 30 31 public boolean equals point other ) { //INSERT YOUR CODE HERE return other. y-other.y. } public String tostring() { //INSERT YOUR CODE HERE return String.format("(%.2f, 1.2f", 2,9) . Go Run Terminal Help Rectangle - Java - Vua Suso Code - Quality Assurance java Rectanglejere Shape jave stubs_) > stubs > Rectangle Java > ts Rectangle > equals(shape) 1 public class Rectangle extends Shape { 2 3 4 private double length, width: public Rectangle( double x, double y, double length, double width ) //INSERT YOUR CODE HERE super(x,y); this.length.length this.width = width 12 public double getLength() { //INSERT YOUR CODE HERE return length 13 14 15 16 17 public double getwidth() { //INSERT YOUR CODE HERE return width; public void setlength double length) { //INSERT YOUR CODE HERE this.length-length; 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 29 public void setuidth double width ) { //INSERT YOUR CODE HERE this.width - width; public boolean equals Shape other) //INSERT YOUR CODE HERE Rectangle rect - (Rectangle) other if(this.length I rect.length) return false; if (this.width 1-rect.width) return false; return true; public string tostring() { //INSERT YOUR CODE HERE return super.tostring() + length length, width*width: Shemal Studio Code Point java. Shape TestShapesjave View Go Run Terminal Help Assurance java Rectanglejme stus (3) stubs > Shape jare > Shape > Below Shape 1 public abstract class Shape { 2 3 private point location; public shapel double x, double y ) 5 //INSERT YOUR CODE HERE locatione new Point(X, Y); > public void setLocation point point ) { //INSERT YOUR CODE HERE 10 location - point; 11 ) 12 public point getLocation() { 13 1/SERT YOUR CODE HERE 14 return locations 15 16 17 public boolean isteftoft Shape other ) { 19 if( other = null) { 20 return false; 21 } else { 22 - other.getLocation(); 23 return location.getX() point //INSERT YOUR CODE HERE - Hint from isleftof(...) if(other null){ 31 32 33 36 35 36 37 return false; ) else Point prother.getLocation(); return location.getX()>p.getX(); blic honlanishushanther V SO w Go Run Terminal Help Shapejava - Java - Visual Studio Quality She stubs(3) > stubs > > Shape > isBelow(Shape) public boolean isAbove Shape other ) { 41 // INSERT YOUR CODE HERE - Hint from isleftof(...) if(other--null){ return false; 39 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 } else{ Point peother.getLocation(); return location.getY()>p.getY(); } 55 } public boolean isBelow Shape other ) { //INSERT YOUR CODE HERE - Hint from isleftof(...) if(other=null){ return false; 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 elsel Point peother.getLocation(); return location.getY() stubs > Shapejava > Shape > IsBelow(Shape) 56 public boolean isBelow Shape other ) { 57 58 //INSERT YOUR CODE HERE - Hint fron isLeftof(...) 59 if(other null) 60 61 return false; 62 63 64 else 65 66 point p-other.getLocation() 67 68 return location.getY()p.getY(); 86 87 88 89 90 91 Go Amaral Help E Ordnjave QAX Rectanglejova. Pod Shapes > Quality Anjave > ts QualityAnce > 910 7 public class Qualityssurance 9 30 11 //testing point object public static boolean(10 boolean answer new boolean(); Polet pl - new Point 2.e, 3.0); Point p = new Point 2., 3.4 ) answer (0) - pi.equals(pai 1, 2HP) pl.sety 3.98756 ): an) - Ipl.equals(p); answe(2) - pl.getX() 2.3456783 answej - pl.getY() - 3.587565 answer [*] -pa.tostrinet).quals(int x 2.345678, y: 3.987563") 17 return answers //testing the circle object public static boolean1 20 boolean answer new boolean(); Point pl Point 2.0, 1.4) Circle a new Circle pl.getX(), pi.getY(), 45.356 ) answer() - d.getLocation().getX() - 2.6; a c.getLocation().getY() - 3.43 ase) - c.getradius) - 45.3563 Shu a new Circle pig(). p.getY(), 55.356 ) answer - I d.equals( 2 ) answer - d.toString().equals("Circle (X1 2.0, y: 3.4; radius 15.356]"); return anter's //testing the rectangle object public static boolean() () 45 IN TOWN 47 49 53 Rum Terminal Help Qualitnej. Vi Studio Code Cirdejava Quality Assurance Java X Point.jave Shape jave TestShapes.jave stubs_) > stubs > Quality Assurancejavo > Quality Assurance > 010 44 public static boolean[() { 45 46 boolean answer = new boolean [6); Point pl - new Point( 2.0, 3.4) 48 Rectangle = new Rectangle( pi.getX(), pi.getY(), 45.356, 28.56 ); answer() - r.getLocation().getX() - 2.0; answer(2) - r.getLocation().getY() - 3.4) 51 answer [2] -ri.getLength() -- 