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When Laura, a manager in a department store, tells someone to do something and refers to the fact that she is the boss and therefore

  1. When Laura, a manager in a department store, tells someone to do something and refers to the fact that she is the boss and therefore the other person must s asked, she is trying to use __________ power to influence the other person's behaviour.
  2. Personal.Referent.Legitimate.Coercive.Formal.

1 points


  1. Which of the following would NOT be considered a source of personal power for a manager?
  2. The ability to influence because of special expertise.Possession of a charismatic personality.The ability to influence through personal identification.Holding a high-ranking title in the management hierarchy.Having specific knowledge to solve a problem.

1 points


  1. Ralph makes it a point to always offer help in technical areas in which he is skilled and knowledgeable. His subordinates trust his judgment, and form one of the most productive units in the company. What type of power is Ralph exerting?
  2. Legitimate power.Expert power.Coercive power.Referent power.Reward power.

1 points


  1. Which of the following is NOT a core principle that should be practiced by managers who want to meet the challenges of visionary leadership?
  2. Be a team player.Be a pioneer.Be a consistent role model of behaviour.Be enthusiastic and inspire others to share a common vision.Be first with ideas and right in all you do.

1 points


  1. Which is NOT a tip regarding how to empower others?
  2. Provide employees with information and responsibility.Encourage others to take initiative and make decisions.Cren environment of cooperation, trust, and shared ownership of goals.Provide close supervision and tight control.Let others put their ideas and solutions into practice.

1 points


  1. Which of the following statements accurately describe the search for traits that characterize effective leaders?
  2. Certain personal traits do seem to identify successful leadership, although they must always be considered along with situational factors.Research indicates that physical traits such as height, weight, and physique have no relationship to leadership success.Some personal traits, such as drive, self-confidence, creativity, cognitive ability, business knowledge, motivation, flexibility, and honesty and integrity are considered to be important for leadership success.All of the above statements are accurate.None of the above statements are accurate.

1 points


  1. In Fiedler's contingency model, a person's leadership style is described as either __________ or __________.
  2. Task-motivated ___ relationship-motivated.Team manager___ impoverished manager.Delegating___ participatingSelling___ tellingSupportive___ achievement-oriented.

1 points


  1. What are the three variables that determine a leader's situational control according to Fiedler's contingency theory?
  2. Referent power, leadership style, and task structure.Personal power, leadership style, and leader-member relations.Expert power, task structure, and leader-member relations.Position power, task structure, and leader-member relations.Expert power, leadership style, and task structure.

1 points


  1. Suppose that the following features characterize the leadership situation in a specific work team: (a) The skills required in each team member's job, the order in which tasks are to be performed, and the interdependencies among the various jobs are all clearly defined. (b) The supervisor frequently criticizes team members and readily punishes them because he has the power to do so. (c) Because the supervisor is punitive, the team members try to undermine his authority and sabotage his leadership. Which leadership style likely would be most effective in this situation?
  2. Task-oriented.Relationship-oriented.Human relations.Team-oriented.Achievement-oriented.

1 points


  1. Mike is highly capable of performing his job in terms of ability, willingness, and confidence. According to Hersey and Blanchard, which style would work best in this situation?
  2. Telling.Selling.Directing.Delegating.Participating.

1 points


  1. Jonathan is a sales manager who makes sure that he talks to his employees and asks them if they require any assistance with work or personal issues. According to path-goal theory, he is demonstrating which leadership style?
  2. supportivedirectiveachievement-orientedcooperativeselling

1 points


  1. When it comes to performing at work, Jonathan the sales manager makes sure he consults with his employees on different strategies to solve work-rated problems, especially when it comes to complicated/disgruntled customers. According to path-goal theory, he is demonstrating which leadership style?
  2. supportive leadershipparticipative leadershipachievement-orientedcooperative leadershipdirective leadership

1 points


  1. When one of her employees faces a major challenge such as not meeting their targets, sales manager Meghan provides insight on how to deal with the challenge, using wisdom from her twenty years of experience in the sales field. According to path-goal theory, she is demonstrating which leadership style?
  2. supportive leadershipparticipative leadershipachievement-orientedcooperative leadershipdirective leadership

1 points


  1. Which of the following statements about the implications of motivation is incorrect?
  2. Understanding motivation and applying motivational concepts are incidental to exercising effective leadership in inspiring people to work hard.A highly motivated person works hard at a job.An unmotivated person does not work hard at a job.A highly motivated workforce is essential for organizations to consistently achieve high-performance outcomes.A manager who leads through motivation creates conditions under which other people are consistently inspired to work hard.