45.356; 52 answer(3) - Mi.getwidth() - 28.56) Share 2 new Rectangle( pi.getX(), pi.getY(), 55.356, 26.57 ) 54 answer [4] - I ri.equals( 12 ) 55 answer [5] - m.tostring().equals("Rectangle [x: 2.e, y: 3.4; length: 45.356, width: 28.563"); 56 57 return answers } 59 60 //testing the shape object 61 public static boolean) 040) 62 boolean ) answer new boolean[7]; 64 Point pl = new Point( 2.0, 3.4 ); 65 Shape ri - new Rectangle pi.getX(), pi.getY(), 45.35, 28.56 ); Share r2 = new Rectangle pi.getX(), pi.getY(), 45.35, 28.56 ) 67 68 answer[@] - I misteftof(ra); 69 answer (1) - I ri.isRightof( 12 ); 70 answer [2] -ri.isAtSamopoints( r2 ) 71 72 pl = new Point(2.5, 5.0); 73 r2 = new Rectangle pi.getX(), pi.getY(), 45.35, 28.56 ) 74 anser[3) - Mi.isLeftof( 2 ) answer(4) - Iri.isRightof( r2 ) 76 answer(5) - ri.isBelow r2 ); 77 answer [6] - r2.isAbove(i); 78 79 return answers 81 82 LA 1 Col 66 Cadea & Curleyesu Rectangle Post Shape bet > Thesje > tseseshapes 1 public class Testshapes 2 1 Run Debug 3 public static void main(string()) Piet pl - new point( 2.0, 3.4 ) Point 2 w Point( 2.0, 3.4) System.out.println("pi.. ) System.out.print2n(p2 pa) System.out.println("pa.equals( 2 ) Ispi.equals a ) ) p2 new Point( 2.5, 1.4) 12 13 Sara-nex Sirslet pl.getX(), pi.gety). 45.356 ): Systes.out.println( a ). Shani - new Rectanglet p.get(), pi.gety), 45.5, 29.56 ) Systes.out.println(i) 15 16 17 10 119 20 System.out.println("pi *.pl): System.out.println("p2 ..): System.out.println("pa.equals(pa) ispi.equals(p2); System.out.println("c.equals() is d.equals()); System.out.println("c.equals( a ) is cl.equals( a ) ); System.out.println("") pl-new Point(2.0, 3.4) Shape 12 new Rectangle pi.getX(), pi.get(), 45.35, 23.56 ) System.out.println("..) System.out.println("r2 -.-2) System.out.println("ri. Isleftof( 12 ) is ri. Isleftof( 12 ): System.out.println("ri.isrightof( 12 ) is ri.iskighof ( 2 ) ): System.out.println("ru. Istomer int(12) is ri.isata Points 12 ) ): pl - new Point(2.5, 5.0); r2 = new Rectale pi.getX(), pl.getY(). 45.35, 23.56 ) Systes.out.println("ri..) System.out.println("2. r2); System.out.println("1. isteftof( 12 ) is. Este tof( 12 ) ) System.out.println("1. Istighof ( 12 ) is nisightof( 2 ) ) Strautnintelisteloosneler K LA 2. Colum. O Rum Terminal Help Te Shaw Code Cinde Qualitykarunan Rectangle Proleter shapejer stu) stubs > Shapes.jave > TestShapes >mainring E Shapes 17 18 19 20 21 22 2) 25 System.out.println(pl. pi ) Systes.out.println("p2 . *p2 ) System.out.println("pa.equals( pa ) ispi.equals( 2 ) ) System.out.println(d.equals( i ) isci.equals()); System.out.println(a.equalscu) is "c.equals( a ) ) System.out.println(" "); pl - new Point(2.0, 3.4); Shape 2 new Rectangle( pl.getX(), p.getY(), 45.35, 28.56 ) System.out.println("1. mi) System.out.println("r2.. r2), System.out.println(" eftof( 12 ) is. Isleftof( 12 ) ) System.out.println("ra.isRightof(r2 ) isisight of 12 ) ) System.out.println(".isAtSamePoints( r2 ) is ri.sAtSamontas(2) 27 20 29 30 plenew Point(2.5, 5.0); 12 - Bectangle pi.getxe), pi.getY(). 45.35, 23.56 ): System.out.println("r.) System.out.println("r2 - - 2) System.out.println("riskeftoft 2) is niseftof( 12 ) ): System.out.println("r1.isrightof r2 ) is nisightof( 12 ) ), System.out.println("ra. Iselov 2 ) is r.stelow 12 ) ) System.out.println("ra.isAbove ri) is bove( ) System.out.println(" "); boolean) test - Grade testos Gradel sb.gradec.ab(test) Cha UTF-ORL o ' N C:\Users\adesino\Documents\UFV\COMP 155\Labs\Lab 5>java TestShapes p1 - Point [x: 2.0, y: 3.4] P2 - Point [x: 2.0, y: 3.4) pi.equals( p2) is true Circle [x: 2.0, y: 3.4; radius: 45.356] Rectangle [x: 2.0, y: 3.4; length: 45.35, width: 28.56] pi - Point (x: 2.0, y: 3.4] p2 - Point (x: 2.5, y: 3.4) pi.equals( p2 ) is false c1.equals( r ) is false c1.equals( c1 ) is true 11 - Rectangle [x: 2.0, y: 3.4; length: 45.35, width: 28.56] r2 - Rectangle [x: 2.0, y: 3.4; length: 45.35, width: 28.56] ri.isLeftof( 2 ) is false ri.isRightof r2) is false r1.isAtSamePointAs( r2 ) is true ri - Rectangle [x: 2.e, y: 3.4; length: 45.35, width: 28.56] r2 - Rectangle [x: 2.5, y: 5.0; length: 45.35, width: 28.56] ri.isLeftof( 2 ) is true r1.isRightOf(r2 ) is false ri.isBelow r2is true r2. isAbove ri ) is true test e passed. test 1 passed. test 2 passed. test 3 passed. All tests are successful. Total points earned in this lab: 90.0

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