1 points


  1. Zebor Corporation has a space where employees can meet during breaks and catch up with each other while having a snack or sipping a drink of their choice. The company is taking care of the employees' ________ needs according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory.
  2. physiologicalsafetysocialesteem needsself-actualization

1 points


  1. Agnes works in an office where it is always cold, often causing her to have to complete her work at home, which she doesn't like to do. She's just been told she'll be receiving an award for meeting all of her project deadlines. The award is meant to motivate and make her happy, but it won't eliminate her dissatisfaction with the poor working conditions. This is an example of which motivation theory?
  2. Need for PowerEquity TheoryProcess TheoryTwo-Factor TheoryHygiene Factory Theory

1 points


  1. Sharett has been considered a high achiever in the sales department. Referring to McClelland's three-need theory, which of the following measures would best help to motivate Sharett?
  2. recommending a promotion and a raise if she reaches her sales targetsgiving her the personal responsibility of managing an account on her own.setting goals for hergiving her a managerial position that requires her to help the sales representatives to accomplish their goalsdecreasing her sales quota

1 points


  1. According to the equity model of motivation, which of the following is incorrect?
  2. Perceived inequity occurs whenever a person feels that the rewards received for his/her work efforts are unfair given the rewards others appear to be getting for their work efforts.Perceived equity occurs whenever a person perceives that his/her personal rewards/inputs ratio is equivalent to the rewards/inputs ratio of a comparison other.People who feel underpaid will increase their work efforts in order to increase their compensation.People who feel underpaid experience a sense of anger.People who feel overpaid experience a sense of guilt.

1 points


  1. __________ theory is a verbal method of persuasion often used by doctors to expedite patient recovery or to motivate patients to lose weight.
  2. AchievementGoal settingSelf-efficacyPowerTwo-factor

1 points


  1. Brett manages a production facility that is currently having a hard time keeping up with orders. To get his workers to agree to work on the weekends and delay their vacations so that they can get caught up, he offers them days off in exchange. Which reinforcement strategy was Justin using on his employees?
  2. operant conditioningnegative reinforcementpunishmentextinctionshaping

1 points


  1. A company that requires employees to be at work between 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. but allows them to schedule their remaining work day to fit personal needs is using __________.
  2. The compressed workweek.Job sharing.Flexible working hours.Contingency workers.Telecommuting.

1 points


  1. An organization that is able to employ two persons as one by having one person work mornings and the other person work afternoons on the same job is reaping the benefits of __________.
  2. Job sharing.Autonomous group scheduling.Job rotation.Skill variety.Job specialization.

1 points


  1. Jobs high in the five core job characteristics are considered enriched. Enriched jobs should, but may not necessarily, result in a job outcome of:
  2. High internal work motivationHigh growth satisfactionHigh general job satisfactionHigh work effectivenessAll of the above

1 points


  1. The auto industry has enriched some jobs by allowing a group of workers to build entire sections of a vehicle rather than just a small part, building it from beginning to end and seeing a visible finished product. This is a job core characteristic called:
  2. Skill varietyTask significanceAutonomyTask identityFeedback from the job itself

1 points


  1. Seth has just been informed of his approval for the company's advanced leadership executive training program. It will require him to spend a year rotating from office to office internationally. His responsibilities will change a bit at each office, but he will basically still serve as a quality management analyst. This is an example of _________________________.
  2. job enlargementtask identityjob enrichmentjob rotationjob outcomes

1 points


  1. The advantages of appropriate information technology (IT) utilization include all of the following EXCEPT:
  2. MIS utilization allows for better and timelier access to useful information, as well as for involving more people in the planning process.MIS utilization allows for more ongoing and informed communication among all parts of the organization, helping ensure better coordination and integration.MIS utilization allows for better and more frequent communication with all organization members and key environmental stakeholders.MIS utilization allows for greater reliance on computer and information technology in addressing the challenges faced by an organization.MIS utilization allows for more immediate and complete measurement of performance results, thereby allowing real-time solutions to performance problems.

1 points


  1. Information technology facilitates all of the following except:
  2. Plays a role in customer relationship managementCreates functional barriers between organizationsControls costs in supply chain managementAllows outsourcing and other businessHelps to connect people, teams, and departments

1 points


  1. During the Venezuelan crisis, organizations, countries and the world were made aware of the events occurring, which made it possible for everyone to share. This is due to ____________________,
  2. informationglobalizationcontrolling techniquesstrategic partnersinformation technology

1 points


  1. Full utilization of IT provides advantages to the management process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. By providing more and better communication among all parts and improving coordination and integration, IT addresses _____________advantages.
  2. Planning advantagesOrganizing advantagesLeading advantagesControlling advantagesDisciplining advantages

1 points


  1. Anne manages a cupcake shop and has noticed that the cupcakes are disappearing at a faster rate than the sales reflect. She has also noticed that her newest employee, Valerie, has been disappearing for long breaks. Using her _____________________ thinking, Anne follows Valerie to the parking lot, where she sees her take out three cupcakes from a paper bag and eat them on the spot.
  2. multidimensionalstrategicCognitiveintuitivesensation

1 points


  1. The customer service manager for The Keg is authorized to distribute dry-cleaning vouchers to customers who complain about spilled drinks on their clothes during their dining experience in the restaurant. This is an example of a __________ decision to a(n) __________ problem.
  2. nonprogrammed; routinenonprogrammed; unstructurednonprogrammed; technicalprogrammed; exclusiveprogrammed; structured

1 points


  1. An employee requests that she receive tuition reimbursement for a job-related course that she took at the local community college. This is a good example of a ________________________ problem.
  2. structuredunstructuredtechnicalprogrammednonprogrammed

1 points


  1. When the severe flooding happened in Calgary, the water levels rose so quickly that decisions had to be made based on limited information. When deciding how to deal with the crisis under such circumstances, the Government of Alberta was operating under what type of decision-making condition?
  2. CertaintyRiskUncertaintyHigh certaintyCrisis Management

1 points


  1. The manager at a shoe retail store is trying to estimate how much stock to order for the current spring season based on last spring's outcomes. The manager is operating under what kind of decision-making condition?
  2. reliabilityriskuncertaintycertaintycrisis

1 points


  1. Joseph determines that he needs to purchase new computers for his department and he make a list of seven different computer models for consideration. Which stage of the decision-making process is this?
  2. Generate and evaluate alternative courses of actionIdentify and define the problemEvaluate resultsImplement the decisionDecide on a preferred course of action

1 points


  1. After purchasing new computers for his department, Joseph is now comparing the performance of the new computers to the computers they replaced. Which stage of the decision-making process is he carrying out?
  2. Generate and evaluate alternative courses of actionIdentify and define the problemEvaluate resultsImplement the decisionDecide on a preferred course of action

1 points


  1. Joseph evaluated seven different computer models and decided that the Dell model was the best choice for his company's purposes. After obtaining permission, he ordered the computers from a reputable company. Which stage of the decision-making process is Joseph carrying out in making the order?
  2. Generate and evaluate alternative courses of actionIdentify and define the problemEvaluate resultsImplement the decisionDecide on a preferred course of action

1 points


  1. Which of the following questions does NOT address the ethical criteria for decision making that managers should use?
  2. Does the decision satisfy all constituents or stakeholders?Does the decision respect the rights and duties of everyone?Does the decision fulfill the organization's strategic objectives?Is the decision consistent with the canons of justice?Is the decision consistent with my responsibilities to care?

1 points


  1. After completing an exercise in values, Denise found that she values: lasting friendship, self respect, knowledge, and wisdom. The values are examples of
  2. personality.instrumental values.diversity.moral values.terminal Values.

1 points


  1. Suppose that a professor's main concern in grading term papers is to evaluate all papers and assign grades fairly and objectively in light of the requirements and grading scale contained in the course syllabus. From an ethics perspective, this is an example of the professor adopting which of the following views?
  2. the utilitarian viewthe individualism viewthe collectivism viewthe moral-rights viewthe justice view

1 points


  1. Not taking sexual harassment allegations against top management as seriously as allegations against lower-level supervisors is an example of violating the principle of
  2. distributive justice.moral justice.ethical management.procedural justice.equitable policy.

1 points


  1. Michele, a bank officer, takes the time to fully explain to an applicant why he is being turned down for a loan and does her best to answer all the applicant's questions without being demeaning toward him in any way. Michele is reflecting the ethical concern of ___ in her behaviour.
  2. moral rightsdistributive justiceinteractional justiceutilitarianismindividualism

1 points


  1. Critics charge that ___ is a form of ___, or the attempt to externally impose one's ethical standards on others.
  2. cultural relativism; cultural universalismuniversalism; ethical imperialismcultural relativism; ethical imperialismethical imperialism; cultural relativismethical imperialism; Romanesque law

1 points


  1. Suppose that a manager denies a candidate a promotion or job appointment because of the candidate's race, religion, gender, age, or other criteria that are not relevant to the job. This manager may get caught in an ethical dilemma involving
  2. discrimination.sexual harassment.conflicts of interest.customer confidence.organizational resources.

1 points


  1. Jeff interviewed three candidates for the plant supervisor position. Sanjiv was the best candidate, but he was 5 years away from retirement. Jeff is caught in an ethical dilemma involving
  2. conflict of interest.sexual harassment.discrimination.customer confidence.code of conduct.

1 points


  1. Managers who use official stationery or company email accounts to communicate personal opinions or requests to community organizations are engaging in acts that may be considered to constitute an ethical dilemma regarding
  2. discrimination.sexual harassment.conflicts of interest.customer confidence.organizational resources.

1 points


  1. Joseph is a volunteer fundraiser for a charitable organization. Joseph knows that through his company's email and telephone database he would have access to many potential donors and is debating whether to use them. Joseph is caught in an ethical dilemma involving
  2. customer responsibility.organizational resources.conflict of interest.

1 points


  1. In the checklist for dealing with ethical dilemmas, the text points to one step that is key to testing whether or not a decision may be ethical.
  2. recognize the ethical dilemmaget the factsidentify your optionstest each optionDouble-check with the spotlight questions: "How would I feel if this decision were reported in the local paper?"

1 points


  1. When students on a university campus find cheating so commonplace that it becomes an accepted standard, you are dealing with an ethical issue in which context?
  2. situationalpersonalorganizationalenvironmentalcultural

1 points


  1. The concept of ___ or ___ describes the extent to which a situation is perceived to pose important ethics challenges.
  2. cultural relativism; ethical universalismethics intensity; issue intensityethical imperialism; cultural relativismethics intensity; cultural relativismethics intensity; ethical universalism

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